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There is no iView available for system "SAP_SRM": object "qte". For more information, contact your administrator.

0 Kudos

Dear All

I am getting an error in my SRM system.

Er "There is no iView available for system "SAP_SRM": object "qte". For more information, contact your administrator."

I followed the below thread.

There is no iView available for system "SAP_SRM... | SCN

I have assigned the Iview to this role.

The same changes i have done in Development system

where it is working fine.

But in my QA system i am getting this error.

My Portal version is 7.3.

Please help with your valuable suggestion


Prashant krishen.

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Why don't you transport the role you fixed in DEV across the landscape?

0 Kudos

Dear All

thanks for your reply.

I am able to resolve the issue.

In my case there was some parameter missing in transported object.

I followed some steps.

1) I compare the Iview property of transported object with Specialist object.

2) I found that OBN parameter was missing.

3) I include it as per above document.

4)But after that in the rfx response, iview was opening in some tab but when i was trying to open with Overview item i was getting error.

5) Than i search in portal content with *qte*

6) I found more iview in Quotation folder i added those iview in strategic purchaser in navigation folder.

This is how i am able to resolve.

Thanks everybody for you prompt answer and support

0 Kudos

Hi Prashant,

Follow the steps given below.

1. Please check whether the iView is present in the Portal role assigned to the user who is trying to access in QA system. If the iView is not assigned to the Role thats been assigned to the user then it will not open.

2. Compare the iView properties in both development and QA. mainly the property "Configuration Name".


Mahendran B.

0 Kudos

Hi Mahendra,

I have already done that.

But still issue persist .

Prashant Krishen.

0 Kudos

Hi Prashant,

What is the option that you are trying to click? Please elaborate the issue that you are facing. may be the screenshot of the link that you are clicking in portal will help in analysing the issue.


Mahendran B.

Former Member
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In addition to having an iView for the OBN destination, the respective Business Object has to exist as well. Have you deployed the SRM business package into your Q&A portal? Also check the Business Object, it should have a valid system alias.

Active Contributor
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Hi Prashant,

Please check SAP Note 1386141 and do check OBN here .

With Regards,