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Date: April 28

Time: 4:00 pm Eastern

Where: - see attached Outlook calendar appointment

Who: YOU and susan.martin tom.cenens martin.gillet2

SAP Mentor tom.cenens wrote about how he influences SAP Certification Influencing SAP Certification & Education: a SAP Mentor success story - SAP has offered to update everyone in a SAP Mentor webinar on April 28th

One thing I did hear last week is not enough people know HANA and some of the latest SAP tools on the market.  One of the ways to "upskill" is to take a look at what SAP offers in the area of SAP certification and training:

Source: SAP

I am a fan of the Learning Hub and I have learned a great deal from it.  However, in talking to people at BI 2014 last week many were not aware of the FREE discovery edition.  For more information go to

If you are an ASUG Member you can register for this Learning Hub webcast on April 9 with arnoldpettersen-jung

Source: SAP Credential Manager

I hope to hear an update about the Credential Manager - learn more at  SAP Global Certification is rolling out SAP Credential Manager

Source: Crowdsourcing Homepage

Also planned is an update about Crowd-sourcing SAP Certification questions  - see Experts Contributing to Crowdsourcing Initiative

So save the Outlook calendar entry attached to your calendar and please join us - see SAP Mentor Monday Webinars 2014.