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I know what you’re thinking.

Does SAP really need another blog site?

Yes we do. And this isn’t just another blog site. Let me explain.

Over the past two years, I’ve been helping SAP employees and execs find their blogging voice. It’s not an easy process, or a pretty one. And that’s not such a bad thing.

See, I’m not a big fan of ghost writing, writing by committee, or cutting and pasting a press release and passing it off as a blog. So when I provide counsel, well, let’s just say the ride sometimes gets a little bit bumpy. But once those bumps are smoothed out, and people find their voice, amazing things happen. Page views increase, profiles are raised, meetings happen and yes, even sales cycles occur.

That’s why I still believe content is king. Treat the content creation process with the respect it deserves and more often than not, good things will happen. The SAP Community Network also believes in this process and will help create good things for SAP’s business storytellers, the premise of SAP Business Trends.

You’ll see the usual suspects covered here like cloud, big data and mobile. You might also see content that offers different perspectives on recent SAP announcements. Or a behind-the-scenes story that provides insight on how we’re humanizing the SAP brand. What’s important to remember is the glue holding it all together: the potential business benefits of SAP’s products, strategies and solutions. We’ll get the party started on our end but this is an open space and that means BYOC (Bring Your Own Content). Can’t wait to see who shows up.

So why make the SAP Community Network ground zero for folks with an SAP-flavored business story to tell?  Three things:

The Platform rocks. Why re-create, re-brand, re-launch a “new” blog site that would end up competing with one of SAP’s most respected and social media savvy online channels?

The People are passionate and plugged in. SAP Business Trends will benefit from and hopefully complement technical content and discussions across the myriad other SAP Community Network spaces.

The Possibilities are endless. The last thing I want to happen is call my boss into an emergency meeting and say, “We’re gonna need a bigger blog.” As a complementary space to an established community or a standalone entity that resides firmly under the mighty SAP name, there’s plenty of room for Business Trends growth on the SAP Community Network.

Thanks for stopping by. I look forward to hearing your feedback, reading your content and answering any questions as we build out the space.

- Tim
