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oxananoa.zubarevjoined the SCN Digital Experience Team 2 years ago when it was still known as the Collaboration Team and since then has been a wonderful addition! Oxana has a true thirst for knowledge, and very much wants to help the community grow which is why she suits as the Idea Place manager for the SCN Innovations and Enhancements. She is also someone who is “on the move”, please join me Behind the Scenes with Oxana to learn why and more about her.

Any personal details you'd be willing to share, like location, hobbies, etc.: Since an early age I've been on the move. I was born in Uzbekistan, Tashkent, and in 2000 moved to Israel with my family, thus starting my ongoing adventures in different countries and locations. As of today I’ve lived in four cities in Israel. My best experience by far is Jerusalem. For those who haven't been in this city yet, I strongly encourage you to visit. This place is magical and you will not regret it. It combines diverse cultures and different religions, together creating a unique experience for both visitors and these who live there. As a student, I spent 4 years living in this city and besides being a great historical and cultural asset there is a lot of fun you would think to find only in big modern cities. The best parties in Jerusalem are surprisingly at the Mahane Yehuda city market. During the day this place is crowded with people selling and buying fresh fruits, vegetables, spices and many more. During the night, bars open their doors and a bustling market becomes one big noisy party.

(Source: Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahane_Yehuda_Market)

In continuation of my “on the move" status, over the last couple years I also run long distance races. In this picture I may look happy, but I'm absolutely exhausted after finishing my first official 10 km run in less than an hour (huge personal achievement).   

Details regarding your role: I started to work at SAP in 2012 in a capacity of community coordinator in the Collaboration team. We are now in 2014 and during these years I learned how great this community is. Researchers suggest that strong communities, among other factors, are based on personal ties formed between its components. Meaningful relationships being established here are based on mutual support and understanding, which make people stay. There is a great joy in being part of the team that contributes to community growth and engagement.

Gali: Oxana is a big part of the mutual support and strong community ties, especially in her work with our SCN Moderators! 

Please share an interesting project or experience you've worked on: Teched Asmterdam 2013 was a great experience for me as I could meet SCN members face to face. I hope SCN’ers will continue to meet each other in person at future SAP events and discuss a blog or two over a cup of coffee.

What is your favorite SCN badge and why? My favorite SCN badge is the Ready (Set Go!) badge. If you are still reading this blog and have no idea what I'm talking about go to your missions and find it there. You will not regret ;). This mission encourages members to add a profile picture and an avatar to their profile. I believe that humanizing your profile by adding your picture creates a trustful atmosphere and helps branding yourself in an online community.

Please help us grow from your personal experience;  share one tip/resource/guide/experience that you recommend after finding it helpful from personal experience I hope that SCN members would find useful the following tips:

1) If for some reason your content or an alert you submitted was rejected, you should get two notifications. You will receive an email with a general statement that will notify you upon rejection. You will also get an onsite notification that should contain a personal note from the moderator who took the action. In order to find it go to your Actions-> Notifications, the reason should be there.

2) If the reason for the rejection was not added - stay calm. You can always reach out to sapnetwork@sap.com and we'll help you find the missing puzzle. It is important to remember that content on SCN is moderated for the benefit of this community. Once you know the reason for the rejection, learn from it and make sure to continue posting good quality content!


Personal philosophy or motto: There is a Russian proverb that says: "Live for a hundred years, learn for a hundred years".

The next four questions are taken from the Actor Studio interview questions:

What is your favorite word: Diversity

Least favorite word:  Propaganda

What sound do you love: Distant crowd noise

What profession other than yours would you love to attempt: Epidemic research

What is your favorite book, or share the last book you read? Actually as a native Russian speaker, I have to shamefully admit that I read Dostoyevsky's "Crime and Punishment" for the first time a year ago. It was the most overwhelming reading experience I had ever had in my life. I suggest reading it and re-reading it years after. Books we read are understood differently as we age.

Oxana has spent some time lately in NY, I asked her if she could share a recommendation; 1 for NY and 1 for Israel: Recently I read an article on the characteristics of ideas/products/services becoming viral. The article started with a description of a secret bar in NYC, which gained its popularity through a unique technique – being secretive. The place itself is called "Please Don't Tell". It doesn't use any advertisements and it doesn’t have a sign at the entrance. Actually the only way to get in is to go inside a small restaurant. There you will find an old-fashioned phone booth and need to press the buzzer. If you are lucky you will be answered, the door will open and you will get in to have a drink or two. My friends and I tried, but we were asked to wait an hour to get in. Unfortunately we didn't have the time to wait  , but I'm definitely going back! Next time you are in NYC, you should try it out, but please don't tell anyone ;).

If you happen to be in Israel you should definitely explore Tel Aviv beaches, great food and get to know wonderful people here. Make sure to visit Florentin, ranked second best hipster neighborhood in the world according to thrillist.com. This neighborhood has it all: café-bar-restaurants, welcoming people and a close proximity to the beach.

Oxana truly follows her personal motto and is a quick study who is very committed to constantly learning and improving the community. Read on to hear the great things her teammates had to share:

• “Oxana understands our community and platform, she is dedicated to her job, and her contribution is one of the main reasons this community is amazing as it is. She is fun to work with and is always willing to help - we are lucky to have her on our team!”

• “Oxana is not only a diligent, thoughtful, and reliable business partner, but someone with a genuine and charismatic personality who adds so much to the SCN team.”

• “Oxana is a pleasure to work and collaborate with.  She's focused, dedicated and organized with anything she's working on. A real go-getter.”

• “Oxana amazed me from the start with her very quick ability to learn and absorb the workings of the community, and then jump in and start providing assistance. She is always eager to provide the best service she can to support members, and she has brought numerous ideas for improvements to the SCN team. It’s a pleasure to work with her.”

• “Oxana is an excellent performer. Not only does she exceed expectations in her assigned tasks, she actively volunteers to take on more work that challenges her and supports our business needs. She has excellent rapport with our community members and has built a trusted relationship during her time at SAP.”

• “Oxana is a real pleasure to work with. Always offers help, valuable insight and diligent support to her collogues, community member and especially the SCN moderators.”

To learn even more be sure to read her Blog It Forward and follow Oxana on Twitter: @OxanaNoa

In addition, I invite you to go ‘Behind the Scenes’ with additional SCN Team members.