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The ASUG 2013 Conference abstract submission deadline is mere days away, and I'm beginning to get that same old feeling of "too little, too late" on content that I want to share with my SAP user peers next May.  My role (among others) is to review the proposals, fit sessions into a reasonable schedule, then shepherd the chosen speakers and material onto the stage.  There's a lot to do behind the scenes, including a meeting in January to go through the master plan and make sure we get a workable schedule.

If you have a story to tell about Mobile, preferably technology related, let me know.

Enter your background information (for first time speakers), and a short abstract, and you're done.

Here's the main entry screen, at, You can see more background via

Once you've successfully navigated the login screen, built your bio (spelling counts!), you can enter your abstract.  Since I've facilitated more than a few conferences, what do we look for in a good topic?

  1. A snappy title helps, and simpler is better than complicated.  I wouldn't accept or reject anything based on this, but I know that when I'm planning which sessions I am going to attend, the clearer the subject is, the more likely I'll know if I should put it on my agenda.  If there are acronyms I don't recognize, I'll probably pass.
  2. A brief description, but not too brief, and not too wordy.  This is the hardest part.  It's probably better to put more in rather than less, as we can edit out phrase later (with your input), but if there isn't enough there to tell me, or an audience, what it's about, that's less likely to be accepted.
  3. Customer success stories, what you learned, and what the financial impact were, are all important points to include.
  4. For Mobile, I'm not looking for "All Afaria" or "All SAP Sybase SUP".  I'll take a few of each, but I want other technologies and development areas than what you can learn about in many, many SAP sessions or partner show floor exhibits.  How did users accept new processes?  What was easy to deploy?  Do you vet BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), and how?

Here's what I'm seeing as of today:

Not many topics in my space, and we will have somewhere between 5 and 10 hours of Mobile topics in my track.  If we get content.

The ASUG conference is being held in Orlando Florida, May 14 through 16, 2013, with a pre-conference day on the 13th.  Speakers should be ASUG members, which we can verify for you.  Many large companies are members, not to mention smaller firms.  You might be surprised. Once again, we are co-located with SAP's Sapphire, meaning one admission gets you into both events. Speakers whose content is selected will get complementary admission to the event, along with up to one co-speaker.

As it says on the screen shots, direct questions to  Or drop me a line, tweet, text, etc. My jim.spath jim.spath.

Do it today.

DEADLINE EXTENDED to 14-Dec-2012.  But don't delay!  Please.

Links to some of last year's Conference stuff:

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