SAP Learning Blog Posts
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Dear fellow SCN members,

It's been four months now since SAP Education launched the free SAP Learning Hub, discovery edition. (See also related blog post as to how to request access to SAP Learning Hub, discovery edition by tom.cenens

We also launched two SCN missions relating to the SAP Learning Hub, discovery edition which were very popular and helped us gain valuable feedback on the currently included e-learning courses.

I would now like to invite you to share with us your experience so far, what you like and what areas of improvement you see with regards to the SAP Learning Hub, discovery edition. SAP Mentor jansirani.murugesan has just recently provided some very valuable insight into her first hand experience so I would kindly ask you to also submit your comments & ideas here in the discussion so we can further improve the concept.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Kind regards,

Arnold Pettersen-Jung