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In this blog I want to share my experience about how to create a custom #SAPUI5 control extending sap.ui.core.HTML standard control.

My goal is to create a new control to display an 'Excel-like data grid' where the user can edit/merge/change/delete rows and cells with an "Excel-like" look & feel.

Thanks to this tweet Twitter / alavazzi: jQuery plugin Handsontable, ... by alessandro.lavazzi   I discovered some days ago an awesome jQuery plugin called Handsontable ( : but how can I use it in my #SAPUI5 application? How can I use it as a control inside a SAPUI5 view?

How can I bind the data model using the SAPUI5 binding mechanism?

Exploring the official documentation ( ), we know It is possible to extend existing Controls and to create completely new Controls: so I decided to create my ExcelGrid custom control extending the sap.ui.core.HTML control


        properties :
            "content": {type : "string", defaultValue : "<div></div>"},
            "preferDOM": {type : "boolean", defaultValue : false}
    init: function(){
                  var constructorOptions = this.getOptions();
             = this.getData();
    getInstance: function(){
        return this.$().handsontable('getInstance');
    renderer: "sap.ui.core.HTMLRenderer"

Properties Definition

The first step is the properties definition for the new control, the documentation tell us :

  • a property is defined by at least its name and its type
  • setter and getter methods are created behind the scenes , including data binding and type validation (this is very important , we'll be able to bind values of properties using #SAPUI5 binding concepts)

I defined 2 properties of type [object]: 'options' and 'data' .

The handsontable constructor options has a lot of properties ( , I don't want to manually define all properties so we'll use the generic "options" object to set the properties.

In "options" object I can set  width , height , headers , contextMenu (used to create new rows/columns) and so on.

The "data" property is very important because we'll bind the property to the model to display our array of arrays to the Excel Grid


from the official doc:

"You can add any method to a new Control by providing the implementation, without adding it to the metadata. By convention, all methods are public"

"There are some method names you may use but which have a special meaning:

  • on...: Methods starting with "on" are event handlers that are automatically bound to browser events

  • init: Is the name of the initialization function called right after Control instantiation

  • renderer: Is a special name that holds either

    • the function that creates the Control's HTML or

    • a complete structure that contains this function and more"

I redefine the "init" method because I need to handling the "afterRendering" event : here the effective grid rendering is done , I have the jquery instance of my empty rendered div ("<div></div>" as default value of the "content " property ) and executing  "handsontable" method the div is filled with the magic provided by the jQuery plugin.  You may have noticed I used the get Methods to retrieve  my "options" and "data" control properties  , I didn't implement them because as we said setter and getter methods are created behind the scenes.

(Note: I tried to implement the onAfterRendering Method instead of attachAfterRendering in "init" method but with no luck..)

The getInstance method is an helper method , it returns the jquery instance of the grid : we'll be useful to call specific plugin methods.

The Renderer method: from the offical doc

This method is responsible for creating the HTML structure that makes up the Control

I want to use the sap.ui.core.HTML standard renderer so my renderer is "sap.ui.core.HTMLRenderer".

Controller - main.controller.js

sap.ui.controller("excelgrid.main", {
* Called when a controller is instantiated and its View controls (if available) are already created.
* Can be used to modify the View before it is displayed, to bind event handlers and do other one-time initialization.
* @memberOf excelgrid.main
    onInit: function() {
         var data = {"data":[["HANA", "HCP", "SAPUI5", "ABAP", "Mobile", "OData"],
                             ["SQL Views", "JDBC", "open source!", "Gateway", "SMP", "REST"],
                             ["Attributes Views", "Document Service", "sap.m", "Bsp", "Phonegap", "Entity"],
                             ["Analytic Views", "CMIS", "FIORI", "", "Afaria", "$filter"],
                             ["Calculation Views", "XS", "MVC", "", "Html5", "$skip"]]};
         var oModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel();
        // set the data for the model
        // set the model to the core
        //Control-Specific Model
        //var oExcel = sap.ui.getCore().byId("excelgrid");

I create a JSON model with dummy values and set the model for the current view.

View - main.view.js

sap.ui.jsview("excelgrid.main", {
    /** Specifies the Controller belonging to this View.
    * In the case that it is not implemented, or that "null" is returned, this View does not have a Controller.
    * @memberOf excelgrid.main
    getControllerName : function() {
        return "excelgrid.main";
    /** Is initially called once after the Controller has been instantiated. It is the place where the UI is constructed.
    * Since the Controller is given to this method, its event handlers can be attached right away.
    * @memberOf excelgrid.main
    createContent : function(oController) {
        //create my Excel Grid control
        var oExcelGrid = new ExcelGrid("grid", {
            data : "{/data}",  //binding the model
            options: {minSpareRows: 1,colHeaders: true,contextMenu: true,manualColumnResize:true}
        //create the ApplicationHeader control
        var oAppHeader = new sap.ui.commons.ApplicationHeader("appHeader");
        //configure the branding area
        oAppHeader.setLogoText("SAPUI5 'Excel-like data grid' Control ");
        //configure the welcome area
        //configure the log off area
        var oLayout = new sap.ui.commons.layout.MatrixLayout({
            id : "matrix1",
            layoutFixed : false,
            width: "100%"
        var oButtonModel = new sap.ui.commons.Button({
            text : "alert( oExcelGrid.getModel().getJSON())",
            tooltip : "Alert grid model",
            press : function() {alert( oExcelGrid.getModel().getJSON());}
        var oButtonMethod = new sap.ui.commons.Button({
            text : "Call method countRows()",
            tooltip : "Test Call Method",
            press : function() {alert( oExcelGrid.getInstance().countRows() );}
        return oLayout;

With  var oExcelGrid = new ExcelGrid I create my custom instance control defining the data binding for my model view and some properties to define the look and feel of the grid (options property).

Check the official documentation of the plugin to discovery all the options  Options · warpech/jquery-handsontable Wiki · GitHub

The "oButtonModel" writes the model using the javascript alert and the oButtonMethod writes the result of the method "countRows".

To call the method we use the getInstance() method of the ExcelGrid control , it returns the handsontable instance that we can use it to call the countRows() ; check all the available methods here! Methods · warpech/jquery-handsontable Wiki · GitHub

and finally....the index.html

        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
        <script src=""
        <!-- add sap.ui.table,sap.ui.ux3 and/or other libraries to 'data-sap-ui-libs' if required -->
       <script src=""></script>
        <script src="js/excelgrid.js"></script>
        <link href="" media="screen" rel="stylesheet">
                var view = sap.ui.view({id:"idmain1", viewName:"excelgrid.main", type:sap.ui.core.mvc.ViewType.JS});
    <body class="sapUiBody" role="application">
        <div id="content"></div>

Now we are ready to execute the web application!

We can edit a cell

and writes the Model

Insert a new row using the contextual menu

and call a method to check the count

If you want to try it how it works I uploaded the project here!

In the next blog I'll try to describe how to handle grid events

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