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You previously imported the definition of a process chain to be able to maintain restart-related properties of the process chain within SAP CPS. These properties are available on the Maintain Object dialog of the SAP system inside SAP CPS.


NameDisplayed NameDescriptionAvailable ValuesDefault Expression
SAP_SYSTEMSSAP SystemThe SAP system housing the process chainList of existing SAP systems
PCHAIN_NAMETechnical Name of SAP BW Process ChainThe technical name of the process chain in the SAP systemFree text
BW_PROCESS_TYPEType of the SAP BW processUsed in combination with PCHAIN_NAME; allows you to select the process type for which you want to change propertiesList of available process types for the previously selected process chain
BW_PROCESS_VARIANTVariant (name) of the SAP BW processUsed in combination with BW_PROCESS_TYPE; allows you to select the process type/variant combination for which you want to change properties
BW_MAX_RESTARTSNumber of automatic restarts on errorAllows you to specify the maximum number of automatic restarts that SAP CPS can perform on the process chainFree text (must be an integer)
BW_RESTART_DELAYDelay needed to restart.Allows you to specify a delay between automatic restarts, to allow you to fix the issueFree text (must be an integer)
BW_RESTART_DELAY_TIME_UNITUnit of the delay (seconds or minutes)Used in combination with BW_RESTART_DELAY; the units of time to use for the delayM(Minutes)M (Minutes)
S (Seconds)
BW_RESTART_UNCHECKEDRestart uncheckedAllows you to override the restart behavior in SAP; Your chain is only repeatable in SAP BW and you are sure you can repair the problem, set this to YesY,NN
BW_ERROR_PROCESS_TYPEType of the SAP BW process to restart on errorAllows you to specify a process type and variant to start when this process chain failsList of available process types for this process chain
BW_ERROR_PROCESS_VARIANTVariant (name) of the SAP BW process to restart on errorUsed in combination with BW_ERROR_PROCESS_TYPE; allows you to choose a variant for the previously selected process type.List of available variantsfor this process type

Using Maintain Objects on the SAP System

A dialog is available to allow you to change the process chain definition. In the SAP systems overview you see a list of all connected SAP systems in the current isolation group. You expand an SAP system to see one or more of the following groups:

  • ABAP Programs - lists all imported ABAP programs
  • Application Server- lists all application servers
  • Process Chains - lists all imported BW/BI process chains
  • Mass Activities- lists all imported IS mass activities
  • Languages - lists all languages

In the context-menu of the SAP system, the Maintain Objects action opens an editor where you can modify process chain definitions.

The process chains are ordered by technical name/description; process chains for which you have imported the definition can be expanded in this overview. The processes of the process chain are listed by Process Type Name/Variant/Process Type; for each you can set the restart behavior.

Process Variant DescriptionThe description of the variant in SAP
Process TypeThe process type as defined in SAP
Process VariantThe technical name of the variant; as defined in SAP
Max Number Of RestartsAllows you to specify the maximum number of automatic restarts that SAP CPS can perform on the process chain
Restart DelayAllows you to specify a delay between automatic restarts, to allow you to fix the issue
Restart Delay UnitsUsed in combination with Restart Delay; the units of time to use for the delay
Restart UncheckedAllows you to override the restart behavior in SAP; Your chain is only repeatable in SAP BW and you are sure you can repair the problem, set this to Yes
On Error Process TypeAllows you to specify a process type and variant to start when this process chain fails
On Error Process VariantUsed in combination with On Error Process Type; allows you to choose a variant for the previously selected process type.

ℹ Note

If you import process chains as job definitions, the startup behavior will be read from the job definition parameters and not from the SAP System.

Process Chain Job Definitions

When you import a process chain as a job definition, you set the restart ability of the process chain in the CHAIN_RESTARTABLE job parameter.

  • N - process chain is not restartable
  • F - failed processes can be restarted; this is equivalent to repairable process chain in SAPGui
  • A - process chain can be fully restarted; this is equivalent to repeatable process chain in SAPGui

Sending Spool Files to Financial Closing Cockpit

You can make all output of the process chain available in Financial Closing Cockpit (FCC) by specifying the parameter SAP_APPSAPI_CHAIN_GET_OUTPUT.

This parameter accepts two values:

  • A - to be set on the parent job definition of the process chain; will force all job output to be available in FCC.
  • M - to be set on the parent job definition and the child job definition of which you want the output.