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DON’T MISS SAPRadio Changing the Game with HR Episode 3: "HR, Inclusion and Diversity: Where to from here?" - on Changing the Game with HR Radio – June 23 at 11 AM PT / 2 PM ET -  Follow us on Twitter: #SAPRadio.  This episode is part of a 10-episode SAP SuccessFactors radio series that started on May 26 and will continue to air every other Thursday at 11 AM PT/ 2 PM ET on the VoiceAmerica network Business Channel, SAP Radio Changing the Game with HR. The series will run through to the end of September and all shows will be recorded and available for download or playing via the website. Our previous show, CHROs: Time for a New Conversation, is available here.

Companies are under significant media, customer, and shareholder scrutiny for failing to provide equal access to opportunities and rewards for all members of the workforce. Creating a culture of inclusion as evidenced by workforce diversity is a broad concept that spans gender, race, age, nationality, and mental and physical abilities. For HR executives and other diversity and talent professionals, the challenges are daunting, considering the cultural and structural changes impacting everything from who gets hired to who gets promoted and every human capital decision and action in between.

While the use of technology to impact all areas of diversity is the ultimate goal, this radio program will put an initial focus on gender equity in particular as this challenge has such a broad scope globally. Gender equality has moved from being something of a “cultural nice-to-have,” woman-centric discussion to an economic and business imperative for HR departments and fellow business leaders to address.

According to Forbes, women will earn $18 trillion in salaries by 2018. That is an astounding number until we realize that women are 42% - 49% of the workforce in many economies, as noted in a 2016 Catalyst report. Compounding the economic gains, women also hold the power of the purse, as they directly make or influence 70% to 80% of consumer buying decisions around the globe. Companies who do not consider their communities of customers, members of the workforce, partners, and other key influencers when structuring their businesses for success will miss the opportunity to harness the best talent for their businesses.

The radio show will cover the convergence of business, diversity and inclusion, and HR trends and the implications, including:

  • Key differences between inclusion and diversity
  • Critical components to driving successful inclusive cultures in organizations
  • Role of unconscious bias in gender and broader cultural inequity
  • Why diversity and inclusion programs fail
  • Where to start when embarking on creating inclusive cultures

Join host Bonnie D. Graham as she talks with panelists:

  • Nicole McCabe, SAP. Heads up Gender Diversity and Inclusion as part of Chief Diversity Officer office, customer member of SAP SuccessFactor Diversity and Inclusion Customer Advisory Group
  • Tinna Neilson, founder of Move the Elephant, WEF young leader, expert member of the SAP SuccessFactor Diversity and Inclusion Customer Advisory Group
  • Tanya OdomGlobal Diversity and Inclusion and Education Consultant
    and Executive Coach, expert member of the SAP SuccessFactor Diversity and Inclusion Customer Advisory Group
  • Dr. Patti Fletcher, SAP SuccessFactors Marketing and co-leader of new Diversity and Inclusion product initiative. Thought leader, advocate, and coach on topic of women in the c-suite, board room, and high growth entrepreneurship

To learn about transforming HR for the digital workforce go www.successfactors.com