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Cost center XXXX does not exist on 15.09.2010.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello All,

I am getting an error " Cost center XXXX" does not exist on 15.09.2010.

I am getting this error while trying to release billing document to accounting.

I checked in KS03 for the cost center and got an error message that cost center does not exist.

I also checked in OKB9 but did not find my GL account there.

My client has now given me a new cost center for the billing document.

Please can you tell me where should i update this new cost center? From where is system picking cost center for this billing document?

Thanks & Regards


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Answers (3)

Former Member
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we have a z program to correct such errors. i have run that program and issue is resolved now.

Former Member
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Hi Sonalika

We are facing the same issue.. Can you provide the Z program or possibly the logic behind the code written??



Active Contributor
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KS01 => Create Cost Center

OVF3 => Assign Cost Center


G. Lakshmipathi

Former Member
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IMG>SD>Basic Functions>Account Assignment/Costing>Assign Cost Centers

VA02: Header>Account Assignment

Former Member
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Thanks for the response.

But in my project no assignment is maintained in OVF3. Also checked VA02 - no cost center is maintained there.

I cannot create new cost center. FI dept has already provided me with a cost center. My billing document needs to be posted to this cost center.

Is there any other place where it can be maintained.

One thing i just found out - in billing document there is a field (z field) for assignment number. The first 5 digits in this field are the same as the cost center number. But other digits imply something else which i could not understand.

I will try to change these first 5 digits to the new cost center number and try account posting again.

Only doubt is that it should not have other implications.

Thanks & Regards


Former Member
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Try to change the cost center date 15.09.2010