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Many of you will have read one of jarret.pazahanick’s blog articles on SCN or seen his tweets under the SAP_Jarret handle on Twitter.  I thought it would be interesting to find out who is the man behind the blogs, how he’s used social media to become a significant influencer in the SAP world and where he’s going next.

Where do you live and work?

I have lived in Houston, Texas for the past 10 years but spent many years in Canada when I was younger. I am a dual citizen of the United States and Canada while my wife has an EU and Mexican citizenship so needless to say our kids might end up working for the United Nations when they grow up. :grin:

Outside of working with my great SAP customers and being part of the SAP Mentor and Influencer/Blogger programs I am the managing partner of a small niche HCM consulting company called EIC Experts that I co-founded with my partner Chandan Gopalani in 2006.

Jarret, you seem to spend a lot of time on social media – blogging and tweeting. How do you think this helps your career and business?

I am a strong believer in the benefits that social media can have for SAP professionals and think it played an important role in helping me become an SAP mentor and thought of as in influencer within SAP. I wrote an article in the SAP Mentor Quarterly which  goes into more depth on the topic and have written jarret.pazahanick article.


At the core there is a real delicate balance within the SAP HCM Consulting market and although there will continue to be pockets of strength the combination of the product roadmap being squarely focused on SuccessFactors, continued off-shoring, faster implementations (RDS) and competitive threats such as Workday make it very likely that the On-Premise SAP HCM consulting market is headed for a real slow down.


That said at the end of the day, if you are a consultant that is able to provide value for your customers then it won't matter if you are working with SAP,  SuccessFactors or any other underlying technology as you will be successful.

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