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Just kidding 😉

I saw a few un-answered questions on SDN on how to attach documents and URLs with the Business Objects, in background and then it should appear in GOS attachment list. So I am trying to understand the basics inside GOS.

[Those un-answered question are years old so I am not sure if GOS is obsolete & now it is only used in Waldorf 😉 ]

However, I did manage to write a program using the inside- logic of GOS, to attach Notes and URLs in background. [ Wow...finally I discovered that the earth is flat & it's standstill ;-)...any doubts.. ]

Anyway we go..

Attaching documents to Business Objects in background / providing a custom GOS like functionality for BSPs:
[ Actually, I pretend that I know BSPs just because I have some experience with JSPs/HTML and..ABAP is...well no... It’s not my mother tongue ;-). So I confidently used to pass suggestions about BSPs as long as I don't have to write it by myself. ]

The Problem:
Since GOS can only be used with SAPGui Front-end ( OK..may be with ITS as well) and only in foreground, mass-attachment of documents (in background) can’t be handled with GOS. However, the basic applications (Classes & Methods), used in GOS, can be utilized to create a custom program for this purpose.

Use: Since this new program will have the ability to run in background, irrespective of front-end, the same code can also be utilized to provide a GOS like facility in BSPs or while developing an upload program for attaching documents/URLs to Business Objects, in background.

Inside GOS:
Basically, inside the application, main business object and attachment, both are treated as Business Objects and then a link is maintained between both the object instances. The relationship type, while maintaining the link, describes whether the attached object is a URL or a file attachment, note and so on.

However, while the main business object, to which you are trying to attach the document / URL is already known e.g. for Purchase order the Object type ('BUS2012’ )is known and instance (?) exists in database but the instance for the attachment has to be created first before the linking.

Attachment can be a URL / a Note / a File and so you need to first upload (data as well in case of file) the attahcment info, and in the process also get a business object instance generated of BO type ‘MESSAGE’.

The program
The program-processing will have following steps:

  • Upload the File to be attached or in case of URL just get the URL name. In case of mass upload, the input can be read from a data-file on application server, having info (e.g. URL / File Path ) against the Business Object key ( e.g. Purchase Order Number ).
  • Create an instance of BO type ‘MESSAGE’ using BO Method MESSAGE.Create. In case you are not comfortable with BO macros, simply call the main FM used within. The important part here is to pass the document type e.g. URL, EXT (for external files), and contents of file as well the file type ( e.g. TXT, PDF ) in case of File attachments. Here the document type can be derived from the relationship type of the link.
  • Now, the attachment is created in database as a ‘MESSAGE’ and instance is known. We’ll refer to this as object_b and main Business Object as objet_a.
  • Now, maintain the link.

