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Though SAP is good , great ERP Tools & much hyped & marketed, there are few facts of SAP Certification. Do not opt for certification & spend money on getting training & a certificate as it does not differentiate you in market. ( How can it when there are lacs of people available in market with certificate & without job - think twice ) go for self study & do market research on knowing how to enter in the SAP field. There are lots & lots of ways you can enter in this field without spending lacs of rupees. This field is no wonder from any other field its only talked & marketed to feel that do SAP certification & sky is the limit ( well you never even take off ) SAP field is only for experienced people & not for freshers since 2010.. as its highly saturated & time & market has drastically changed. Today no employer is interested to hire you, train you & invest on you just coz your certified. all market need is exp person who can solve their tickets from 1st day & give 100% returns on salaries paid to the employee. for Exp people also it starts from 3 Lacs with Big companies. Market knows there are plenty & plenty of people in the market who need job in SAP & market is taking advantage of same situation by paying less than certification fee with hands on exp or some exp with jugaad.  Yes there many facts about SAP which cannot be talked all in this Blog. Tip - if your are an exp professional in your domain of 5-8 years & draws handsome salary just rub of the thought of SAP certification from your mind completely.      do some course which will enhance your domain promotions to excel in same domain.