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Sap carrier for new people

Former Member
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Dear All,

This is Arun Kumar from Vishakhapatnam (vizag), i want to start my carrier in SAP in this regard i have some doubts before to start my

Carrier in SAP. Please help me and give proper guidance to start the carrier in SAP.

My profile is:-

I am BSc Computers Graduate and after completion of my graduatation I joined in a small company and

Worked as a EDP like handling the payroll inventory and finance Accounting Packages in (FOXPRO) for 1 year. Later

In my company they have implemented ERP i.e. in-house based ERP and i worked for another 1 year on that ERP,

Later i gained some knowledge on logistics and i moved to logistics department were handling the Sea Cargo Shipments like importing material from china to India

Currently I am working on the same in the same company totally i worked for 3 and half years

Now I want to start my carrier in SAP so please suggest me which module is suitable for me i am very much

Interested in doing SAP. Is this qualification & experience is enough to enter in SAP or i have to do any diploma courses in material management or in logistics etc...

And which module is suitable for me. Please suggest me




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Your question has been answered in the most efficient manner by few members here already. If you still haven't understood it, here's the answer:

YOU decide YOUR career. WE don't make that decision for you.

Deciding your career is not akin to grocery shopping that you can pick something from the aisle after asking other consumers for their opinion.

Once you have decided on what career to jump into then if you have a specific question relating to it, you are free to post it here.

And no, nobody is making fun of you here. You don't seem to understand that SCN members are trying to help you. And instead, you are ready to take offense on their suggestions.

Another important point: We DO NOT provide links too. That is YOUR job to search for links. There are enough search tools on internet that you can utilize.



Former Member
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Hi Arun,

It all depends upon your interest level in which field are you good at...

<<Irrelevant suggestion removed by Moderator>>


Deepanshu Sharma

Message was edited by: kishan P

0 Kudos

I can suggest you to go for SAP Basis as I'm in the same field..


Please tell me you were sarcastic!


0 Kudos

Hi Kishan,

Sorry I'm not a sarcastic... I'm a human being..

It was just a suggestion.. take it easy....


Deepanshu Sharma

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Is it not possible to be sarcastic and a human being?

0 Kudos

Hi Mathew,

Not sure on that, can you please suggest ?


Deepanshu Sharma    

0 Kudos

Then it is a suggestion that lacks any rationale. It also suggests that you have not read the OP's question fully and even failed to provide any serious thought about giving a meaningful answer. Considering that it is someone's future at stake here (although even the OP is at fault here for being so lazy in not doing a proper research), you have no right to give a suggestion that has no sound reason whatsoever.

And as a moderator of this forum, when I see posts like these, I come to the conclusion that you just point-fishing. And I reserve the right to edit your posts!


0 Kudos

Hi Kishan,

Yes I agree and you are right that as a moderator you have rights to edit the post.


Deepanshu Sharma

0 Kudos

What's sarcastic about that?

0 Kudos

This message was moderated.

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This message was moderated.

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your direction is a correct one. As you have been exposed to ERP and you have worked in this space, SAP MM should be the right choice.  Try learning at configuration level.
Following  links and sub links  in the blog  must sound helpful to you.
Please go through once:

Regards... Aparajit  ~

Former Member
0 Kudos

please give me some more guidence

0 Kudos
  1. Check the difference between Carrier and Career.
  2. As it is your career, figure out what you want and how you can get it, then ask people for specific help.  So many people come on here asking for guidance on what module or area of SAP would be good for them and so many more people answer with recommendations.  How can they know?  This is a personal thing, based on your interests, knowledge, experience, goals in life, etc.  If you pick a career path based on some random strangers advice here on SCN I can only guess how that would pan out long term...
  3. Search and read as much as you can, firstly on a high level then moving towards detailed content.  Then figure out what you can't understand and ask specific questions, rather than just vague "what should I do" ones.

Good luck,


p.s. This advice is aimed at almost everyone who posts in Career Centre these days

0 Kudos

Dear All,

sorry for in spelling mistake in (Carrier and Career)

please provide me correct Answer for my question because i was in dynamo to take step



0 Kudos

In SAP, it should rather be CARRID...