Check the attached documents through GOS toolbar Attachment List, using main business objects’ transaction e.g. ME23N for Purchase Orders. Sample Code
*---------------------------------------------------------------------** Report  Z_RMTIWARI_ATTACH_DOC_TO_BO*---------------------------------------------------------------------** Written By : Ram Manohar Tiwari* Function   : We need to maintain links between Business Object and*              the attachment.Attachment document is basiclally a*              business object of type 'MESSAGE'.In order to maintain*              links, first the attachment will be crated as Business*              Object of type 'MESSAGE' using Message.Create method.*              Need to check if we can also use FM*              'SO_DOC_INSERT_WITH_ORIG_API1' or SO_OBJECT_INSERT rather*              than using Message.Create method.*---------------------------------------------------------------------*REPORT  Z_RMTIWARI_ATTACH_DOC_TO_BO             .* Include for BO macros  INCLUDE : &ltcntn01&gt.* Load class.  CLASS CL_BINARY_RELATION definition load.  CLASS CL_OBL_OBJECT      definition load.PARAMETERS:*  Object_a   P_BOTYPE LIKE obl_s_pbor-typeid DEFAULT 'ZFRIENDS', " e.g. 'BUS2012'   P_BO_ID  LIKE OBL_S_PBOR-INSTID DEFAULT '00007',    " Key e.g. PO No.*  Object_b   P_DOCTY  LIKE obl_s_pbor-typeid DEFAULT 'MESSAGE' NO-DISPLAY,   P_MSGTYP LIKE SOFM-DOCTP        DEFAULT 'URL'     NO-DISPLAY,*  Relationship   P_RELTYP  LIKE mdoblrel-reltype DEFAULT 'URL'.  types: BEGIN OF TY_MESSAGE_KEY,          FOLTP TYPE SO_FOL_TP,          FOLYR TYPE SO_FOL_YR,          FOLNO TYPE SO_FOL_NO,          DOCTP TYPE SO_DOC_TP,          DOCYR TYPE SO_DOC_YR,          DOCNO TYPE SO_DOC_NO,          FORTP TYPE SO_FOR_TP,          FORYR TYPE SO_FOR_YR,          FORNO TYPE SO_FOR_NO,         END OF TY_MESSAGE_KEY.  DATA : LV_MESSAGE_KEY type TY_MESSAGE_KEY.  DATA : LO_MESSAGE type SWC_OBJECT.  DATA : LT_DOC_CONTENT type standard table of SOLI-LINE with headerline.* First derive the Attachment's ( MESSAGE )document type.  P_DOCTY = 'MESSAGE'.  CASE P_RELTYP.*   In case of URls    WHEN 'URL'.       P_MSGTYP = 'URL'.*   In case of Notes / Private Notes    WHEN 'NOTE' OR 'PNOT'.       P_MSGTYP = 'RAW'.    WHEN 'ATTA'.       P_MSGTYP = 'EXT'.*   Not implemented as yet...exit     EXIT.    WHEN OTHERS.*    ....exit     EXIT.    ENDCASE.*----------------------------------------------------------------** Create an initial instance of BO 'MESSAGE' - to call the* instance-independent method 'Create'.  swc_create_object LO_MESSAGE 'MESSAGE' LV_MESSAGE_KEY.* define container to pass the parameter values to the method call* in next step.  swc_container LT_MESSAGE_CONTAINER.* Populate container with parameters for method  swc_set_element LT_MESSAGE_CONTAINER 'DOCUMENTTITLE' 'Title'.  swc_set_element LT_MESSAGE_CONTAINER 'DOCUMENTLANGU' 'E'.  swc_set_element LT_MESSAGE_CONTAINER 'NO_DIALOG'     'X'.  swc_set_element LT_MESSAGE_CONTAINER 'DOCUMENTNAME' P_DOCTY.  swc_set_element LT_MESSAGE_CONTAINER 'DOCUMENTTYPE'   P_MSGTYP.* 'DocumentContent' is a multi-line element ( itab ).* In case of should be concatenated with &KEY& in the begining.  CASE P_MSGTYP.    WHEN 'URL'.      LT_DOC_CONTENT = '&KEY&' .      append LT_DOC_CONTENT.* In case of Notes or Private Notes, get the data from files on appl* server or from wherever(? - remember background).     WHEN 'RAW'.       LT_DOC_CONTENT = 'Hi How r u?' .       append LT_DOC_CONTENT.* In case of File attachments     WHEN 'EXT'.*       Upload the file contents using open dataset in lt_doc_content .*       Some conversion ( Compress ) might be required.*       Not sure at this point  ENDCASE.  swc_set_element LT_MESSAGE_CONTAINER 'DocumentContent' LT_DOC_CONTENT.  swc_call_method LO_MESSAGE 'CREATE' LT_MESSAGE_CONTAINER.* Refresh to get the reference of create 'MESSAGE' object for attachment  swc_refresh_object LO_MESSAGE.* Get Key of new object  swc_get_object_key LO_MESSAGE LV_MESSAGE_KEY.* Now we have attachment as a business object instance. We can now* attach it to our main business object instance.* Create main BO object_a  data: LO_IS_OBJECT_A type SIBFLPORB.  LO_IS_OBJECT_A-INSTID = P_BO_IDLO_IS_OBJECT_A-TYPEID = P_BOTYPELO_IS_OBJECT_A-CATID  = 'BO'.* Create attachment BO object_b  data: LO_IS_OBJECT_B type SIBFLPORB.  LO_IS_OBJECT_B-INSTID = LV_MESSAGE_KEYLO_IS_OBJECT_B-TYPEID = P_DOCTYLO_IS_OBJECT_B-CATID  = 'BO'.*TRY.CALL METHOD CL_BINARY_RELATION=&gtCREATE_LINK  EXPORTING    IS_OBJECT_A            = LO_IS_OBJECT_A*    IP_LOGSYS_A            =    IS_OBJECT_B            = LO_IS_OBJECT_B*    IP_LOGSYS_B            =    IP_RELTYPE             = P_RELTYP*    IP_PROPNAM             =*    I_PROPERTY             =*  IMPORTING*    EP_LINK_ID             =*    EO_PROPERTY            =    .*CATCH CX_OBL_PARAMETER_ERROR .*CATCH CX_OBL_MODEL_ERROR .*CATCH CX_OBL_INTERNAL_ERROR .*ENDTRY.* Check if everything OK...who cares!!  commit work.