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Hello community,

since four days offers SAP a new patch level of the SAP GUI for Windows. With this patch level 7 SAP offers also a new version of the SAP GUI Scripting API (sapfewse.ocx). There are some notable changes:

  • The following controls
    $CLSID_SAPFEWSELib_GuiListControl = GUID$("{CC75EA97-3DB1-4BDF-9791-89D09B1800A0}")
    $CLSID_SAPFEWSELib_GuiInputControl = GUID$("{31233701-DF39-49F7-A641-16CAB0C9C5F0}")

    are changed to
    $CLSID_SAPFEWSELib_GuiComboBoxControl = GUID$("{CC75EA97-3DB1-4BDF-9791-89D09B1800A0}")
    $CLSID_SAPFEWSELib_GuiInputFieldControl = GUID$("{31233701-DF39-49F7-A641-16CAB0C9C5F0}")

    Also the interfaces from
    $IID_SAPFEWSELib_ISapListControlTarget = GUID$("{6E824989-726A-45EE-9FF0-52DC1A41D8D4}")
    $IID_SAPFEWSELib_ISapInputControlTarget = GUID$("{D2C7FEC7-052E-4BA3-BE44-526D9E0925C4}")

    $IID_SAPFEWSELib_ISapComboBoxControlTarget = GUID$("{6E824989-726A-45EE-9FF0-52DC1A41D8D4}")
    $IID_SAPFEWSELib_ISapInputFieldControlTarget = GUID$("{D2C7FEC7-052E-4BA3-BE44-526D9E0925C4}")

  • It seems that the GuiListControl is now renamed to a GuiComboBoxControl with different methods.

    As far as I can see the methods
    SetSelectionID <1> (In i As Long<0>)
    GetSelectionID <2> () As Long
    GetSelectionText <3> () As WString
    GetTextFromID <4> (In idVal As Long<0>) As WString
    SetInputControlText <5> (In ISapListControlTarget As WString<0>) As Integer
    GetInputControlText <6> () As WString
    SetComboboxText <7> (In Text As WString<0>)
    GetLabelText <9> () As WString

    doesn't exists anymore and the method
    FireSelected <6> ()

    is new.

  • It is the same with GuiInputControl and now GuiInputFieldControl.
    As far as I can see the methods
    SetInputControlText <1> (In ISapInputControlTarget As WString<0>) As Integer
    GetInputControlText <2> () As WString
    GetLabelText <4> () As WString
    GetButtonTooltip <5> () As WString
    GetNumberOfEntries <6> () As Long
    GetHistoryEntryText <7> (In ISapInputControlTarget As Long<0>) As WString
    IsHistoryOpend <8> () As Integer
    GetSelectedHistoryItem <9> () As WString

    doesn't exists anymore.

If you use this controls in your SAP GUI Scripting programs, be careful if you update to PL7.

Hint: I detect the GuiListControl class at the SAP GUI 7.30 PL6, you can find more information here. The class has never been documented. The renamed class GuiComboBoxControl is actually also not completely documented. The GuiInputControl class has never been documented too and the renamed class GuiInputFieldControl is actually also not completely documented too.

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