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SCN - points system is crazy

0 Kudos


Having been a freelance SAP BASIS person since I used to work for SAP America in the mid 90's I have been using OSS and SAPNET and the various versions thereof. However everytime I get a new client and I get a new "S" number I have to jump thru stupid hoops to prove I am not trying to spam the system. I must have at least 6 or more scn accounts from different clients over the last 20 years. Is there some way to amalgamate these so I can avoid wasting time with these childish "missions".


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Best is to register your personal p-user, not to use the s-user by the customer, so that you keep control over your content and the reputation.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Oliver...that is the advice you gave me years back and thankfully so as it still works wonderfully well for me as an independent consultant.

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello Matt,

the merging of S-accounts is still on the ToDo-list of the SCN team. See the document

I don't know if you already have seen this: That's about this big "ONE Digital Experience" project they are working on. In the comments that topic came up, too (naturally), but it's not so easy to achieve.

BTW: Even being over the threshold of "new user" doesn't mean you won't land in moderation from time to time. If you use one of the "bad" words of the secret filter list, your content goes there, too. ^^

In the end there is only the point of having some patience and trust in the team, that this will get resolved. They get enough requests for this, so I bet they won't forget it.



0 Kudos

I can only agree on Matts opinion.

It is completely demotivating trying to help others if you just start on 0 for every changing job/project.

This problem is very old, too.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Matt

Why don't you create your SCN profile using your personal email ID? We can create SCN user and profile without "S" number. Use that profile for SCN. I know this sounds as childish suggestion but just curious to know why can't you use this profile.
