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This is the continuation of the blog started here!

This blog has been split in 3 parts:

How to create Smart Templates annotations within CDS views - part 1Development tool installation and DDL Source creation
How to create Smart Templates annotations within CDS views - part 2Service registration and Smart Template creation in the NW Gateway and consumed by Smart Templates
This partEnhancing the annotation

Step 6 - Enhancing the annotation

In this last part of the blog we are going to see how to enrich and improve the CDS view with more annotation terms in order to complete our sample application.

If you have followed the two previous parts you should have come now to a point where the application starts, but it doesn't show anything  yet.

The first useful thing that we want to add to our CDS view is the UI.LineItem annotation term to show a list of all the products when the application starts. This can be done by specifying in the CDS view, before each field we want to see in the grid, the position where we want to see it and its importance.

1 - Open first SAP Web IDE and open the existing annotation file with the AM. In this way we can check step by step how the annotation changes

2 - Open Eclipse

3 - Open the CDS view Z_SAMPLE_DEMO_PRODUCTS and change the code to be the following

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'Z_VW_PRODUCTS'

@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true

@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK

@EndUserText.label: 'Products'

@OData.publish: true


    typeName: 'Product',

    typeNamePlural: 'Products',

    imageUrl: {value: 'PictureUrl'},

    title: {value: 'Name'},

    description: {value: 'Description'}


define view Z_Sample_Demo_Products

  as select from sepm_iproduct as Products

  association [1..*] to Z_Sample_Demo_Soli as _SOItems  on  $projection.productuuid = _SOItems.ProductID

  association [1..1] to sepm_iproductt    as _ProductT on  $projection.productuuid = _ProductT.productuuid

                                                        and _ProductT.language      = 'E'

  association [1..1] to sepm_ibupa        as _Supplier on  $projection.supplieruuid = _Supplier.businesspartneruuid


  key Products.productuuid,

      @UI: {

        lineItem: {position: 10, importance: #HIGH}


      Products.product                                                      as ProductID,

      Products.producttype                                                  as TypeCode,

      @UI: {

        lineItem: {position: 30, importance: #HIGH}


      Products.productcategory                                              as Category,

      @UI: {

        lineItem: {position: 20, importance: #HIGH, label: 'Product Name'}


      _ProductT.productname                                                  as Name,

      'EN'                                                                  as NameLanguage,

      @UI: {

        lineItem: {position: 40, importance: #HIGH, label: 'Prod.Descrip.'}


      _ProductT.productdescription                                          as Description,

      'EN'                                                                  as DescriptionLanguage,

      _Supplier.businesspartner                                              as SupplierID,

      _Supplier.companyname                                                  as SupplierName,

      Products.productvalueaddedtax                                          as TaxTarifCode,

      Products.productbaseunit                                              as MeasureUnit,

      Products.weight                                                        as WeightMeasure,

      Products.weightunit                                                    as WeightUnit,

      Products.currency                                                      as CurrencyCode,

      @UI: {

        lineItem: {position: 50, importance: #HIGH}


      Products.price                                                        as Price,

      Products.width                                                        as Width,

      Products.depth                                                        as Depth,

      Products.height                                                        as Height,

      Products.dimensionunit                                                as DimUnit,

      Products.creationdatetime                                              as CreatedAt,

      Products.lastchangeddatetime                                          as ChangedAt,

      concat(concat('/webapp/images/',Products.product),'.jpg')              as PictureUrl,




3 - Save and activate

4 - If you refresh the annotation file in SAP Web IDE you should see that a new UI.LineItem annotation term has been added to it in disabled mode, because it's coming directly from the server

5 - Let's add now some selection fields: we want to use them to filter records in the application. The annotation term we need to add is UI.SelectionField and since we want to filter by  ProductID and Category, we need to add it just before these two fields in the view, like the following

6 - Save and activate. Refreshing the annotation, now you should see this

7 - We can make this view a little bit more complex by adding the UI.Identification term. This can be done at the same way we did for the the UI.LineItem. The view becomes:

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'Z_VW_PRODUCTS'

@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true

@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK

@EndUserText.label: 'Products'

@OData.publish: true


    typeName: 'Product',

    typeNamePlural: 'Products',

    imageUrl: {value: 'PictureUrl'},

    title: {value: 'Name'},

    description: {value: 'Description'}


define view Z_Sample_Demo_Products

  as select from sepm_iproduct as Products

  association [1..*] to Z_Sample_Demo_Soli as _SOItems  on  $projection.productuuid = _SOItems.ProductID

  association [1..1] to sepm_iproductt    as _ProductT on  $projection.productuuid = _ProductT.productuuid

                                                        and _ProductT.language      = 'E'

  association [1..1] to sepm_ibupa        as _Supplier on  $projection.supplieruuid = _Supplier.businesspartneruuid


  key Products.productuuid,

      @UI: {

        identification: {position: 10, importance: #HIGH},

        lineItem: {position: 10, importance: #HIGH},

        selectionField: {position: 10}


      Products.product                                                      as ProductID,

      @UI: {

        identification: {position: 40, importance: #HIGH}


      Products.producttype                                                  as TypeCode,

