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Update Wednesday 23rd April 2014

With sincerest thanks on behalf of everybody who relies on OSS Notes,

kristen.scheffler rose to this challenge, moved it forward and got the

issue resolved to the benefit of everybody.

Thank you Kristen, for such prompt, speedy, and successful action.

Problem Solved - Case Closed.



Good Morning All,

until this behavioural discrepency is resolved, I'd like to share with the SAP Community a

top tip for searching the OSS for the latest OSS Notes on a particular subject.

Let's keep this short, build the scenario, and get down to business. So, imagine, you're involved

in a hot topic in your company, eg the Heartbleed security vulnerability.

You are tasked with getting the latest news from SAP on Heartbleed. You use your usual sources

for quality information from SAP, those are, the SCN SAP Community Network and the OSS

Operational Support System and SMP SAP Market Place.

You go onto the SMP and search the OSS Notes for Heartbleed. When the OSS Search returns the

results, you fine tune the results to have from the latest result and going in descending order, because

naturally you want the very latest information.

This is what you see if you do it today:


You notice the OSS Note is from the 9th of April.

And now, here's the trick, here's the thing.

Notice that the Url shows the 1xy server range on the SAP Market Place Servers.

If you replace the 1xy Server Range with 2xy, so, infact, just replace the 1 with a 2 in the Server Hostname

part of the Url and then perform the same search again and fine tuning for the very latest results in

descending order, this is what you will see today:


Notice that the list of results starts from today. This behaviour is the same for any search, Hana, Kernel, Security


Obviously, this is an issue which needs to be resolved and I hereby report that issue.

In the meantime, until it is resolved, this blog shares the work around for anybody wishing to be confident

of finding the very latest OSS Notes on their subject of interest.

Best regards,


p.s click on the images to see larger versions
