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installing IDES 6.07 disp+work.exe error. Parallels windows 7, SQL Server 2012

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Experts,

I am trying to install sap IDES ECC 6 EhP 7 from scratch. Everything was doing well but I got an error on starting instance. SAPMMC Console Process disp+work.EXE do not change from status: "Server in State STARTING" (Yellow). I have been searching and most of the problem is related to Kernel. I upgraded Kernel to the latest version: SAPEXEDB_101-20012221.SAR and SAPEXE_101-20012222.SAR. I also check my host file and set my IP address with my computer name. I check logs dev_disp and dev_w0 but I am not able to see the error. I am installing IDES into Virtual Machine, Windows 7, SQL Server 2012, 8 Gb memory.

Best Regards.

David C.



trc file: "dev_disp", trc level: 2, release: "742"


<<- SapSSLSetTraceFile()==SAP_O_K

command line arg 0: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE

command line arg 1: pf=\\SAPIDESECC\sapmnt\ECC\SYS\profile\ECC_DVEBMGS00_SAPIDESECC

sysno      00

sid        ECC

systemid  562 (PC with Windows NT)

relno      7420

patchlevel 0

patchno    101

intno      20020600

make      multithreaded, Unicode, 64 bit, optimized


pid        1724

Wed May 02 19:14:50 2040

kernel runs with dp version 224000(ext=117000) (@(#) DPLIB-INT-VERSION-224000-UC)

length of sys_adm_ext is 500 bytes

***LOG Q00=> DpSapEnvInit, DPStart (00 1724) [dpInit.c    597]

ShmProtect( 5, 3 )

DpSapEnvInit: rscpInitDispatcher o.k.

SigIInit: ok (whoami=1)

Thread handle for mainthread created

SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal SIGSEGV installed (SigISegv, flag 0)

Pipe created: \\.\pipe\SAP1724

SigIInit: Create Message Thread

SigIRegisterExitRoutine: exithandler installed (DpSigExitHandler)

SigIRegisterTerminateRoutine: terminatehandler installed (DpSigExitHandler)

  shared lib "dw_xml.dll" version 101 successfully loaded

  shared lib "dw_xtc.dll" version 101 successfully loaded

  shared lib "dw_stl.dll" version 101 successfully loaded

  shared lib "dw_gui.dll" version 101 successfully loaded

Wed May 02 19:14:51 2040

  shared lib "dw_rndrt.dll" version 101 successfully loaded

  shared lib "dw_abp.dll" version 101 successfully loaded

mshost: >SAPIDESECC<

DpSetCancelStrat: set timeout/repetition 0/-1 at level 0

DpSetCancelStrat: set timeout/repetition 5/-1 at level 1

DpSetCancelStrat: set timeout/repetition -1/5 at level 2

rdisp/softcancel_sequence :  -> 0,5,-5

softcancel_sequence: >0,5,-5<

use internal message server connection to port 3901

msserv: >3901<

dp_bufreftime: 120 sec

dp_btctime: 0 sec

dp_autoabaptime: 0 sec

dp_bgrfc_watchdog_time: 300 sec

dp_signal_handler_timeout: 300 sec

dp_autothtime: 60 sec

dp_autojavatime: 60 sec

dp_autoccmstime: 60 sec

dp_security_check_time: 60 sec

max_dynamic_wp_alive_time: 300 sec

dp_startup_time: 20

dp_noptime: 0 sec

dp_keepalive: 1200 sec

dp_keepalive_timeout: 60 sec

dp_ms_keepalive: 60 sec

dp_ms_keepalive_timeout: 300 sec

switch off dp-keep-alive for old temus

dp_spoolalrm: 60 sec

dp_softcancel_timeout: 5 sec

rdisp/wp_restart_interval : 300 sec

DpISetTrcLog: trc logging active, max size = 52428800 bytes

rdisp/shutdown/load_balance_wait_time: 180 sec

rdisp/shutdown/disable_login : 0

rdisp/shutdown/auto_logout: 600 sec

rdisp/shutdown/trigger_timeout: 180 sec

rdisp/shutdown/idle_wp_timeout: 600 sec

rdisp/shutdown/longrunner_timeout: 86400 sec

rdisp/shutdown/j2ee_timeout: 60 sec

rdisp/high_load_quota: (load / queue quota) = (90.000000 / 5.000000)


