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0 Kudos

How long have you been in Product Development? 

I have worked in Product Development (Product Test) at SAP for over 15 years.

What products do you work on? 

Currently, I work on the Postalsoft ACE (Address Correction and Encoding) and Data Services USA Regulatory Address Cleanse and DSF2 transforms.  Previously, I have tested Data Services Global Address Cleanse transforms and some of the other legacy Postalsoft solutions such as Match and DataRight.

What was your last job before coming to work for SAP?

Before being hired at SAP, I was working as an Office Manager/Network Administrator at a small local non-profit agency that supports adults with disabilities.

What do you like most about your job?

I like the fact that I learn something new everyday while performing my job.  Sometimes it's regarding the products I test but other times it's the behavior of Windows or UNIX systems or other applications and tools that aid in testing our products.

What is the most challenging or rewarding experience you had working with your product?

Since I have worked on several different SAP/Postalsoft products while at SAP, some of the most challenging experiences I have had is learning new products quickly enough and thorough enough to be effective at testing.  The most rewarding part is rising to the challenge and delivering quality software to our customers.

If you could work on another SAP product, what would it be and why? 

I enjoy testing graphical user interfaces and I strongly believe in usability testing, so I would probably choose to work with User Interface Designers to help design/create/deliver next generation SAP software.

What are your hobbies outside of work?

My hobby right now is spending as much time as I can with my children.  This includes helping coach their basketball and softball teams as well as attending the majority of their games and tournaments.  When not coaching or watching my kids basketball, softball, football, and volleyball games, the kids and I like to attend the local high school and college games.

If you were given a month off of work, what would you do?

The time of year would dictate what I did if I had a month off of work.  In the fall/winter, I (my family) would go somewhere where there was crystal clear ocean water, white sand beaches, palm trees, and average temperatures over 80 degrees.  In the spring/summer, Colorado would be the destination.