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The objective of this document is to list and explain the activities to be Performed to Make the CIF workable after system Refresh.

Activities to be performed in ECC side:

1. Delete the Integration Model with Old logical system: The inbound and outbound scheduler determine the logical systems based on the inactive and active IM models and hence delete the IMs after the system refresh as the copied IMs will have the old system as the logical one.

2. Change the IM variant logical system: Execute the program RCIFVARIANTCHANGE for the reports RIMODGEN,RIMODAC2 and RIMODDEL.

3. Check the RFC connection perform connection and authorization check.

4. Run the RCIFIMAX program with the option of Deactivation, generation and consistency check. Ensure that the old logical system is not appearing in the list.

5. Generate and activate the all IM with new logical system.

6.Check the number range of planned,production and sales orders and reset the current number range to the reference system number range.

Activities to be performed in APO side

1. Delete all publication setting with old logical system

2. Generate publication type with new logical system.

3. Check Inbound and outbound queue scheduler and ensure that no old logical system entries are available.

4. Perform the RFC connection check.

5. Perform the DELTA report (/sapapo/ccr).

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