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My second discussion got rejected in SCN. Felt bad but I thought it get rejected from the time I raised the discussion but never thought its a meaningless question. It was/is/will be meaningless question (as per Moderator/ Now I too agree)… :smile: …!!!

This might happen with most of us (574 threads almost has the same topic). I knew what most of us all do. We ask our seniors and when we get no answer we google it and will get threads of SCN as first reference answers to our doubts.

We visit the SCN with a complete hope that a thread with question will definitely have the answer.

SCN addresses our doubts (which are already put forward by someone else) in two different ways.


We feel happy when we get a thread with Green color word ANSWERED… Happy endings…


I know how it felt when we get this Red color words in SCN. We work on the solutions given by the experts. One or other of the solutions given addresses our doubts (Its worked for me at least) but are red in color because they are not closed by the one who raised it.

Coming to the points where we do not get answers. How to address them?

Lets do this exercise…!!!

1. Is your question carries any meaning? (No hard feelings. We all are consultants and we always ask meaningful questions but lets think it again and ask ourselves do we ask the meaningful questions)

Yes (Go ahead). No (stop thinking of it as it carries no meaning of meaningless question).

2. Do you search it correctly in SCN? (There are N-number of answered discussions of our doubts. Lets take the pain to search it correctly before asking SCN).

3. Still got no solution. OK. Go ahead and ask the question. But prior to post a discussion, check whether you are following The SCN Rules of Engagement? (which I neglected while posting my second discussion. Got a beamer / bouncer from moderator – Rejected as it’s a meaningless question).

If yes is the answer for the third question, then definitely you will get the answer. 

***There are so many blogs explaining the same but thought I should share my experience in SCN too***

Keep learning and keep growing in SCN…!!!