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Here is List of SAP executable that you may find on your SAP systems.

If you know of SAP executables “*.exe” files missing in from list, please leave a comment:

R3check           This is a tool that can check Cluster-Tables for errors.

R3ldctl                         The tool for exporting all table structures to the file system during an OS/DB-Migration.

R3load                         The table import & export tool of SAP during Installation, Upgrade and Migration.

R3szchk                       The tool for determine the sizes of the different tables in the target database during the import in an OS/DB-Migration.

R3ta                             Split large tables for export and import

R3trans                        This is the tool, which does the real work for tp, tp controls the import and export of changes and R3trans does those using scripts, which were generated from tp.

** Latest version of tp and R3trans Available in the SAP Service Marketplace, Released in 24th jan 2015.

SAPCAR           SAP Compression and Archiving program

SAPEXEDB_159-20000976.SAR     Compressed file containing DB Dependent executables

SAPEXE_159-20000978.SAR     Compressed file containing the Database Independent executables

cfw                   GUI Control Framework for Abap Objects

cleanipc                       Cleans Inter-Process Communications Memory

db2jcllib.o                    Rsdb/db2jcl_library parameter

db2radm                      Used to configure DB2Connect

dbadaslib.o     Part of lib_dbsl – database dependent SQL handler

dbdb2pwd       Create an encrypted DB2 Password File

dbdb2slib.o     Part of lib_dbsl – database dependent SQL handler – DB2

dbsdbslib.o      Part of lib_dbsl – database dependent SQL handler

dev_sapstart     Log file for starting sap

dipgntab                      Activation and adjustment of the nametabs with the ABAP Dictionary.

disp+work        Dispatcher & Workprocess – “The complete Kernel” – Here the complete ABAP is processed …

Dpj2ee              Dispatcher for Java

dpmon             Used to get the process overview of an instance in text mode.

dsrlib.o            Distributed Statistics Records

Dw_gui.o          Dependent module for Disp+work

Dw_mdm.o       Dependent module for Disp+work

Dw_stl.o          Dependent module for Disp+work

Dw_xml.o         Dependent module for Disp+work

Dw_xtc.o          Dependent module for Disp+work

Eg2mon           Monitor program for Extended Global Memory Segments (only for support)

Em2mon          Monitor program for Extended Memory management (only for support)

emmon            Test program for Extended Memory

enqt                 Check and Monitor the Enqueue Lock Table

enrepserver      SAP Enqueue Replication Server

enserver           SAP Enqueue Server

ensmon            Enqueue Server Programs to monitor the enqueue server and the enqueue replication servers.

Es2mon           Programs to monitor the enqueue server and the enqueue replication servers.

esmon              Program to monitor the enqueue server and the enqueue replication servers.

estst                 Test program for the Extended Memory Segments (only for support)

evtd                  This program is able to trigger events within the SAP system. The tp tool uses this feature. It can be used as trigger for self-written interfaces as well.

exe_db2.lst       The ‘*.lst’ files are text files used by sapcpe to determine which files to compare/copy on instance startup.

gateway.lst       The ‘*.lst’ files are text files used by sapcpe to determine which files to compare/copy on instance startup.   Gateway processes

gwmon            Program gwmon (at operating system level) or SAP transaction SMGW monitors the SAP Gateway.

gwrd                Program gwmon (at operating system level) or SAP transaction SMGW monitors the SAP Gateway.              Tool to monitor and manage the Internet Communication Manager (ICM) from the SAP System (transaction SMICM).

icmadmin.SAR             Tool to monitor and manage the Internet Communication Manager (ICM) from the SAP System (transaction SMICM).

icman               Tool to monitor and manage the Internet Communication Manager (ICM) from the SAP System (transaction SMICM).

icmbnd            Program to bind ports with numbers from 0 to 1023

icmon              Internet Communication Manager (ICM) used for HTTP(S), SMTP based communication used to monitor and manage the Internet Communication Manager (ICM) from the SAP System (transaction SMICM).

