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In the first part of this blog we focused on generating a business application using the SAP Web IDE. Our application displays business data retrieved from the public OData Northwind service. Then we deployed the application to our HANA Cloud Platform account , registered it to our newly created Fiori Launchpad Site and created a Static Tile for it.

In the 2nd part of this blog we will see how to create Dynamic and Custom Launch Tiles for our employees application (section 4 and 5) and dive into some of the implementation details related to the custom tile (section 6).

Creating a News Tile to display RSS feeds is described in this blog:

FIORI Launchpad in SAP HCP - news tiles and cross origin policy error

Creating a Mobile Docs Tile to display and access your documents is described in this blog:

Creating an SAP Mobile Documents Tile in SAP Fiori Launchpad on Cloud

4) Configuring a Dynamic Tile

Dynamic app launcher tiles can display a KPI number retrieved by an OData services. The tile has a configurable refresh interval for fetching new data. In this part we will create an additional (dynamic) tile for the employees application showing the number of employees.

ExplanationScreen Shot

Create a new App Tile

  1. Go back to your Launchpads Configuration Cockpit

  2. Click on the Create App Tile tile

  3. In the general Properties screen enter the App Name = Employees (D)
  4. Click Next

In the Navigation screen

  1. Insert the following values
    • App Type: SAPUI5

    • Component URL: /
      Is the relative path from you application root to your Component.js file

    • SAPUI5 Component Name: employees
      Is the registered name of the SAPUI5 component, defined in the Component.js file, without .Component

    • HTML5 App Name: employees
      Is the name of the deployed HTML5 application

  2. Click Next

In the Tile screen

  1. Insert the following values under General
    • Type: Dynamic App Launcher
    • Size: 1 X 1
    • Title: Our Employees
    • Icon: Choose any icon

  2. Insert the following values under Dynamic Data
    • Number Unit: Active Employees
      Is the unit displayed below the KPI number

    • Service URL:
Is the URL of an OData query from which data should be read. The format of the URL is as follows:

/<fiori proxy>/<application id>/destinations/<destination name>/<path to OData service>/<OData collection>/<query string>

    • Refresh Interval: 6000
      Is the Number of seconds after which dynamic content is reloaded from the data source and the display is refreshed

  3. Click Next
In the Assignment screen
  1. Assign your application to the Northwind Tile Group you created earlier

  2. Assign your application to the Northwind Content Package you created earlier.

  3. Click Finish

The new Tile should now be available on your launchpad Site

Preview the Fiori launchpad Site

  1. Go back to the launchpad site

  2. Refresh the browser

  3. Notice the new Tile Group Northwind added to your launchpad with the new Dynamic Tile in it displaying the KPI (number of employees) defined by the OData query

5) Developing a Custom Tile

Custom tiles can display any content that you define in an SAPUI5 view. This means that we can add additional Views (and Controllers) to our lightweight applications for the sake of creating custom tiles or deploy them as part of a separate dedicated application.

For that sake of this exercise, we already implemented the code required for the custom tile. It uses the same Northwind OData service we used for the employees app itself, this time displaying a kind of a business card teaser that switches between each of the available employees in a timed interval:

You will need to download the source code (attached below), import it to your SP Web IDE project, commit the changes to the dedicated git repository and create the new tile.

ExplanationScreen Shot
  1. Download the 3 files attached at the end of this blog,,

  2. Rename the files to: Formatter.js, Tile.controller.js,  Tile.view.xml

Import the code into your Web IDE employees project

  1. Expand the employees root folder
  2. Right click on the view folder
  3. Select Import > From File System
  4. From the Import dialog box click Browse...
  5. Select the Tile.controller.js file
  6. Click OK
  7. Import Tile.view.xml into the view folder
  8. Import Formatter.js into the util folder

Your employees project should have the following file structure

Commit the new files to the Git Repository

  1. Select the employees root project folder

  2. Open the Git Pane from the right side panel.

  3. Click the Stage All check box.
    The 3 new files should all be staged for commit

  4. Insert a Commit Description

  5. Click on the Commit and Push button at the bottom

  6. Select the origin/master branch

  7. In the Authentication dialog box enter your SCN credentials

  8. Click OK

Create a new application version and activate it

  1. Open your HANA Cloud Platform Cockpit
  2. Select HTML5 Applications from the left side content panel

  3. Select the employees application from your list of HTML5 apps to open the applications Dashboard

  4. Select Versioning from the left side panel
    Notice your latest commit is at the top of the list

  5. Click on the latest commit's Action button to create a version from it

  6. Enter a Version Name (ex 1.1)

  7. Click Save

  8. Click on the latest commits Action button again to activate and publish it

Now that we deployed and published the latest version of our application we can go back and create the tile.

