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Posted on behalf of Gustave Sawodogo:

Gustave Sawadogo from SAP UA and Amine Ramil from SAP Morocco attended and participated at a networking event at the L’Ecole Nationale Superieure Des Mines ( ENIM) de Raba on March 25 2015.  The theme of the event, attended by students, faculty members and alumni was “How to become an entrepreneur after graduation”.

This event was organized by ENIM graduates from previous years who shared their experiences. SAP UA was welcomed and contributed in the discussions. The SAP UA Program was explained and there was a discussion on how collaboration with SAP UA can help young entrepreneurs to achieve their goals.  SAP UA’s attendance of this event laid the foundation for further engagement with the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines.

Other Moroccan universities were also represented at the event and contacts were established with:

- Universite Internationale d'Agadir

- l’université Al Akhawayn

- l’université International de Raba

- l’université Internationale de Casablanca.