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Is leveraging Core HR part of your employee engagement strategy? It should. Why? I came across some really interesting data as I was researching this topic for our upcoming Employee Central webinar on April 9th (click here to register):

  • 70% of employees are not engaged at work (1)
  • 43% of highly engaged employees received feedback weekly(2)
  • 89% of employers think that employees leave for money, when in fact only 12% actually leave for that reason (3)
  • Highly engaged employees are 87% less likely to leave the company(4)
  • Companies with highly engaged employees on average have 2X more revenue than those will lower engagement numbers(5)

Back in the day, a typical employee engagement strategy involved donuts from Johnny's on Fridays and endless pots of Peet's coffee – times have changed.  To build and leverage the benefits of a strong culture of employee engagement, businesses need to plan strategically.

Technology and Core HR can play a huge role in this.  Want to learn more? Come to our upcoming webinar delivered by Thomas Otter from SAP and Andy Hodges from Gavdi. They will share real-world examples of companies that are successfully using Core HR to support engagement and drive business results.   


  1. Gallup – www.gallup.com/strategicconsulting/163007/state-american-workplace.aspx
  2. Towers Watson – http://www.towerswatson.com~/media/pdf/In
  3. Leigh Branham- http://www.amazon.com/Hidden-Reasons-Employees-Leave-Recognize-ebook/dp/B008Z2CVPW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF...
  4. Corporate leadership council - http://www.stcloudstate.edu/humanresources/trainingDev/supvBrownBag/documents/CLC-Employee-Engagemen...
  5. Kenexa - http://www.kenexa.com/getattachment/8c36e336-3935-4406-8b7b-777f1afaa57d/The-Impact-of-Employee-Enga...