Wed May 02 19:14:51 2040

rdisp/snapshot(PERIOD):300 sec

rdisp/snapshot(LINES):10000 lines

DpSetAvoidTraceInSignalHandler: 0 -> 1

DpCommonParamInit: rdisp/core_file_size = default --> no change

NiSrvLGetServNo: got service name 'sapdp00' from operating system

NiIGetServNo: servicename 'sapdp00' = port 3200

NiSrvLGetServNo: got service name 'sapgw00' from operating system

NiIGetServNo: servicename 'sapgw00' = port 3300

NiMyHostName: hostname = 'SAPIDESECC'

NiHLGetNodeAddr: got hostname 'SAPIDESECC' from operating system

NiIGetNodeAddr: hostname 'SAPIDESECC' = addr

NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache

NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC' (fq)

NiHLGetNodeAddr: hostname 'www.doesnotexist0107.qqq.nxst' not found by operating system

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

NiHLGetHostName: address not found by operating system

*** WARNING => DpNetCheck: NiAddrToHost( took 9 seconds

NiSrvLGetServNo: got service name 'http' from operating system

NiIGetServNo: servicename 'http' = port 80

NiSrvLGetServName: port 8080 not found by operating system

NiSrvLGetServName: port 64555 not found by operating system

NiSrvLGetServNo: service name 'sapdp9988' not found by operating system

***LOG GZZ=> 1 possible network problems detected - check tracefile and adjust the DNS settings [dpxxtool2.c  5088]

SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal 16 installed (DpTrcOnOff, flag 0)

SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal 17 installed (DpTrcOnOff, flag 0)

SigIRegisterRoutine: alarm handler installed (DpSigAlrm)

SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal SIGINT installed (DpSigInt, flag 0)

SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal SIGTERM installed (DpSigInt, flag 0)

SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal 3 installed (DpSigQuit, flag 0)

MtxInit: 30000 0 0

DpInitMtx: MtxInit o.k.

PPID environment not found

Thread handle for mainthread created

SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal 19 installed (DpSigPrivDisp, flag 0)

SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal 18 installed (DpSigPrivDisp, flag 0)

SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal 24 installed (DpSigPrivDisp, flag 0)

SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal 0 installed (DpSigPrivDisp, flag 0)

SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal 21 installed (DpSigPrivDisp, flag 0)

SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal SIGABRT installed (DpSigPrivDisp, flag 0)

SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal 23 installed (DpSigPrivDisp, flag 0)

SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal 25 installed (DpSigPrivDisp, flag 0)

disp service: sapdp00

NiMyHostName: hostname = 'SAPIDESECC'

ShmProtect( 1, 3 )

DpSysAdmExtCreate: created and initialized sys_adm_ext

DpSysAdmExtCreate: SHM_SYS_ADM_KEY (addr: 00000000022B0050, size: 500)

DpSysAdmExtCreate: SemInMgt o.k.

DpIPCInit2: whoami=1

disp service: sapdp00

myname: SAPIDESECC_ECC_00                  



max_comm_entries: 1000

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

amc_rec_max_no: 400

websockets_max_no: 100

tm_max_no: 200

wp_ca_blk_no: 6000

wp_no_dia: 10

wp_no_vb: 1

wp_no_vb2: 1

wp_no_enq: 0

wp_no_btc: 3

wp_no_spo: 1

wp_no_restricted: 0

wp_max_no: 21

wp_no_dynamic: 5

configurable_wp_no: 16

wall_entry_max_no: 200

addump_period: 0

max_sleep: 20

max_hold_time: 60 sec

max_priv_time: 0 sec

max_vm_debug_attach_time: 60 sec

max_vm_sgc_lazy_time: 600 sec

max_vm_forced_sgc_time: 10 sec

max_debug_lazy_time: 600 sec

max_debug_attach_time: 30 sec

max_snc_hold_time: 120 sec

em_blocksize_KB: 4096

em_initial_size_MB: 5734

em_max_size_MB: 12287

em_address_space_MB: 5734

start_icman: 1

rm_max_tbl_size: 1000

DpIPCInit2: write dp-profile-values into sys_adm_ext

RqQInit: Init with maxQueues=3448, maxRequests=14000, maxWorker=21, singlethreaded process

ShmProtect( 21, 3 )

RqQInit: use events to trigger worker

NiHLGetNodeAddr: got hostname 'localhost' from operating system

NiIGetNodeAddr: hostname 'localhost' = addr

RqQInit: created shared memory

RqQInit: o.k.

