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I am writing this blog somewhat frustrated about the use of  "Like" and "Ratings" of SCN Blog posts. My last three Posts have had just under 2,000 views but only had a total of 7 "Likes" and 4 people have taken the time to post a rating.

I don't think my content is so bad that less than 0.5% of people reading them "Like" them so why these low numbers? I always rate SCN blogs using the Star Rating system and "Like" posts that I find interesting. Maybe the wider SCN Community are not aware of how to rate content or do not see a value in doing so.

Has anyone else noticed similar low figures with their content? For a new blogger or someone just starting out on SCN it could be very discouraging to think that no one appreciates or likes the content you have provided!

Comments welcome

Addition to Blog

An interesting idea from Tom:

"tom.vandoorslaer 16-May-2012 15:20 (in response to Matt Harding)

Maybe a business case to build a mobile app which uses the blog feed and gives on screen options for liking and rating. (with credentials securely stored so you don't have to login all the time)

Anyone willing to create a code-exchange project? I'm willing to contribute."

If anyone is willing to contribute please let us know and we'll run it passed those in charge at SCN!

Addition to Blog:

Please click the link to take part in the Poll on when you rate on SCN: http://scn.sap.com/polls/1343