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This document will guide you through the syntax of User-defined Values (also known as formatted search) in SAP Business One, version for SAP HANA. The specific syntax of formatted search is still valid in B1H, such as
- $[TableName.FieldName]
- $[$Field_Item_Id.0]
- $[$Field_Item_Id. Column_Id.0] etc.

However, there are some differences from the SQL Server version. This document will point out these syntax differences using the scenarios below:

·   Scenario#1: Copy the posting date to the delivery date in a Sales Order using a query

·   Scenario#2: Copy the posting date + 7 days to the delivery date in a Sales Order using a query

·   Scenario#3: Populate a UDF (U_ItemFullName) added to the row of a sales order with the format:  “<ItemCode>-<ItemDescription>”


Syntax #1: Using Table Name and Field Name
SELECT $[TableName."FieldName"] FROM DUMMY

Scenario#1: FMS query to get the Posting Date in Sales Order screen

SQL Server: SELECT $[ORDR.DocDate]

Key Points:

·    HANA SQL/SQL Script is case sensitive. You need to use double quotes (“”) for the exact case when the table name, field name or procedure name contains lower case. Otherwise, without double quotes (“”) HANA SQL Engine in run-time will consider everything as upper case, giving you an error “Invalid column or table name”.

·    In our example, the table name is entered without quote marks, since it is upper case, for example, ORDR for the Sales Order entry screen. The field name is mixed case and must be quoted, for example, the DocDate field in ORDR which stores the Posting Date.The formatted search syntax in SQL Server can select a field without a from clause. However, SAP HANA syntax requires "FROM DUMMY

·    The following FMS query (table name with double quotes) in SAP HANA will give an error as “Internal error - 1110”.

You can refer to the document below for more details about HANA SQL and SQL Script:

SAP HANA Database - SQL Reference Manual

SAP HANA SQLScript Reference


Scenario#2: FMS query to get the Posting Date in Sales Order plus 7 days.

SQL Server: SELECT DATEADD(DD, 7, $[ORDR.DocDate])



Key Points:

·    ·    The function name for getting the date is different in SAP HANA. If applicable, please replace the date format 'mm/dd/yyyy’ accordingly.

·    ·    The differences of ADD_DAYS and TO_DATE functions between SQL Server and SAP HANA list below:

HANA format MSSQL format HANA example MSSQL example
ADD_DAYS (d, n) DATEADD(day [/ dd / d], n, datetime) ADD_DAYS ('1.1.2012', 4) DATEADD(day [/ dd / d], 4, '1.1.2012')
TO_DATE (expression [, format]) CAST (exp AS date), TO_DATE ('20120730'), CAST('20120730' as date),
CONVERT(date, exp [, style ]) TO_DATE ('20120730', 'yyyymmdd') CONVERT(date, '20120730', 112)

This document Best Practices of SQL in SAP HANA lists best practices of SQL usage on SAP HANA, for User Defined Query, SBO_SP_TransactionNotification and Add-Ons etc in SAP Business One, version for SAP HANA. The best practices involve most frequently used SQL syntax in Server SQL and SAP HANA with samples.


Syntax #2: Using Field Item UID in Screen

The system is able to uniquely identify each field of a document using the field’s index number and field’s column number. If you have activated the system information under View -> System Information, the system displays the field’s item number and the field’s column number in the status bar when you move your mouse over a field in a window.

Scenario#1: FMS query to get the Posting Date.

The Item UID of Posting Date is 10 in the Sales Order window.
SQL Server: SELECT $[$10.0]


Scenario#2: FMS query to get the Posting Date plus 7 days.

SQL Server: SELECT DATEADD(DD, 7, $[10.0])

SAP HANA: SELECT ADD_DAYS(TO_DATE($[10.0], 'mm/dd/yyyy'), 7) FROM DUMMY


Syntax#3: Using Field Item UID and Column UID in matrix


You can also use the field’s item number and field’s column number to refer to a field in a matrix on the entry screen. By doing this, the query applies to all document entry screens.


·    Use the NUMBER parameter if the field concerned contains an amount and a currency key, and you want to extract the amount only. 

·    Use the CURRENCY parameter if the field concerned contains an amount and a currency key, and you want to extract only the currency key.

·    Use the DATE parameter if the field concerned is a date field and you want to use it for calculations.

·    Use 0 to get the value as a string


Scenario#3: Populate a user defined field (U_ItemFullName) added to a document row with the format: “<ItemCode>-<ItemDescription>”


Item Code: A00001

Item Description: IBM Infoprint 1312

Item Full Name (UDF): A00001-IBM Infoprint 1312

In the Sales Order window:

Fields in Sales Order Window Item/Column UID
Line Details Matrix 38
Item Code 1
Item Description 3

SQL Server: SELECT $[$38.1.0] + '-' + $[$38.3.0]

SAP HANA:  SELECT $[$38.1.0] || '-' || $[$38.3.0] FROM DUMMY

In SAP HAHA,  symbol || is used the concatenation of string.

e.g., the sql statement "SELECT ‘Hello ’ || 'World’ FROM DUMMY" will return the result as ‘Hello World’