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SAProuter starting error

Former Member
0 Kudos

I am trying to set up saprouter on a test system (Server 2008 R2 x64). However saprouter will not start on cmd or service. See error below.

Cryptolib is Commoncryptolib 8 (Windows on x64). Both saprouter.exe and the cryptolib files reside in C:\saprouter and SECUDIR and SNC_LIB environment variables point there. I created the certificate and added a basic saprouttab file.

I also tried this command:

sapgenpse seclogin -p local.pse -O Administrator

dev_rout file:


trc file: "dev_rout", trc level: 2, release: "720"


Mon Nov 10 11:13:48 2014

NiIHSBufInit: initialize hostname buffer (IPv4)

NiHLInit: alloc host buf (200 entries)

NiSrvLInit: alloc serv bufs (200 entries)

NiIInit: allocated nitab (811 at 000000000235DFA0)

NiIInit: host/serv bufs already initialized

SAP Network Interface Router, Version 40.4

Compiled Sep  3 2014 23:49:04

command line arg 0:    saprouter.exe

command line arg 1:    -r

command line arg 2:    -V

command line arg 3:    2

command line arg 4:    -K

command line arg 5:    p:CN=systemname, OU=0000000000, OU=SAProuter, O=SAP, C=DE

service   : 3299

routtab   : ./saprouttab

plug-in   : no plug-in

-argument: 'no argument'

clients   : 800

max servers  : 1

quelength : 1

maxheap   : 20000000

timeoutL  : 5000

tracefile : dev_rout

socket buffer size : 32768

logfile   : no logging active

portrange : no portrange active

local address : default address

SncInit(): Initializing Secure Network Communication (SNC)

      PC with Windows NT (mt,ascii,SAP_UC/size_t/void* = 8/64/64)

      GetUserName()="Administrator"  NetWkstaUser="Administrator"

SncInit(): Trying environment variable SNC_LIB as

    gssapi library name: "C:\saprouter".

*** ERROR => DlLoadLib()==DLENOACCESS - LoadLibrary("C:\saprouter")

  Error 126 = "The specified module could not be found." [dlnt.c       255]

*** ERROR => SncPDLInit()==SNCERR_INIT, Adapter #1 (C:\saprouter) not loaded [sncxxdl.c  727]

<<- SncInit()==SNCERR_INIT

         sec_avail = "false"

*** ERROR => NiSncInit: SncInit failed (sncrc=-1) [nisnc.c      562]

*** ERROR => main: NiSncInit failed (rc=-17) [nirout.cpp   1373]



*  ERROR       SNC processing failed:

*              SncInit


*  TIME        Mon Nov 10 11:13:48 2014

*  RELEASE     720

*  COMPONENT   NI (network interface)

*  VERSION     40

*  RC          -17

*  MODULE      nisnc.c

*  LINE        560

*  DETAIL      NiSncInit: sncrc=-1

*  COUNTER     4




NiIExit: free nitab 000000000235DFA0

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Active Contributor
0 Kudos


What is the value of SNC_LIB variable?

Can you try it to be full path to sapcrypto.dll, if not already so?


Former Member
0 Kudos

Yes, thank you! The SNC_LIB needed a full path: C:\saprouter\sapcrypto.dll

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