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SAP Labs Bulgaria hosted a three-day TTT course on Big Data (SAP HANA). The course was attended by 14 university lecturers from various Bulgarian universities, current and prospect members of the SAP University Alliances. The course was held from 14th to
January 16th, 2015 at the office of SAP Labs Bulgaria in Sofia. The course gave an overview on Big Data, the current trends in the domain, as well as how SAP addresses this challenge.  The course content covers topics such as: Big Data, In Memory, Business Intelligence (BI), Streaming, SAP HANA, HANA Cloud Platform and others.

Jordan Jordanov, one of the local mentors at the training, shared his impressions:

"We tried to include numerous and diverse content in the lectures to be able to cover the topic at least partially, because the topic is definitely vast. The discussions that we had with the participants, as well as the requests for regular updates with new information and complementary materials were just some of the signs showing that we have grabbed the attendee’s interest. My expectation is that within a year most of the presented universities will use
these materials in practice and will enrich their programs with a new course in the field of modern technologies.”

This event would have not been possible without the support of about 18 local developers from SAP Labs Bulgaria, who prepared and held the sessions from the agenda. Thank you colleagues!