ExplanationScreen Shot

Create a new App Tile

  1. Go back to your Launchpads Configuration Cockpit
  2. Click on the Create App Tile tile
  3. In the General Properties screen enter the App Name = Employees (C)
  4. Click Next

In the Navigation screen - Same as in Part 4.

  1. Insert the following values
    • App Type: SAPUI5
    • Component URL: /
    • SAPUI5 Component Name: employees
    • HTML5 App Name: employees

  2. Click Next

In the Tile screen

  1. Insert the following values under General
    • Size: 1 X 2
    • Title: Employees (C)
    • Module Type: XML
      This value corresponds to the SAPUI5 View type you created for the custom tile

    • Module Name: employees.view.Tile
      The ID of the SAPUI5 View

    • Module Name Prefix: employees
      Is the app id in which the view is included

    • Module path: /sap/fiori/employees/
      Is composed of: <fiori proxy>/<app id>

Custom Properties, are a key-value pair that can be used in the tile's source code. We use them in our implementation to set the tile's header text. (See part 6 for more information)

  1. click Add to to add an additional Key-Value pair

  2. Insert  the following (case sensitive)
    • Key: titleText
    • Value: Colleagues you may know....

  3. Click Next

In the Assignment screen - Same as in Part 4.

  1. Assign your application to the Northwind Tile Group you created earlier
  2. Assign your application to the Northwind Content Package you created earlier.
  3. Click Finish

The new Tile should now be available on your launchpad Site

Preview the Fiori launchpad Site

  1. Go back to the Launchpad site

  2. Refresh the browser

  3. Notice the new Custom Tile was added to the Northwind Tile Group

6) Pointers for Implementing a Custom Tile

As we mentioned earlier a custom tile is basically a small application based on an SAPUI5 View and its corresponding Controller. Inthis section we will focus on some of the technical aspects of implementing one. You may want to take a look at our implementation for the Employees custom tile in the attached files you imported into your Web IDE:

  • employees.view.Tile.view.xml
  • employees.view.Tile.controller.js

a. Tile Content

the SAPUI5 library comes with several Tile implementations that are pretty easy and intuitive to use. In SAPUI5 Explore you can view the APIs, run some samples and view the code. You can use the Standard Tile or the Overview Tile. For the Employees custom tile we used the Generic Tile.

Another option is to use the Custom Tile which enables you to determine the tiles structure by using any SAPUI5 controls or standard HTML tags within the tile's content tag:

<CustomTile xmlns="sap.m"





      <html:div class="container" >

               <html:div class="title_tile_home" id="titleDiv" >

                        XXX TITLE


                   <html:div class="info_text_tile" id="descriptionDiv">

                    <html:div class="counter_home" id="counterDiv">6 </html:div>

                    xxx description xxxx





b. Passing Parameters to the Tile

When we configured the Employees custom tile in section 5 we added a Custom Property (Key-Value pair). The cutome properties (and their values) are passed to the tile so we can make use of them in our code if we dont want to hardcode specific values (and leave them for the administrator to configure) or if we would like to reuse the tile and make it more generic.

To access the custom property titleText we configured in section 5 in our *.Controller.js:

var view = this.getView();

var oViewData = view.getViewData();

var titleTextValue =;

c. Using Resources

In case you'd like to use additional resources (like image files) in your custom tile you need to include them in your application. In addition, in order to integrate your app into the Fiori Launchpad Site, you will need to modify the URLs youre using to reference these resources and add the module path prefix:"< app id >")

For instance, lets say we want to use an image ae.jpg to our custom tile.

  • Create a new img folder under the project root folder

  • Upload the image resource ae.jpg into it

  • The reference to use while developing and previewing the application in the Web IDE:

  • The reference we would use for Fiori Launchpad integration:"employees") + "/img/ae.jpg"

d. Launching the Application

When developing a custom tile, you are also responsible for implementing the tile's behavior upon a click / press event.

Generally, tiles usually launch the associated application upon a user press event, however tiles can also be used as standalone mini apps (such as an image gallery) that dont launch any application.

In order to launch the application associated with your custom tile upon press implement the following:

1. In the SAPUI5 View (take a look at the attached Tile.view.xml file) - declare a handler for your tile's press event









2. Implement the handler in the corresponding Controller (take a look at the attached Tile.controller.js file):

onPress: function(){

     var view = this.getView(),

     oViewData = view.getViewData(),

     navTargetUrl = &&;

     if (navTargetUrl) {

         if (navTargetUrl[0] === '#'){




   , '_blank');




The Launchpad navigation framework provides the hasher object for launching applications with a hashed URL.  The URL is available in the ViewData object that we used in (part b) for accessing our Custom Tile Properties and contains the tile's own configuration properties.  The URL is stored under a property named navigation_target_url.

If the URL is hashed the application is launched within the Launchpad, otherwise it is opened in a new browser window.