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Please see July 18 SAP Community Calls: Q&A - How are SAP Mentors Chosen? by jason.cao

Replay recording link is here: https://sap.na.pgiconnect.com/p1xhpkfx8qc/

Please note these are general guidelines and answers do not represent all of the SAP Mentor Advisory Board

Calling and accepting nominations at  https://surveys.sap.com/SE/?SID=SV_eD1CM7IRRvkvWX

Thanks to host : robin.vanhethof




Robin also contributed to documenting the Q&A.  Questions and rough answers are below:

Q: Is SAP Mentor selection process static over time? If not what is the evolution - lesson learned - changes, etc...

A: not static

Process - typically Spring/Fall

Now have a year-round nomination system

Not limiting to two intakes

Dynamic, not only in SAP eco system

Process:  in past, only 2 intakes (spring / fall). now,

year round database, and database of nominations is being kept

Q: Any comparative analysis of the "free for all" nominations vs. old recommendation approach?

A: past, nominate peers

Used to get 100

Changed free for all, had over 400 unique candidates

Way more unique / wider spread candidates to choose from 53 countries

Q: Will there be the same priorities/focus for the next round of nominations?

A: yes and no

Topic expertise

Filling in gaps better (Ariba etc) but also region-wise (APJ, LATAM etc).

Q:  If we nominated someone last time who wasn't selected, is it safe to assume there's no point in re-nominating them (i.e., they remain in the database and

therefore remain a candidate)?

A: It doesn't hurt to renominate

If they weren't selected, we get back to them and ask if they would like to stay in database for next round

It would be better to be kept in database, and opt-out

Email sapmentors at sap dot com to

Q: Are self nominations still available in Fall?

A: Yes


Last time, 500 nominations, tasked with going through those nominations; some did not know

You can nominate at any time of the year

Want to see consistent engagement

Q: Skill diversity wise - do we need to ask the current Mentors to update their skill list? E.g. many Mentors that "claim" ABAP are no longer ABAPers strictly

speaking. I'd guess this still consumes "the ABAPer quota" while there might be like 3 people who actually do ABAP daily

A: we need Mentors to update their expertise info so that our analysis of gaps in the Mentor Mix is accurate

Q: What about Desirable regions and area of expertise that were announced in last selection, are they still a criteria in the next one.

A: yes still valid this time

Southeast Asia

Middle East

Latin America

Last criteria too specific. Gaps and specific areas are now a bit more simplified, but would love to see more APJ, Middle-East, etc nominations

Q: When seeking geographical diversity, is the balance sought to be "even" (i.e., similarly total numbers of Mentors from each region), or are the regions weighted by the numbers of SAP customers in those regions? i.e.,if Europe or North America has more total customers in the installed-base, should there be more mentors from those regions?

A: Diversity vs representation

We want Mentors from all over

Ensure community is representative of ecosystem

Diverse community is sought after, but should be at the same time representitive

Q: My question is about the vote, there will be a public link so people can vote? It will be a single vote per person? What are the limitations of this vote?

I ask this as if it were making a disclosure of my nominated, this would be a practice allowed?

A: not a voting process, a nominating process

It's Not a voting process, its a selection and nomination process

Do check references

Look at Mentors who nominate

Q: Is there a single brief answer I can give people at conferences such as TechEd when we are asked by a random person "How do I become a mentor?" - It seems such a loaded question.

A: Why would you want to be a Mentor?

What is it about the program that makes you want to be a part of it?

leadership by example

First start with Why you want to be a Mentor

- point to Jason's blog post (create bit.ly's)

- Leadership By Example

Jelena "my response to passers-by at Tech Ed was that you never become a Mentor by setting out to become a Mentor."

Q:  What about current mentors who are not very active on SCN for a while, i.e. no contributions in the last year or two?

A: SCN is not the only way to contribute as a mentor

Could be active elsewhere

Also have SAP Mentor Alumni

Mentor Emeritus

make sure Mentor 'involvement', but sometimes you outgrow (work, other responsibilities, etc) so they become Alumni

- Mentor community should stay highly active, and Mentor Program ensures visibility

Mentor Lifecycle; a difficult topic

Q: Will you also search for the "new"  topic expertise mentors if they are not in yet in the community instead of using the nomination

A: Yes

Q: As you know technology is changing  very fast and there are alot of  things to study, work about. I wonder how SAP Mentors find time for so much sharings,

events, meetings, etc. How do you put  these things in limited times even w/o paid?

A: Matt Fraser: that is a powerful question. It isn't easy, and this goes back to what Jason was saying earlier about how the level of participation will wax

and wane through the year(s) as other commitments (PAID work, for example) ebb and flow.

Graham: I get more out than I put in - both professionally & personally;  it's about personal development; I get more out than I put in - both professionally & personally

- Graham: it's about personal development; I get more out than I put in - both professionally & personally

- Engaging in ways to make a difference

Greg Capps: The mentor program has also helped SAP products to provide product feedback and functionality misses before releasing to the world.  I have been amazed how quickly some of these misses were fixed before an anouncement or soon after

Fred Verheul: It's all about passion

John Astill: the genuine altruism exhibited by a lot of mentors makes the program a privilege to be in

Gender diversity - encourage; relatable role models

Q: Deadline for next round of nominations?

A: July 31

Announce by end of August

From Graham: