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Safari Error Message - Digital certificate expired

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Safari keeps throwing an error "Error Message - Digital certificate expired" (full detail below). This seems to be an old problem, as described in thread:

The page requires a valid ssl client certificat... | SCN

However the solution given is more of a workaround, and in my case it keeps coming back. Apparently it's Apple's fault, but strangely enough SDN is the only site that it happens to and strangely the stuff I need to delete according to the thread above looks perfectly un-expired (unless I missed a warp into 2014). I have no passports or anything, I just log in with my p-userID and it works for a little while until I all of a sudden can no longer log in.

Is there anything that can be done apart from using a different browser for just _one_ of my regular sites?

Thanks & regards,


Full text:

Error Message - Digital certificate expired

What happened?

You have accessed the SAP Network ( However, your existing digitalcertificate has expired or is not yet valid.

What should you do?

If you have an SAP Passportplease follow the instructions:

Delete your existing, expired SAP Passport => Read the 'Deleting SAP Passports' help page

Apply for a new SAP Passport => Apply for an SAP Passport

Note: Choosing this link, you have to enter your User-ID (e.g. S0001234567) and your password.

If you do not remember your user authentication, please ask your system administrator.

If you have a PSE Certificate please contact your system administrator to apply for a new one.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

Your SAP Network Team

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Participant
0 Kudos

I hope this help for you. I had this problem one million times, and as said if you deleted the certificat just works for a little while.

I figured out this solution, I can explain the technical details, but it works.

I hope this be helpful.

I’m using Safari Version 9.1

1 - Open your KeyChain Acess

2 - Search for

3 - Double Click on the Kind Identify preference.

5 - Double Click on the Kind Identify preference.

6 - Select the  “preferred Certificate" the only one that should be available." instead of blank.

7 - Do the same procedure for

8 - Enter your password to allow the changes:

9 - After that just access the website.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Thanks for the info, it seems to work OK most of the time these days, but still goes off on a tangent once every few weeks. I'll try it next time it happens.

Active Participant
0 Kudos

I tried to the same procedure on another Mac and after, a little while I'm suffering the identical problem. I'll try to figure out if there's something different and let you know.    

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Former Member
0 Kudos

I have the same issue. I run the latest OSX with the latest version of Safari. The solution mentioned with removing the certificate only works for a little while it does not take long before the issue returns. With the latest version of Chrome it is also not possible to logon only with Firefox I can logon. The SDN site is the only site where I have this issue there for I think it is most likely that it is a bug in the SAP SDN site. I hope a solution can be found soon as I prefer to use only 1 browser.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Mike,

SCN's IT team is investigating this. It's been added to the :

SCNSBS-2185Safari digital certificate error message


0 Kudos

Hi Jason,

Any news here? As Mike said, I can always only fix it for a short while in Safari. If I wouldn't be using VMs I would be able to login on scn ever. If I go through instead of at least I can make some searches instead of landing on the error page.

Kind regards, Ioan.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Please have a look at the correct answer on this thread:

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Ummm, if the 'correct answer' you're referring to on that thread is:

However, If like me you have other certificates that cannot be removed; you are screwed.

then I'm not a happy bunny.

It's one thing to blame Apple, but somehow the myriad of other sites out on the interweb cope just fine. Whilst on the topic, it's frustrating that the worlds smartest software company have for many years been unable to solve the problem of requiring users to enter ID/password twice in order to log onto SMP

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Mike,

> Whilst on the topic, it's frustrating that the worlds smartest software company have for many years been unable to solve the problem

Well, what should i say. After solving my SSL certificate issue (by removing the Apple ID cert) it was working for a while until i was not able to logon anymore (with user and password login) from one day to another. I opened the thread for this issue and received the following reply by SAP (Source)

Due to security reasons, we cannot support MAC Safari on MAC OS 10.7.  MAC Safari, unlike Firefox or Chrome, uses the SSL libraries provided by the operating system.  There are know security issues with this version of the SSL libraries.

This is very smart ... if something on SCN is not working anymore as it was previously, it is declared as "not supported" (the same behavior can be observed with some features in SAP products). Funny and needless to say that OTN is also powered / based on Jive and Mac OS 10.7 is working like a charm by user / password login there.