instance.lst      List of database-independent executables. These executables are valid for all database systems used by the SAP system.

instancedb.lst      List of database-dependent executables. These executables can only be used with a particular database system.

ipclimits           Reports IPC memory available to SAP at the OS level

j2eeinst.lst       The ‘*.lst’ files are text files used by sapcpe to determine which files to compare/copy on instance startup.

jcmon                          Program to monitor and manage Java processes

jcontrol            Program to control Java processes

jenqulib.jar                  Java Enqueue Library

jlaunch             Program starts the Java processes

jlogunzip.jar    Java Classes used to unzip archives (used from the sapstartsrv)

jperflib.jar        J2EE client Jar file

jstartup.jar       Java Startup Frame Work jar file

jstartupapi.jar                J2EE Engine Monitoring API

jstartupimpl.jar             J2EE Monitoring

ldap_rfc            LDAP Connector

ldappasswd      Store LDAP directory user and password

ldapreg                        LDAP Registration Service

lgtst                Program to test the message server

libicudata30.a               ICU Common Library – Part of the RFC SDK and are used for RFC connections.

libicui18n30.a               ICU Common Library – Part of the RFC SDK and are used for RFC connections.

libicuuc30.a                             ICU Common Library – Part of the RFC SDK and are used for RFC connections.

libjenqulib.o                            Part of the RFC SDK and are used for RFC connections.                   JMON Shared Library – Part of the RFC SDK and are used for RFC connections.                  Part of the RFC SDK and are used for RFC connections.

libregex.o                                 Part of the RFC SDK and are used for RFC connections.

librfcum.o                                 Dynamic Load Library – Part of the RFC SDK and are used for RFC connections.

libsapcsa.o                   CSA Shared Library – Part of the RFC SDK and are used for RFC connections.

libsapsecu.o                             SECU Shared Library – SAP seculib library used for default encryption. It’s referenced in the j2ee startup logs in the work directory.                             Part of the RFC SDK and are used for RFC connections.                        Part of the RFC SDK and are used for RFC connections.

mdxsvr                                     MDX Parser for RFC

memlimits                                 The program memlimits lets you determine how much swap space is currently available in the host system.

msclients                      Shows running instances registered in the Message Server

msg_server                    Main Message Server executable

msmon                                     Message Server Monitor Utility

msprot                          Monitor Message Server at the OS level

niping                           Program to test the SAP network layer and the SAProuter

rfcexec                         The tool to start other programs from within SAP (ABAP) on the OS level via the gateway on any other (or the same) server.

rfcexec.sec                   The tool to start other programs from within SAP (ABAP) on the OS level via the gateway on any other (or the same) server.

rfcping                          Ping the RFC layer

rscparulib.o                   Dynamic shared library with code page converter

rscpf2f             Check installed locales for given list of languages.(Created for installation tools. Possibly unused.)

rscpf3f             Find possible system code pages for given list of languages. (Created for installation tools. Possibly unused)

rscpf_ars          Test program for code page conversion, language handling and locales in combination with ‘rscparulib.o’.              (only for support)

rscpf_db                       Test program for code page conversion, language handling and locales. This program will connect to database and  also attached to shared memory of an instance if possible.  (Only for support)

rslgcoll             Central System Logging Collector

rslglscs                         Show the Syslog specific parts of the shared memory  segment ‘SCSA’. (mainly for support)

rslgsend                       Central System Logging Sender

rslgview                        View SAP Log at the OS level

rstrcscs                        Program creates a common memory segment for the SCSA, locates the trace switches block within it and initializes the trace switches block.

rstrfile               R/3 system trace file tool

rstrlscs                         The command “rstrcscs r” removes that common memory segment again.

rstrsscs                        The command “rstrsscs” allows change to the switch settings in the trace switches block within the SCSA.

