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In the previous blog we described how to set up an ODBC Connection with the HCP Trial.

In the second part we will see how to use Node.js

First we have to download and install node.js from here and follow the instructions as described here.

When everything has been set up, you will need to open a cmd window inside the folder where you will run the following node.js script.

(Note: the paths/variables/file names are changed for privacy reasons)

In the previous blog we described how to set up an ODBC Connection with the HCP Trial.

In the second part we will see how to use Node.js

First we have to download and install node.js from here and follow the instructions as described here.

When everything has been set up, you will need to open a cmd window inside the folder where you will run the following node.js script.

But what does this code do?

It looks inside a specific folder and searches for xlsx files, in order to upload all of them into HCP.

Another parameter that has to be mentioned is that it looks for sheets inside those xlsx files that were found.

(Note: the paths/variables/file names are changed for privacy reasons)

var XLSX = require('xlsx');

var fs = require('fs');

var hdb = require('hdb');

var csv = require('fast-csv');

var path = require('path');

var array_of_files = [];

var workbook = XLSX.readFile('C:/Users/cuser/Desktop/data/new/m3.xlsx');

var sheet_name_list = workbook.SheetNames;

  1. console.log("sheets are: ",sheet_name_list.length);

var hdbclient = hdb.createClient({

                host: 'localhost',

                port: 30115,

                user: 'DEV_',

                password: 'xxxxx'


  1. hdbclient.on('error',function(error){

                return console.errro(error);


  1. hdbclient.connect(function(error){


                                return console.error(error);




var sql = 'DELETE FROM "NEO_ "."EX"';

                hdbclient.exec(sql, function(error, affectedRows){


                                                return console.log(error);


                                //console.log('Rows deleted: ' + affectedRows);


var counter = 0;

var array_of_values=[[]];

var i = 0;

var j = 0;

function upload_data(){

                var man_path = 'C:/Users/cuser/Desktop/data/new/';


                fs.realpath(man_path, function(err, path) {

                                                if (err) {




                                                console.log('Path is : ' + path);



                                fs.readdir(man_path, function(err, files)


                                                if (err) return;

                                                files.forEach(function(f) {

                                                                //console.log('Files: ' + f);

                                                                //console.log('the file is, '+f);

                                                                var arr = f.split(".");

                                                                //console.log('the array 0 = '+ arr[0]);
//console.log('the array 1 = '+ arr[1]);


                                                                if (arr[1] == "xlsx")


                                                                                console.log('xsls files found ! ! ! ');





                                                console.log("array of files has: ",array_of_files);


                                                for(var i = 0; i < array_of_files.length;i++) //                                        {

                                                                var workbookname = man_path+array_of_files[i];

                                                                var workbook2 = XLSX.readFile(workbookname);

                                                                console.log("workbook name is: ", workbookname);

                                                                var sheet_name_list = workbook2.SheetNames;

                                                                console.log("sheet_name_list  is: ", sheet_name_list);




                                                                                var worksheet = workbook2.Sheets[y];

                                                                                var headers = {};

                                                                                var data = [];


                                                                                for(z in worksheet)


                                                                                                if(z[0] === '!') continue;

                                                                                                //parse out the column, row, and value


                                                                                                var col = z.substring(0,1);

                                                                                                var row = parseInt(z.substring(1));

                                                                                                if (col == 'F' || col == 'G')


                                                                                                                var value = worksheet[z].w;




                                                                                                                var value = worksheet[z].v;



                                                                                                //store header names

                                                                                                if(row == 1)


                                                                                                                headers[col] = value;




                                                                                                if(!data[row]) data[row]={};

                                                                                                data[row][headers[col]] = value;

                                                                                                fs.appendFile('mess.txt', value+"\r\n", function (err) {






                                                                                var for_counter= 0;


                                                                                for (var t in data)


                                                                                                console.log("counter_for is: ", for_counter);



                                                                                                var sql = 'INSERT INTO "NEO_ "."EX" VALUES (';

                                                                                                for (var h in data[t])




                                                                                                                if (counter != 😎


                                                                                                                                sql = sql +"'"+data[t][h]+"',";





                                                                                                                                sql = sql +"'"+data[t][h]+"'";

                                                                                                                                counter = 0;




                                                                                                sql = sql+")";



                                                                                                hdbclient.exec(sql,function(error, affectedRows)




                                                                                                                                return console.error(error);


                                                                                                                console.log('Rows inserted: ' + affectedRows);





                                                                                console.log('Upload finished');


                                                                }); // for each sheet name



                                                } // for every file in folder


                                }); // fs read dir






In order to execute your script you have to type inside the folder you are:

Node the_name_of_script.js

When the uploading is finished you should be able to see all data inside your HCP table.

Please comment if you have any questions,

