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September 28, the first campus talk of VT Master successfully host in Southeast University Suzhou Campus. There were almost 120 graduate students and 2 professors participated on site. Cherry Cheng, Joyce Jiang from VT China, Richard Zhang from HR Early Talent China and Benny Sun from UA China jointly presented to all the attendees. First of all, Benny briefly introduced SAP starting from an interesting video. By interaction with students with several quiz, this part covered SAP market position, product portfolio, company culture and working environment. Then, Cherry talked about the details of VT program for Masters, and summarized the history and achievements of VT in both global and local. Followed by LV Qing, the young lady just graduated from SEU and became SAP FTE in this July. She shared her thoughts and experience on how to join VT program and her feeling about how this program helped her in developing a good career start-point. At last, Richard from HR emphasized the importance of SAP's early talent strategy and encourage students to re-think their career plan for a better preparation in advance.

All the students were highly engaged by the impressive videos, interesting quiz, informative contents and fineness giveaways. During the event, they also raised many questions regarding the program and career opportunities in SAP. We expect to receive their applications in the coming days.