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Based on revision 46 (SPS 5) of SAP HANA Studio and Database

Hello once again!

While reading through the recently released SPS 05 RKT material (here) (that is, IF you have access to this RKT material), specifically the "What' New Admin & Monitoring" document I found that the authors mentioned that the plan visualization feature we got in SPS 04 had been improved by adding an execution timeline to the display.

Most people that have been involved with HANA performance analysis already know this feature from the unsupported (but not yet superfluous) HDBAdmin tool.

When I read about this, I immediately checked where this new feature was hidden in my rev. 46 HANA studio and I did have to look for a while.

Thus I thought you might be interested to get the bread crumbs that lead to the nice feature.

Let's start at the beginning ...

The plan visualizer is available from multiple places in HANA studio.

The two places I know of are:

  1. any SQL window
    just mark your SQL statement and right-click to get the context menu -> there it is)

  2. the SQL Plan Cache data dump grid (Administration perspective -> Performance -> SQL Plan Cache)
    Again, right click on the line you want to work with gets you to the option.

For this example I just used option 1:

Visualize it!

The next thing you'll see is a graphical version of explain plan, which is not really what you're looking for in most of the cases.

You want more :wink:

And you get it.

Take an educated guess how...


The path to enlightment through more information involves using the context menu again.

So, pimp up your right mouse-button click skills and right-click on the graphic and select "EXECUTE" from the context menu.

Now, the query is actually run in HANA and run time statistics are gathered.

Depending on the query this could take quite some time.

After some waiting you'll get what you asked for, looking similar to this:

If you don't see the timeline (lower part of the scree, red box around it... got it?) window now already, you've to manually open it.
To do so, use

"Window" menu

  -> "Show View"

     -> "Other"

       -> Folder "PlanViz"

        -> "Timeline"

You'll notice that there are fancy little triangles in those blue-ish boxes upper right corner.

Click on these to expand the boxes and see what happens "inside" of them.

This will also expand the operations on the time line display automatically.

Finally we have this functionality in HANA Studio and we don't need to create performance traces anymore, just to get an idea on how a statement was processed by HANA.


Thanks for that dev-Team and have a great holiday season and a happy 2013!

Cheers, Lars