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Since its launch last year, openSAP has gained terrific momentum. The offerings they provide via the massive open online course (MOOC) model have been embraced by hundreds of thousands of people around the world who are hungry for SAP innovation knowledge. SAP Education has been working in close collaboration with the openSAP team to make our offerings available to its participants as the next step for their learning journey after they have acquired their baseline knowledge. In addition, SAP Education has been working to include openSAP offerings in its curriculum as a starting point for people who might ultimately go for certification.

SAP Education and openSAP are therefore pleased to inform learners that there’s now an easier way to connect the education dots. Learners who have completed an openSAP course can now access the corresponding SAP Education courses under one roof in the SAP Training and Certification Shop; openSAP courses listed here will remain, as ever, free of charge. For more details, read this new blog post: openSAP courses now available on SAP Training and Certification Shop.

MOOCs galore

SAP Education put its own stake in the MOOC ground with the February 2014 launch of the new SAP Learning Hub, its flagship cloud-based learning offering, where the MOOC-like Learning Rooms are one of the standout features. SAP Education is also pleased to make more than 120 courses available free of charge via SAP Learning Hub, discovery edition.

As global head of SAP Education Markus Schwarz said in an interview held at SAP TechEd 2013: “Education is a really exciting topic these days, because we’ve seen all the advances in technology that allow us to be much more creative in reaching many more people than ever before. MOOCs, electronic learning, online learning - - this is a huge opportunity… you can reach hundreds of thousands of people with your courseware, so there is no limitation as in a classroom with numbers of seats…people can register for a course without having to go through special procedures to have access to the knowledge.” 

*openSAP have just launched a dedicated space on SCN, so be sure to follow them to keep up to date on their news and offerings!

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