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In my last blog,, I introduced a great new feature in C4C which allows you to create your own custom data source, all without the use of the SDK. SAP calls this the Cloud Data Source (CDS), with which you can design your reports to match the custom needs of your users.

Here in a two-part blog, I want to cover a second method of getting data into and updated to your cloud data source.

This is the first part - where I will cover the basics of setting up the integration to the CDS:

a.  Creating the Analytics communication System

b.  Creating the Analytics communication arrangement

c.   Exporting the WSDL and using it in soapUI.

C4C uses the concept of a "communication contract" (my words) where you define what external system and specific API calls is allowed.   Anything outside of this "contract" is just ignored.

Requirements - your login should have Administrator WoC access.  You should also be in Silverlight mode to execute these steps.

A.  Creating the Analytics Communication System

Here we identify what external system will be using the API.

  1. In the C4C system, select Administrator -> Communication Systems

2.     Click on New Button to create a New Communication System.  You will then see a screen like below:

     For the ID, enter the system name -- it's free text with no spaces.

     For the hostname, you can create the hostname of your company.  It's not used for anything, but it should not be empty.

     For System Access, select Internet.

     Then add some contact information, so other admins know how to reach you.

3.  Click the Save button

     It will automatically add a new line in the System Instances (bottom section).

    Be sure to do one more thing:   select 5-Web Service for the Preferred Application Protocol.

4. We can then select Actions->Set to Active

5.  Click on Save and Close button.    With this Communication System created, we can proceed to next section.

B.  Creating the Analytics Communication Arrangement

1. In the C4C system, select Administrator -> Communication Systems

2. Click New

3. Select Analytics Data Upload

4. Select the Communication System you created in Section A above.  Then click Next.

5. Enter the values as show in the screen below:

6.  Be sure to note the User ID for the webservice login.  

     You can click Edit Credentials button to set the password to be used in the webservice.

7.Click on Check Completeness to let the system do a validation.   Then click Finish button.

8.   To get the WSDL, go back to view the Communication Arrangement you just created.

     Be sure to name it properly in the file name.  That way, you know the source tenant and even the date the WSDL was exported.

So the setup work is all done!

In Part 2, I will share how to use the WSDL and create XML to load some sample data in the Cloud Data Source.