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The below mentioned process is to make some default text should be available in sales order header every time while creation of sales order.

at the same time we can edit the text and print it on the sales order.

Configuration steps:

1. Create ID under TEXT object

SAP Easy Access>Tools>Form printout>Administration>Settings-SE75

will get a warning : These settings are valid in all clients.

click on continue

Double click on it

Create a new text ID for object TEXT same like “ST” with “Z”

Maintain details like above mentioned (Similar to “ST”)

getting an information message like Observe name ranges: Y,Z for customers, JNC for partners, A..X for SAP

Click on yes

2 Text Name creations:

SAP Easy access>Logistics>Sales and Distribution>Sales support>Sales promotions>SO10-Standard texts

Maintain a new text Name and created Text ID as per business requirement

Maintain some text as per business requirement

Click on save

3.Text determination procedure

Now the text should be appear in sales order header text screen as a default.

For this we need to configure “Text determination procedure”

SAP IMG>Sales and Distribution>Basic function>Text control>Define Text type

Define Text type:

caution: The table is cross client information will come,

click on continue.

Click on save

3.1 Create a new access sequence in Text determination procedure

SAP IMG>Sales and distribution>Basic Functions>Text control

After enter the below data press enter,

Text object: TEXT


Text name field will be open from display mode to editable mode

Enter SO10 text which we created as per business requirement

Should be displayed at sales order level by default.

Save it.

Assign the procedure to sales document type

Now check the sales order.

Note: This document I prepared in IDES system for information purpose to share the knowledge.

before doing any changes please check with your ABAPER and business requirement.

Hope it helps for everyone.Comments and suggestions are welcome.


Krishna Kumar.

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