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Dear all,

With the current theme editor you can change a lot of features in the portal. But you cannot change everything.

If you would like to change the look and feel of non-theme editor classes, you will need to edit property files. Please note: this is an 'expert' mode.

You can to this by zipping and unzipping the portal theme. It takes some time to unzip and zip the files, so I made a batch file for your convenience  (and mine ofcourse :smile: )

Downloading theme-

You can download your portal theme via System Administration > Transport > Transport Themes > Export Themes > yourtheme.

My theme is called dialogtest. I store the theme in a new folder, d:\Noel\theme\

Normally you can unzip the theme, unzip the portal and ur zipfiles and start editing. After editing you will need to watch out if you are packing the right folders. This takes some time to clean up the zip file. I have made a batch file to unzip the portal theme. After this you can edit the properties files and pack it again to upload it in the portal finally.

Changes you will need for the batch files

     1) Change the winzip location to your location

     2) Change dialogtest into your portal theme zip name.

Batch file: unpack.bat - use it to unpack all files before editing

@echo off

SET wzip="C:\Program Files\WinZip\WINZIP32.EXE"

IF "%1"=="" GOTO Usage

echo Unpacking portal theme %1.


echo Extract Winzip to folder %1

%wzip% -e %1

echo Changing directory to %1

cd %1

echo Extracting to ur folder

%wzip% -e ur

echo Extracting to portal folder

%wzip% -e portal

echo Deleting


echo Deleting


Goto finished


echo Usage: unpack.bat filename

echo Where filename is portal theme filename without extension.


echo Example: unpack.bat dialogtest


echo Winzip is set to %wzip%

echo You can change the location of winzip in this batch file.



Please note: only and are extracted too!

After unpacking, your folder structure should look like:

Make changes to the property files, images or whatever. Now you can zip the folders via the second batch file:

Batch file: pack.bat - use it AFTER you changed property files. Usage: pack.bat filename

NB. It renames your old theme into, just in case :smile:

@echo off

SET wzip="C:\Program Files\WinZip\WINZIP32.EXE"

IF "%1"=="" GOTO Usage

echo Packing portal theme into ZIP file %1.


echo Renaming %1 to


echo Switching to %1

cd %1

%wzip% -m -r ur\*.*

%wzip% -m -r portal\*.*

%wzip% -m -r *.*

echo moving to ..

move ..

cd ..

rd %1

echo Done packing, you can upload to the portal.

Goto finished


echo Usage: unpack.bat filename

echo Where filename is portal theme filename without extension.


echo Example: unpack.bat dialogtest


echo Winzip is set to %wzip%

echo You can change the location of winzip in this batch file.



Now your folder will look like:

Upload the into the portal:

That's all :smile:


nol.hendrikx - SAP Portal consultant @ Peppie Portals.

Specialized in Corporate branding SAP Portal / Adobe Interactive Forms.

UI Theming blog series

Portal theming - also waited a couple of years?

How to... UI Theme Designer - Installation

How to... UI Theme Designer - Migration

How to... UI Theme Designer - Locating elements

How to... UI Theme Designer - Transportation

How to... UI Theme Designer - Make use of the Custom CSS tab in the Portal!

Other blogs:

Tired of zipping / unzipping portal theme?

Tips for the Portal Content Studio

DSM Terminator and popup blockers (or not)

My best development friend - Autoresponder FTW


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