rsyn.bin                     For each kernel version of the R/3 System, there exists an appropriate file rsyn.bin which contains the ABAP/4 syntax description.  It describes what to do when compiling an ABAP statement

sapccm4x                     CCMS Agent for Abap

sapccmsr                     CCMS Agent for Java

sapcontrol                     ’sapcontrol’ is used to stop/start/monitor the sap instances (for example, from the sapmc).

sapcpe                         This checks that the local executables are up to date each time an SAP instance that uses local executables is started.

sapcpeft                     Parameter file used by sapcpe

sapcpp46.o                     Virus Scan Adapter files (Note 964305)

sapdbmrfc                     RFC for SAPDB connections

sapevt                         This program is able to trigger events within the SAP system. The tp tool uses this feature. It can be used as trigger for self-written interfaces as well.

sapexec                     Call SAP Function Modules

sapftp                         FTP Client, that can be used from within the SAP system (from ABAP) to communicate with other FTP servers.

saphttp                     HTTP Client, that can be used from within the SAP system (from ABAP) to communicate with other HTTP servers – e.g. for interfaces.

sapiconv                     Program for the conversion of text files

sapkprotp                     Relocate a Content Server Repository

saplicense                     The Tool for the installation of a new SAP License. This is needed when the license expires e.g. because of a hardware change.                 Text file that contains the kernel patch level and is read by the JSPM (Java Support Package Manager).             Text file that contains the database kernel patch level and is read by the JSPM (Java Support Package Manager).

sapmscsa                     SCSA Administration

saposcol                     The SAP Interface to the Operating System for Performance Data. The Operating System Collector collects CPU Usage, Disk Performance, Paging etc.

sapparar                     Reads the SAP Profile

sappfpar                     This tool can be used for checking the profiles after changes and before restarting the SAP system.                     Script to set Root permissions necessary for some kernel programs

saprouter                     The program for the Router Connection from customers to SAP and vice versa.

sapsecin                     Generation of the PSE (Personal Security Environment)

sapstart                     Starts SAP processes

sapstartsrv                 Starts SAP processes

sapuxuserchk                 The program xuser is a tool from maxdb which stores the logon information to the DB.  This utility program called by sapcontrol which is a program that uses the web service APIs of the ABAP and Java startup framework to control an instance from the command line.

sapwebdisp                     The SAP Web dispatcher is used for load balancing for a setting up an SAP Internet scenario. It is the only application that needs to be located in the DMZ. Everything “behind” this can (and should) be located in your intranet. So, only one port on one IP address needs to be opened to internet and the SAP Web dispatcher can handle the traffic with the different SAP instances.

sapxpg                         Program that starts programs on an external host. The tool for starting OS commands from within SAP Systems.

scs.lst                     The ‘*.lst’ files are text files used by sapcpe to determine which files to compare/copy on instance startup.

scsclient.lst                 The ‘*.lst’ files are text files used by sapcpe to determine which files to compare/copy on instance startup.

semd                         A Test Tool used to verify semaphore operations.

servicehttp                 The port number where the server should listen for HTTP requests.

shmd                         Related to Shared Memory

showipc                     Checks shared memory segments

sldreg                         SLD registration program

sldreglib.o                 SLD registration program

ssfrfc                         Secure Store and Forward (SSF)

startdb                     Program to start the database

startj2eedb                 Program to start the database (Java)

startrfc                     The tool is a very easy SAP command line interface to start all of the implemented function modules of SAP systems.

startsap                     Program to start SAP

stopdb                         Program to stop the database

stopj2eedb                     Program to stop the database (Java)

stopsap                     Program to stop SAP

tp                             The Transport Tool. This program coordinates the complete import and export of program and table changes made within the SAP system in order to transport them through the complete System Landscape.

vscan_rfc                     Virus Scan Adapter files (Note 964305)

wdispadmin.SAR                 Web Dispatcher Administration Interface archive program

wdispmon                     Web Dispatcher Monitor program

webdispinst.lst             Web Dispatcher Administration Interface list

xml63d.o                     Virus Scan Adapter files (Note 964305)