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Arun,

I came into sap field 5 months ago, and I'm still a trainee. To be honest there's a lot to learn out there. I got trained in ABAP module. If you are interested in being a techno-functional sap consultant, I suggest you to start with ABAP because you will undergo major functional aspects of sap working and sap terminology which impact a lot in all other functional modules.

A small piece of advice if you don't take it otherwise. It is not 'CARRIER', but 'CAREER'. You better don't take any chance with your superiors in such mistakes.

<<Moderator Message: Asking for points is not allowed>>

Thank you,

Ambareesh J.

Message was edited by: kishan P

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I've been working with SAP over 14 years give or take, and I'm still learning - it's part of the fun!

Former Member
0 Kudos

please give right suggestion of my comment



0 Kudos


Please go through the links which aparajit mention in his post.

After reading also,

If you have doubts get back to forum.

Definitely You will get valuable suggestions.


0 Kudos

Please let me know that link



Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear Guru's,

Please clarify my doubts i am in dynamo, give me correct details to move forward

highly appreciated



0 Kudos

Hi Arun,

The more you hear the more doubt you will have.. finally you have to take decsion.. NOw you have much information about ERP.

So take your decision .. Best of luck


Deepanshu Sharma    

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear All,

Clearing the above details highly appreciated

Former Member
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I'm curious, what exactly do you want?  Someone to recommend exactly what you should be doing for your career?

Only YOU can decide that - not us!



0 Kudos

check my posting then you can understand what i am struggling, never make fun like dis words as i have great respect on moderators i am asking the questions if you can give answer you give

that's it

Active Participant
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What are you looking at forum. Suggestion or Answer?

Please go through this link

SAP Career Blog Links

Former Member  has the Career blog and has given very example.



0 Kudos


What are you looking at forum. Suggestion or Answer?

Please go through this link

SAP Career Blog Links

Former Member  has the written this Career blog and has given very good example.

Active Contributor
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Your question has been answered in the most efficient manner by few members here already. If you still haven't understood it, here's the answer:

YOU decide YOUR career. WE don't make that decision for you.

Deciding your career is not akin to grocery shopping that you can pick something from the aisle after asking other consumers for their opinion.

Once you have decided on what career to jump into then if you have a specific question relating to it, you are free to post it here.

And no, nobody is making fun of you here. You don't seem to understand that SCN members are trying to help you. And instead, you are ready to take offense on their suggestions.

Another important point: We DO NOT provide links too. That is YOUR job to search for links. There are enough search tools on internet that you can utilize.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Arun,

You have a Computer Science degree and you have experience in disciplines like Logistics and Material Management. So, in SAP, you could go in any direction: technical (ABAP, Basis, HANA etc) or functional (MM, Logistics, Sales & Distribution). Follow your heart.

If you decide to go functional, it would probably be best to get some academic qualifications in that specific area. Coupled with your experience, you would then be a strong candidate for a SAP entry job or traineeship.

Probably the hardest thing about SAP is breaking into it in the first place.

But once you're in, it's great 🙂

Good luck !

Paul Bakker

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear Sir,

I asked regarding the qualification Am I eligible or i have to do any diploma courses in material Management

And i have experience on logistics, and it will add advantage or not?

There are my Doubts



0 Kudos


Just to be clear, anyone can start a career in SAP. No qualifications are required. But that doesn't mean anyone will employ you.

The more experience and academic qualifications you have, the easier it will be to find (and hang onto) that first SAP job.

hopefully all doubts are now dispelled,


Active Participant
0 Kudos

Dear Arun,

Visit this page

You will find courses as per qualification and experience.

If you find any interested one. Go ahead.



0 Kudos

Hi Arun,

            Hope everything is good. Well Arun, as mentioned by many above your qualification and skills sets are good enough for you to break into the SAP world. Having additional qualification will only increase your changes and you can sustain for a good amount of time in any organization.


           Hey, even I have lived in Vizag near RK beach (nice place but horrible in summer ) and Vijayawada , Hyderabad and all (presently in Pune).

           Arun, I suggest you do a bit of more research by reading blogs, SAP different sites available on net and after about a week or 2, with a stable mind set break down the options suitable for your line of career. 

All the best Arun.


Naren Krishna.

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It is against the site rules to ask for contact details. You can maintain an email address in your personal space.

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Well Arun, you can reach me on my mail, mentioned in my space. (just click on my name, you should get an idea then....).

0 Kudos

i didn't get your mail ID