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A question over the link between materials and substances

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Hello everyone,

As we know, the data of substances in EHS module is connected to the data of materials in MM module.

But If one material is a mixture, and it has several components of substances in it. How can I make several substances connected with one material in SAP release 6.0?

And the 2nd question is:

Is that possible to make one substance identified by several UN numbers?

This is my first time to come here. I really hope that somebody could help me.

Thank you in advance !

Best regards,


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Hello Li,

Just to add to whatever have been already explained, you can very well estabilish 1:n & n:1 relations between material and specifications. There is no restriction whatsoever. But, finally it boils down to the reason for the linking. If it's purely for logistics requirements and not merely for referencing, then Bill of substance is the best bet as already explained.



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Hello Li

in addition to what Jayakumar and Pavan explained:

Normally you have the link Material (many materials to one real_sub) <=> Real_Sub. Now using one of the so called properties (value assignments) you can create the BOS (Bill of substance) as explained by Jayakumar using the BOM. That means you can use there again REAL_SUBs having a material link to maintain this property.

The use of the "correct/right" property is in most cases critical in EH&S as normally you would like to use this BOS to perform further tasks.

E.g. data in property "Hazardous Composition" is normally printed on MSDS. Data stored in Standard composition is used often to "drive" rule sets which can be bought by several suppliers. Using these rule sets you can populate further properties with data on the REAL_SUB level. Further more most companeis are effected by one of the global "inventories" in chemistry (like TSCA etc.) and have to do there "registration" job. Using the composition data is a starting point to make sure that you are compliant.

IN principle as explained: on the level of the substance/specification more than one identifer of one type etc. can be maintained. Here it is important to understand the use of the data model.

The data model has been mentioned by Jayakumar (Real Substances, Pure Substances, Listed Substances). Normally the UN number is maintained not directly on the REAL_SUB level. Normally objects of type LS_UN_SUB are used to do the job.

Hope that helps too.


Answers (3)

Answers (3)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi everyone,

Sorry that I have to continue this question.

I assigned 3 identifiers (UN numbers 9991, 9992, 9993) to one substance. There was no error during saving.

The problem is:

When I search this substance with Restricting Criteria "UN" and " 99* ", there's only one UN number visible.

Are there some available settings or other solutions to make all the UN numbers visible in the hit list?



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Li,

1) System has not given you any warning because, technically it is allowed to enter multiple UN Numbers - Since there is no check function avaiilable, like the one giving you warning that you can not enter more than "x" digits for UN number.

2) You are making a hitlist of substances - since there is only one substance for which you have maintained Identifiers 999* - for which system is displaying single substance. The purpose of substance hitlist is to provide unique substance lists based on search criteria not to display same substance multiple time,if it has different identifiers maintained.



Active Contributor
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Hello Li

regarding your question (hitlist display of more than one UN number per specification) => to my knowledge there is only a "workaround" possible.

As explained by Jayakumar only one identifier per specification can be shown in hitlist. Please take a look in customizing: the number and type etc. of identifer shown in hitlist can be customized. The same is true in properties of type "composition/Spec listing" etc.

This so called "identifier listing"(Hitlist = D_HITLIST) but it is very "static" and not dynamic. But even if you enhance the set up a little bit (which can be done using some programming without modification etc.) the restriction is that in the hitlist etc. only one ! identifier will be shown.

But you could program an output variant to do the job. Using that output variant you could display any identifer which is maintained on the level of a specification. Out put variants are the "standard user exit type" used very often in EH&S to display something (e.g. data maintained on specifciation level) on the screen there no output variant is provided by SAP.

IN higher releases (starting from I believe SAP 2004) there is a new output variant (I believe called SUB_DATA) which can be used as a starting point to create your customer specific variant.

The normal DG SAP data model is like this:

per LS_UN_SUB only one UN Number is maintained. Using EH&S you can later find any real substance which have a "link" to this LS_UN_SUB (there is a standard query available in EH&S to do this research).

May be this helps too.

With best regards


Edited by: Christoph Bergemann on Mar 25, 2010 1:33 PM

Edited by: Christoph Bergemann on Mar 25, 2010 1:45 PM

Edited by: Christoph Bergemann on Mar 25, 2010 1:46 PM

Edited by: Christoph Bergemann on Mar 25, 2010 1:46 PM

Former Member
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Hi, Christoph and Jayakumar,

Thank you for all the information you gave to me. It really helped a lot.

After each of your replies, I feel I learned more than what I asked. That is fantastic! I'm really enjoying it!

Best Wishes,


Former Member
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This morning when I held the small hand of my dochter in my hand, I suddenly felt that I am also like a child in EHS module.

Thank you all for the helpful hands.

Further questions will come soon.....

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Li,

But If one material is a mixture, and it has several components of substances in it. How can I make several substances connected with one material in SAP release 6.0?

First of all you need to understand the Bill of Materials of the Material which you want to map into EHS

For linking the bill of substances as Componenets you need to first understand the type of substances to which they fall or how you want them to be modeled like Real Substances, Pure Substances, Listed Substances

Based on the Bill of Materials, you convert them to Bill of Substances- and assign those as composition

These composition can be different types like Standard Composition, Hazardous Composition etc

And the 2nd question is:

Is that possible to make one substance identified by several UN numbers?

The purpose of UN number is a globally recognized unique number, if you want to assign different numbers it is possible (as there is no check module available to warn users to use only one)

