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Hi Community !I'd like to share a piece of code which might be useful for someone. It is called abap data parser. Its purpose is parsing of TAB-delimited text into an arbitrary flat structure or internal table. Why TAB-delimited? This is the format which is used automatically if you copy (clipboard) something from Excel - this creates some opportunities for good program usability.

So what does it do. Let's say we have this data in a form of string (CRLF as a line delimiter, TAB as a field delimiter):
ALEX     01.01.1990
JOHN     02.02.1995
LARA     03.03.2000

... and a corresponding data type and internal table.
types: begin of my_table_type,
name type char10,
birthdate type datum,
end of my_table_type.

data lt_container type my_table_type.

To parse the string into the container table just add the following code:
lcl_data_parser=>create( lt_container )->parse(
exporting i_data = lv_some_string_with_data
importing e_container = lt_container ).

The class supports some additional features, in particular, "unstrict mode" which allow to skip field of the target structure in text - useful when you need to load just several certain fields of a huge data structure (like standard tables in SAP). Let's consider our data type has additional field, unnecessary in the current context:
types: begin of my_table_type,
name type char10,
city type char40, " << New field, but still just 2 in the text
birthdate type datum,
end of my_table_type.
i_pattern = lt_container
i_amount_format = ' .' " specify thousand and decimal delimiters
i_data = lv_some_string_with_data
i_strict = abap_false " missing city field will not throw an error
i_has_head = abap_true " headers in the first line of the text
e_container = lt_container ).

Another feature: i_has_head parameter above means that the first line contains tech names of the fields - then the parser uses it to identify existing fields and their order (which may be flexible then).

Cases of usage

  • we (our company) use the code for some of our company's products - like this one

  • we use it in the mockup loader - another our openly published tool for unit testing (actually the data parser was a part of mockup loader initially)

  • as a tool for mass uploads for some z-tables of some other our products

The code is free to use under MIT licence. Project home page is

Installation can be done manually - just 1 include to to install - or with abapGit tool (the most convenient way).

I hope you find this useful ! 😃