Supply Chain Management Blogs by Members
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List of useful reports per topic

Purchase Order


  Delete Purchase Orders with Header 


  Create Purchase orders for PO collaboration


  Close Purchase Orders              


Publish released orders            

Advanced Shipping Notification


     Close ASNs                                         



   Delete ASNs regardless of their Version and Statuse




Template reports for UIF table corrections 



Delete RASNs              


  Program to Create or Publish RASNs


  Delete RMAs               


Program /SCA/RI_TEST      



  Generate Alerts for Late Response to Kanban Request


Delete Closed Kanbans                              


Set Default Response Time                          

Supplier Confirmations                                                                                         


Delete Old Assignment Indicators               


Close Confirmations by ASN and Create Alert "Unconverted Confirmations"


Delete Scheduling Agreement and Note-Only Confi rmations

Alert Monitor




  Report /SCA/SPP_AMON_CORR        




Program /SCF/READALERTS        

SMI Algorithm


ASN Alert Creation - Past Due ASN   


Create Inventory Alerts for DCM     


Generate Alerts for Due and Overdue 


ICH Start                           


ICH Start                           


Generate Inventory Alerts           


Report: Generate Alert for Unacknowledged releases


Generate Alerts for Unsatisfiable Re


Create Inventory Alerts for SNI     



Set default time bucket profile     

CPFR Application Classes


Sending Time-Series-Based Messages

SMI data management


Report /SCA/DLV_SET_GR        


Closing ASNs                  


Delete ASNs                   


Program /SCA/DM_BOL_DLV       


Read Inventory Data via BOL   


  Release Deletion Report       


Read schedule lines           


Create/Query SNI Inventory    


Fill ASN number into field supp




  ID Converter                  




  Creation of number intervals  


Reset Inventory to Zero (SMI, S


  Reset Inventory to Zero (SMI) 


  Reset Inventory to Zero (SNI) 




  Create/Query SMI Inventory    


  Get and evaluate selection    

SCC Macro Engine


Program ZMACRO_BUILDER               


Include /SCA/MACRO_DELETE            


Program to generate macro programs   


  Program ZMACRO_SHOW_PROGRAM          


  Program /SCA/MACRO_TEST_PROG         

Supplier Delivery Performance Evaluate


Checks the data basis in SDPR by retrieving current I


Checks overdue quantities and overdue alert responses


  Display documents which are connected                


SDPR documents data basis                            


Process changed SDPR documents from queue tables     


SDPR documents data basis                            


SDPR - display status of SDPR inbound queue and extra


New setup of statistical data for SDPR               


Program /SCA/SDPR_PROG_TEST_IMPORT                   

Selection management model   


Maintain Visible Ship-From Locations (PMD Visibility)        


Maintain Visible Products in Ship-From Locations (PMD Visibil

UI Application


Move the ICHDM across clients   


Delete Missing PARAMID fieldnames


UIF corrections for ICH IMO     


   Move the ICHDM across clients   


Program /SCF/TESTCBOOK          

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