      @UI: {

        identification: {position: 30, importance: #HIGH},

        lineItem: {position: 30, importance: #HIGH},

        selectionField: {position: 20}


      Products.productcategory                                              as Category,

      @UI: {

        identification: {position: 20, importance: #HIGH, label: 'Product Name'},

        lineItem: {position: 20, importance: #HIGH, label: 'Product Name'}


      _ProductT.productname                                                  as Name,

      'EN'                                                                  as NameLanguage,

      @UI: {

        identification: {position: 50, importance: #HIGH, label: 'Prod.Descrip.'},

        lineItem: {position: 40, importance: #HIGH, label: 'Prod.Descrip.'}


      _ProductT.productdescription                                          as Description,

      'EN'                                                                  as DescriptionLanguage,

      _Supplier.businesspartner                                              as SupplierID,

      _Supplier.companyname                                                  as SupplierName,

      Products.productvalueaddedtax                                          as TaxTarifCode,

      Products.productbaseunit                                              as MeasureUnit,

      Products.weight                                                        as WeightMeasure,

      Products.weightunit                                                    as WeightUnit,

      Products.currency                                                      as CurrencyCode,

      @UI: {

        identification: {position: 60, importance: #HIGH},

        lineItem: {position: 50, importance: #HIGH}


      Products.price                                                        as Price,

      Products.width                                                        as Width,

      Products.depth                                                        as Depth,

      Products.height                                                        as Height,

      Products.dimensionunit                                                as DimUnit,

      Products.creationdatetime                                              as CreatedAt,

      Products.lastchangeddatetime                                          as ChangedAt,

      concat(concat('/webapp/images/',Products.product),'.jpg')              as PictureUrl,




8 - Save and activate. The annotation in the AM should show now this new UI.Identification term

9 - We can do the same for the UI.StatusInfo to show the creation and the change dates at the end of the view


      Products.dimensionunit                                                as DimUnit,

      @UI: {

        statusInfo: {position: 10, importance: #MEDIUM}


      Products.creationdatetime                                              as CreatedAt,

      @UI: {

        statusInfo: {position: 20, importance: #MEDIUM}


      Products.lastchangeddatetime                                          as ChangedAt,

      concat(concat('/webapp/images/',Products.product),'.jpg')              as PictureUrl,




10 - Save and activate. The UI.StatusInfo has been successfully added:

11 - Let's add a couple of UI.DataPoint terms in order to show the Price and the Tax Code


      _Supplier.businesspartner                                              as SupplierID,

      _Supplier.companyname                                                  as SupplierName,

      @UI: {

        dataPoint: { title: 'TaxCode' }


      Products.productvalueaddedtax                                          as TaxTarifCode,

      Products.productbaseunit                                              as MeasureUnit,

      Products.weight                                                        as WeightMeasure,

      Products.weightunit                                                    as WeightUnit,

      Products.currency                                                      as CurrencyCode,

      @UI: {

        identification: {position: 60, importance: #HIGH},

        lineItem: {position: 50, importance: #HIGH},

        dataPoint: { title: 'Price' }


      Products.price                                                        as Price,


12 - Save and activate. Here it's the new annotation file

13 - Some UI.FieldGroup terms will help us to show Technical Data information about the product in the ObjectPage, so let's add these new terms in the view

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'Z_VW_PRODUCTS'

@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true

@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK

@EndUserText.label: 'Products'

@OData.publish: true


    typeName: 'Product',

    typeNamePlural: 'Products',

    imageUrl: {value: 'PictureUrl'},

    title: {value: 'Name'},

    description: {value: 'Description'}


define view Z_Sample_Demo_Products

  as select from sepm_iproduct as Products

  association [1..*] to Z_Sample_Demo_Soli as _SOItems  on  $projection.productuuid = _SOItems.ProductID

  association [1..1] to sepm_iproductt    as _ProductT on  $projection.productuuid = _ProductT.productuuid

                                                        and _ProductT.language      = 'E'

  association [1..1] to sepm_ibupa        as _Supplier on  $projection.supplieruuid = _Supplier.businesspartneruuid


  key Products.productuuid,

      @UI: {

        identification: {position: 10, importance: #HIGH},

        lineItem: {position: 10, importance: #HIGH},

        selectionField: {position: 10}


      Products.product                                                      as ProductID,

      @UI: {

        identification: {position: 40, importance: #HIGH}


      Products.producttype                                                  as TypeCode,

      @UI: {

        identification: {position: 30, importance: #HIGH},

        lineItem: {position: 30, importance: #HIGH},

        selectionField: {position: 20}


      Products.productcategory                                              as Category,

      @UI: {

        identification: {position: 20, importance: #HIGH, label: 'Product Name'},

        lineItem: {position: 20, importance: #HIGH, label: 'Product Name'}


      _ProductT.productname                                                  as Name,

      'EN'                                                                  as NameLanguage,

      @UI: {

        identification: {position: 50, importance: #HIGH, label: 'Prod.Descrip.'},

        lineItem: {position: 40, importance: #HIGH, label: 'Prod.Descrip.'}


      _ProductT.productdescription                                          as Description,

