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Every day we are getting new announcement for changes in SCN, most recent one would be Starting now: No more points for likes on comments/replies. Happy to see all the SCN Evolution.

Couple of days before I read the blogWhat kind of blog posts do we want on SCN? . After that thought of sharing about what kind of discussion we would like to see in SCN. But unfortunately today morning I reviewed the discussion Re: complaint against abap development mod and changed the view that fixing the root would be the best solution. Means train everyone not only about the rules, but also make them aware about the various kinds of violations.

Most of them noticed that one of the significant improvement in SCN which is “Alert Moderator” earlier referred as Report abused. I am hoping that promoting this feature would ultimately help not only my vision SCN Discussions but also entire SCN quality. Hence Through this blog I would like to share my view on new on Alert Moderators and how it makes difference in SCN quality.

Change Your Complaints As Suggestions

Still I have couple of contacts who were more active on Old SCN and never login new SCN. They are just more reluctant to accept the change. Even some of them not happy with the new features added in SCN. For all of them, I could say one thing that, we must need to embrace the change before complaining. I used to get bore for looking and working on same thing, whenever I saw something gets changed or newly added, I would be happy and I can also start from scratch as new beginning, this actually gives more energy and enthusiasm to you and at the end increases your contribution too. We are professionals and we need to train our self towards more positive approach.

After get into trial, If you need any improvement and not happy with already existing feature start posting your suggestion in Idea space. For instance take the same discussion Re: complaint against abap development mod , Nothing was wrong in this discussion, It is our right to get it clarified, when something went wrong. But the way used to express the feelings in the discussion went wrong. Not exactly sounds good. If The same would posted in Idea space would have more value. Is it ?

Even the tag "Alert Moderators" also one of idea suggested from idea space for SCN improvement.  Idea voted by more number of people, benefits get validated and finally implemented. Now it is available for all. This is how SCN works.

Alert Moderator - New categories

You can see the newly added categories inside the Alert moderator,  It is very simple English you can easily interpret and understand what each of the category means. It is very direct. I request all X million users in SCN to review this feature.

Why Alert Moderator

SCN is the open technical forum, anyone interested can create user and start to use SCN. How high our technology can grow, the same level misusing the technology also growing.  Last 6 month I have been extending my support in SCN as moderator. Moderation is not new for me. I am moderator for couple of LinkedIn groups, but the challenge in SCN is different. SCN has more guidelines and very professional technical forum. Since the day of beginning I had seen lots of violations cases. Some of them we can’t even imagine, how low level they done things. As a moderator we need to be more active and keep on assure the quality. Most of the time moderators could see such breach and actions have been taken immediately. But this is not going to help all the way. Because moderators can’t review each and every letter/word posted in SCN. It is you all the SCN users’ duty to report to moderators whenever you notice breach of SCN rules. This way we can make everyone including the reporter also to realize that what are violations in SCN. Hope Everyone loves these kind of the considerate member.

Alert Moderator feature is direct gateway for everyone to contact the moderators. You can use this feature anytime on SCN rules violation. This is implicit way of moderation by you all; After all it is all our responsibility to keep our SCN under perfect quality.

And other way when we are reporting, we are getting familiar with of all such violations; we were become more attentive of not making mistakes. Soon or later everyone become more perfect and more professional in SCN.

Failed To search

Out of all categories in Alert moderator, I like the one “Failed to Search”.  This is applicable for the people who take the things as granted.

SCN is very fortunate that has very talented and dedicated active contributors in all the forums. They are very sincere to answer the interesting questions passionately. But taking this as advantage some of them ask very basic queries or the generic queries might be answered more than n times in SCN itself. For instance, check the below

Simple search can give you the needed guide. Is it? This discussion is rejected under the category of failed to search. You may say that I am new hence I

We active contributors are happy to help in all the way, but why don’t we expect some basic effort from reporter side too. I request all the active contributors; please don’t entertain with these kinds of discussions.

Even I would like to post an idea of creating mission in SCN to promote the habit of search before post in SCN.

Just Use it

Like the above I mentioned, you can get clarified yourself with all the other categories, use it whenever needed and help the SCN moderation team. If you have seen any other scenarios, would like to add it also under the category of alert moderator, share it down below as comments, we will collect these suggestions and try to place on Idea space for further optimization of Alert moderator.

After all By educating our self of what not do ultimately helps to do only right things, this is the another motive for myself to write this blog and bring this new feature into everyone’s attention.