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crystal reports for visual studio 2012

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Hi All.

Where can I find and download crystal reports for visual studio 2012?


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Currently there is no Crystal Reports version available for VS 2012.

There is no information available on when it will be out.

The Space Overview will be updated as soon as it is available.

See below threads where same query has been discussed.

- Bhushan

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Answers (1)

Answers (1)

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Thanks for replay.

Does exist way to create report in VS 2012?


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I managed to modify CR for VS.NET 2010 to install on 2012, using MS ORCA.

It throws an error at the end of the install while registering some component in VS but the main setup will finish ok. You'll be able to edit reports from within VS 2012 but the template to create a new one doesn't register, but you can always do some copy/paste to fix that.

I think they haven't release a version for VS 2012 because they assume you'll want to target fw 4.5 and their SDK still uses fw4.0, but that's not always the case. I'm targeting fw4.0 from VS 2012 just to take advantage of the new features of VS. You can even target fw 4.5 while CR targets fw 4.0.

I'm not sure if i'm allowed to post here a link to the installer, so I'll just wait for some feedback from moderators.

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Hello David

Thank you for the post. Couple of things to keep in mind for everyone hitting on this:

1) This is a work-around and not supported (e.g.; we don't even have VS2012 installed so no testing, no escalations for a fix of any sort. Best we'll be able to do is provide ideas from VS2010 perspective / experience)

2) Note that this post only addresses integration of CRVS2010 into VS2012. It does not take into consideration runtime deployment

Oh, one more thing. As we're in the VS2012 world here, I suspect we're skirting WIN 8 Operating System also. And once again, no support for Win 8. (and yeah, I don't have access to Win 8 either - but then, no need as no SAP products that I am aware of work on Win 8 anyhow. Not at this time.)

As far as link to the installer - not sure what link that would be, but go ahead. if it's a no, no, we'll fix it

- Ludek

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Yes, this is just a workaround and it's meant for people that want to target CRVS2010 (framework 4.0) from Visual Studio 2012. As you stated, this will use the same runtimes used when developing from VS 2010.

The following is a public link on my personal dropbox account that contains CRVS2010 modified to install into VS 2012 folders intead of VS 2010.

Setup program will say "Visual Studio 2010" since I only changed the target dirs, from "10.0" to "11.0". This changes nothing in the runtime files.

If it doesn't work at first, then you should remove previous version and reinstall.

My team is currently using this in a production enviroment with Visual Studio 2012 RTM and it's working good enough. Only bug so far is that you can't create a new report, just edit existing ones (but you can always do some copy/paste/edit magic).

I hope this helps people as impatient as I am.

VS 2012 overall performances is so good that you'll want to upgrade even if you still target fw 4.0.

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Well, now I want VS2012

Happy coding

- Ludek

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I wasn't able to download the file (too much traffic so dropbox temporary disabled the link) but I used Orca as you did (I replaced all occurrences of "\10.0" by "\11.0") and I managed to install CR with VS 2012 (on brand new Windows 8 x64 - VS2010 is not installed).

However I  am not going to use VS 2012 for real production soon, I am just evaluating it for now.

My projects still target.Net Framework 2.0, I only did a few tests but I didn't have any problems.

Creating new reports is OK.

CR Help is missing though I tried to replaced occurrences of Microsoft Help 1.0 by 2.0 with Orca.

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David, thanks for the solution! Your dropbox account is down due to traffic, can you upload the file somewhere, like to some file sharing service like Thanks! 

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Hello Ludek,

Can you send me "CrystalReportsForVisualStudio2012.msi"  published by David, because I can't downlod it from the link mentioned above.


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Hello Mohamed

I was not able to download it when I had the chance, so asking David to provide the file again may be a good idea. Now, a few things to consider;  David's solution (to call a spade a spade with all due respect) is a hack. And while David managed to get this working, you may never be able to do so and you are risking that in the future, your solution also will stop working (e.g.; could be as soon as someone installs the CRVS2012 runtime, this solution will stop working - seen weirder things...).

- Ludek

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I downloaded the installer form your dropbox and installed it on my windows 7 64 bit machine.

Everything went fine and when the setup was about to complete i got a message stating that for developing application for 64 bit system you need to install 64 bit dependencies and i clicked yes.

I got the message saying that connot find file.

Now when I try to add crystal report to my project and run it i recieve an err

An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details.  The error is: The type initializer for 'CrystalDecisions.ReportSource.ReportSourceFactory' threw an exception.

Please Help

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SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio - 2012 Now Available for Download 

- Ludek

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