      'EN'                                                                  as DescriptionLanguage,

      _Supplier.businesspartner                                              as SupplierID,

      _Supplier.companyname                                                  as SupplierName,

      @UI: {

        dataPoint: { title: 'TaxCode' }


      Products.productvalueaddedtax                                          as TaxTarifCode,

      Products.productbaseunit                                              as MeasureUnit,

      @UI: {

        fieldGroup: {qualifier: 'FGTechData', groupLabel: 'Technical Data', position: 10, importance: #MEDIUM}


      Products.weight                                                        as WeightMeasure,

      Products.weightunit                                                    as WeightUnit,

      Products.currency                                                      as CurrencyCode,

      @UI: {

        identification: {position: 60, importance: #HIGH},

        lineItem: {position: 50, importance: #HIGH},

        dataPoint: { title: 'Price' }


      Products.price                                                        as Price,

      @UI: {

        fieldGroup: {qualifier: 'FGTechData', groupLabel: 'Technical Data', position: 20, importance: #MEDIUM}


      Products.width                                                        as Width,

      @UI: {

        fieldGroup: {qualifier: 'FGTechData', groupLabel: 'Technical Data', position: 40, importance: #MEDIUM}


      Products.depth                                                        as Depth,

      @UI: {

        fieldGroup: {qualifier: 'FGTechData', groupLabel: 'Technical Data', position: 30, importance: #MEDIUM}


      Products.height                                                        as Height,

      Products.dimensionunit                                                as DimUnit,

      @UI: {

        statusInfo: {position: 10, importance: #MEDIUM}


      Products.creationdatetime                                              as CreatedAt,

      @UI: {

        statusInfo: {position: 20, importance: #MEDIUM}


      Products.lastchangeddatetime                                          as ChangedAt,

      concat(concat('/webapp/images/',Products.product),'.jpg')              as PictureUrl,




14 - Save and activate. This is how the annotation appears now

15 - As the last thing, let's add a UI.LineItem annotation even for Sales Order Line Items. Open in Eclipse the view Z_SAMPLE_DEMO_SOLI and add the annotation in this way:

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'Z_VW_SOLITEMS'

@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true

@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK

@EndUserText.label: 'Sales Order Line Items'

define view Z_Sample_Demo_Soli

  as select from sepm_isoi as SOLItems


  key SOLItems.salesorderitemuuid,

      SOLItems.salesorderuuid                    as SalesOrderID,

      @UI: {

        lineItem: {position: 10, importance: #HIGH}


      SOLItems.salesorderitem                    as ItemPosition,

      SOLItems.productuuid                        as ProductID,

      SOLItems.shorttextgroupuuid                as NoteID,

      SOLItems.transactioncurrency                as CurrencyCode,

      @UI: {

        lineItem: {position: 40, importance: #HIGH}


      SOLItems.grossamountintransaccurrency      as GrossAmount,

      @UI: {

        lineItem: {position: 30, importance: #HIGH}


      SOLItems.netamountintransactioncurrency    as NetAmount,

      @UI: {

        lineItem: {position: 20, importance: #HIGH}


      SOLItems.taxamountintransactioncurrency    as TaxAmount,

      SOLItems.productavailabilitystatus          as StatusAvailability,

      SOLItems.opportunityitem                    as OpportunityItem


16 - Save and activate. In the annotation file, if you refresh it and switch to the Z_SAMPLE_DEMO_SOLI entity, you should see this

17 - Let's run the application now and check what we have done so far

18 - The application looks quite promising. We still cannot see the buttons for creating, updating and deleting records. This can be achieved by adding the following @ObjectModel annotation to the beginning of the Z_SAMPLE_DEMO_PRODUCTS view:

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'Z_VW_PRODUCTS'

@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true

@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK

@EndUserText.label: 'Products'

@OData.publish: true

@ObjectModel: {

  createEnabled: true,

  updateEnabled: true,

  deleteEnabled: true



    typeName: 'Product',

    typeNamePlural: 'Products',

    imageUrl: {value: 'PictureUrl'},

    title: {value: 'Name'},

    description: {value: 'Description'}


define view Z_Sample_Demo_Products


19 - Save and activate. Now the application looks like this:

20 - For products pictures we need to add to the web app folder a subfolder named images containing all the images named as the products

21 - The application looks like this

22 - Unfortunately we cannot add Facets to our CDS view: this is not yet supported. In order to add them we need to do it directly in the annotation file with the AM.

The process is the same I showed in the blog here.

23 - For example we can add a UI.HeaderFacet term containing 3 UI.ReferenceFacets and a UI.Facet containing a UI.CollectionFacet with 2 UI.ReferenceFacets within and another UI.ReferenceFacet

24 - Running the application you should get something like this:

25 -  We are done now with your Smart Template application based on CDS Views. You should have learnt now how to create a new CDS view, how to inject annotations terms in it, how to create a new application is SAP Web IDE and how to enhance the annotation coming from the service with other annotation terms.

Congratulations! You have successfully created your first Smart Template app based on CDS views!