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adding another dialect for phrases

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello all,

I am trying to figure out the proper procedure to be able to activate a new dialect. I have found tables T002, T002x...I see the dialect I want in T002X, so do I simply add the corresponding entry into T002? I know that T002X contains the code point hexadecimal value  and that I need to convert it to the one character unicode, but is that how it is done? A manual addition to T002 or is there a more formal process?

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0 Kudos

Hi Scott,

You need to maintain language selection, the system proposes the languages that you have defined under specify language selection in Customizing((IMG) for basic and tools.

1.  On the Edit Phrase: Items screen, choose Utilities Language Selection.

The  language selection for phrase texts  dialog box appears.

2.  Select the languages you want the system to display in the phrase items.

You can set the C (comparison language) indicator for the language that is to be used as comparison language for translation in the long text editor. The phrase is then displayed in the comparison language in the long text editor. If you do not set the indicator, the source language of the phrase is used as the comparison language.

3.  In the sequence field , select the required language display item for each language and confirm your entries.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Dear Scott

only small add on to explanation of Edward:

1.) first may be you need to do some "basic" set up in SAP so that SAP is supporting language e.g. HI (Hindi)

2.) then this language should be available in T002 etc.

3.) Then you need to "activate" (as Edward explains) the language to be uswed in context of phrases. It is important to think about "sequence" (which Language should be shown on the top etc.)

4.) Then regardign some "special" languages ma ybe you need to pay attention how to maintain an edit them (any language which runs from right to left as e.g. hebrew)

There is a basic difference in language handling in SAP EHS. That means if lanugae is available in T002 etgc. you can maintain

a.) identifiers using this language

g.) user defined text using this language

but only after "activiation" for phrases you can use this language in phrase handling

PLease check your system landscape. If you e.g. distrbute phrases form one SAP system to a different you might need to maintain/prepare the same language in target system or you need to establis an ALE filter so that the phrase positons/item is not distributed

General: Languages gives rise of trouble if you are a "global" company.

E.g. "English" in Great Britain is different in comparison to USA; the same "portugese" (brazil use different one in comparison to the european version).

Here may be you need either to establish two languages or you need to to specify which e.g. english version should be use.

The language topic is therefore a very "general" one (and can generate trouble in handling of GLM, Safety Data Sheet, Dangerrous Goods data etc.)
