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Late Payment Surcharge applicable only for last invoice over due

Former Member
0 Kudos


We are trying to implement LPC process in sap isu.

We had configured all the prerequisite for running this process on consumer overdue invoices.

As we invoiced for the current month, only last due invoice is selected for the LPC charges calculation. And all the other invoices

which are already overdues are not coming into this calculation.

Requirement is to calculate LPC charges on all the overdue invoices/Manual postings of earlier months as well of latest overdue invoice.

As we checked this LPC charge get post with Lineitemtype LPCINF but rest of reference field such as main and sub transaction, Company code, contract etc are not filling in this invoice line item.

How we can accomplish this objective of calculating LPC charge on all overdue invoices/manual posting, as well as assignment of main and sub transaction, Company code, contract etc are not filling in invoice line item.

We are using Country specific India configuration in SAP ISU for LPC charges.




0 Kudos

Hi Arun,

One reason might be interest is already calculated on other charges when previous invoice generated, in your current invoice only new charges that weren't part of old invoice would have been considered.

Also based on the configuration made on the clearing type, interest calculation will vary whether to calculate the interest or not.



0 Kudos

Hii Vikram,

This LPC functionality just configured in the system and running for first time. So it is not possible that charges already calculated for previous invoices.

And i am not posting interest on overdue items rather i am posting late payment charges on it.

I am using LPC configuration in Country India specific which provides us functionality of applying LPC charges on overdue items.



0 Kudos

Hi Arun.

In my opinion late payment charge or interest is one and the same.

In our client we configured interest key and assigned them at contract account level.

Either you can run FPINTM1 to calculate interest or if you want the interest/LPC calculated during invoicing you can do that as well through configuration , depends on your client requirement.



Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hi Arun,

What I think, you are trying to calculate and post interest during invoicing.

And, you want to calculate interest on all open and overdue invoices. In this case you can use below enhacement:


Read all open items and call FM  FKK_GNRLITEM_POST_INTEREST_DOC to calculate the installment.

This should be able to post the delta interest (IT document).

And for clearing and bill print out, you can maintain the Main and SUB in below configuration:

Maintain Transaction for Account Maintenance

Maintain Transaction for Bill print out.

Below is the SPRO path:

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide -> SAP Utilities -> Invoicing -> Invoice Processing -> Item Selection in Invoicing -> Item Selection in Account Maintenance/ Define Sub-Items.

Please let me know if this does not work.


Bodhisattwa Roy