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From Oct 20-23, 2014, SAP University Alliances was very excited to be part of SAP TechEd && d-code 2014 Las Vegas, where together with 25 faculty and 30 students we teamed up with the Hasso Plattner Institute and the SAP Innovation Center Potsdam for a joint “University Innovation” campus. There, customers and partners learned how with University Alliances they can accelerate innovation with universities including big data research on HANA as well as recruit SAP Ready graduates; how HPI advances knowledge and applications with in-memory technology including openHPI HANA courses and big data research projects; and how the SAP Innovation Center Potsdam opens up new markets and user groups for SAP and brings innovation to SAPs core solutions. There were many Expert Network Sessions, Roundtables, and social media events.

Also, we congratulate the team from California State University, Chico which took first place in the InnoJam Palo Alto and went on to take second place at the DemoJam in Las Vegas!

For more coverage and photos, see University Alliances on Facebook.