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I am creating this blog to provide the steps of Disclosure Survey creation process.


Check the prerequisites to enable the functionality in the wiki page below:

Disclosure Survey Prerequisites - Governance, Risk and Compliance - SCN Wiki


Creating the Survey

  • Category must be Disclosure Survey

Planning Disclosure Survey

Within planner screen, choose 'Perform X Disclosure Survey', where X is the object type (Organization, Subprocess or Control).

Three different Disclosure Survey plan activities are available:

  • Perform Control DS
  • Perform Organization DS
  • Perform Subprocess DS

In the plan details screen, there are two Survey options:

  • Survey
  • Object Survey

If the processor wants just one or the other, the fields can be left blank.

Review after choosing the plan combinations

Activate the plan

The disclosure Survey may involve an object Survey, a disclosure survey or both of them.

In the example above, I scheduled the survey for both.

Work inbox:

The Business Event responsible for delivering the work item to the disclosure survey performer is:


In the work inbox, I clicked on the task and opened the Organization Evaluation:

Disclosure – Object

Once you select the row, the following menu appears:

Reminder: A single work item is triggered for each object owner

If the questions dissapear when writting long comments, implement the follwing SAP note:

2307585 - Disclosure survey questions disappear when user enters very long comments

After filling out both, send the Survey for review.

Review Survey

Important info:

Is it possible to Remove the Review stage?

Currently, there is no option to switch off the review phase of the disclosure surveys.

Check history Button

You can also button:

It opens the Disclosure Survey Details Report

If the report presents an error, here is the notes released in 2016. Choose it according to your symptom:

2298408 - Object survey details are not showing up in Disclosure Survey Details Report

2224640 - Disclosure Survey Details does not filter children orgunits.

2300883 - Disclosure Survey Details report does no filter relevant timeframe plans

2263030 - Question Explain text is missing in Disclosure Survey Details Report

2277328 - Delete Disclosure Survey for any recipient causing report eror

2240413 - Disclosure Survey details reports not showing Survey Scores for survey question

Disclosure Survey status:

2278915 - Error in Disclosure Survey Status report "There is no data matching the entered

If the Survey was not triggered for some organizations, the following corrections can fix it:

2199671 - Issues in disclosure survey due to missing survey instances.

After pressing finish button, the workflow is completed.

Offline Disclosure Survey (object level)

The offline form shows a separate evaluation for each object.

When submitted the form updates SAP Process Control the same way as the online mode.

If the processor is responsible for 10 controls, they will receive a single e-mail with an attached form containing an evaluation section for each of the ten controls.

Respond to Disclosure Survey (Offline)