RqQSetMtxStatistic: switch off mutex statistic

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

RqQSetWakeupHandling: handle wakups outside queue lookup

DpRqSetMultithreadedProcess: inside a singlethreaded process

DpIPCInit2: start server >SAPIDESECC_ECC_00                      <

DpShMCreate: alloate/attach shared memory (mode=CREATE)

DpShMCreate: sizeof(wp_adm) 23360 (1112)

DpShMCreate: sizeof(tm_adm) 13098768 (65168)

DpShMCreate: sizeof(ca_adm) 432000 (72)

DpCommTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/tableSize=1000/16/3664064/3869152

DpShMCreate: sizeof(comm_adm) 3869152 (3648)

DpSlockTableSize: calculate slock table size from vmc state (not active)

DpSlockTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/fiSize/tableSize=0/0/0/0/0

DpShMCreate: sizeof(slock_adm) 0 (296)

DpReadFileParams: calculate file table size from vm number (0)

max_file_entries: 0

DpFileTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/tableSize=0/0/0/0

DpShMCreate: sizeof(file_adm) 0 (80)

DpSockTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/tableSize=1000/16/1040064/1040080

DpShMCreate: sizeof(sock_adm) 1040080 (1016)

DpShMCreate: sizeof(vmc_adm) 0 (3208)

DpShMCreate: sizeof(wall_adm) (ft=41664/fi=67472/hd=64/rec=192)

DpShMCreate: sizeof(amc_rec_adm) (ft=172864/fi=101872/hd=64/rec=416)

DpShMCreate: sizeof(websocket_adm) (ft=28864/hd=64/rec=272)

DpShMCreate: sizeof(gw_adm) 64

DpShMCreate: sizeof(j2ee_adm) 3936

ShmProtect( 2, 3 )

DpShMCreate: SHM_DP_ADM_KEY (addr: 000000000FD20050, size: 18986576

sizeof(ca) 208896000 (34816)

ShmProtect( 3, 3 )

SHM_DP_CA_KEY (addr: 0000000010F40050, size: 208896000)

DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before sys_adm with len 512 at 000000000FD20050

DpShMCreate: allocated sys_adm at 000000000FD20250

DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before wp_adm_list with len 512 at 000000000FD31F40

DpShMCreate: allocated wp_adm_list at 000000000FD32140

DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before wp_adm with len 512 at 000000000FD32260

DpShMCreate: allocated wp_adm at 000000000FD32460

DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before tm_adm_list with len 512 at 000000000FD37FA0

DpShMCreate: allocated tm_adm_list at 000000000FD381A0

DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before tm_adm with len 512 at 000000000FD381E0

DpShMCreate: allocated tm_adm at 000000000FD383E0

DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before ca_adm with len 512 at 00000000109B62F0

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

DpShMCreate: allocated ca_adm at 00000000109B64F0

DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before comm_adm with len 512 at 0000000010A1FC70

DpShMCreate: allocated comm_adm at 0000000010A1FE70

DpShMCreate: system runs without slock table

DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before sock_adm with len 512 at 0000000010DD0850

DpShMCreate: allocated sock_adm at  0000000010DD0A50

DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before vmc_adm_list with len 512 at 0000000010ECE920

DpShMCreate: allocated vmc_adm_list at 0000000010ECEB20

DpShMCreate: system runs without VMC

DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before gw_adm with len 512 at 0000000010ECEBC0

DpShMCreate: allocated gw_adm at 0000000010ECEDC0

DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before j2ee_adm with len 512 at 0000000010ECEE00

DpShMCreate: allocated j2ee_adm at 0000000010ECF000

DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before ca_info with len 512 at 0000000010ECFF60

DpShMCreate: allocated ca_info at 0000000010ED0160

DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before wall_adm_ft with len 512 at 0000000010ED01A0

DpShMCreate: allocated wall_adm (ft) at 0000000010ED03A0

DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before wall_adm_fi with len 512 at 0000000010EDA660

DpShMCreate: allocated wall_adm (fi) at 0000000010EDA860

DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before wall_adm_head with len 512 at 0000000010EEAFF0

DpShMCreate: allocated wall_adm (head) at 0000000010EEB1F0

DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before amc_rec_adm_ft with len 512 at 0000000010EEB230

DpShMCreate: allocated amc_rec_adm (ft) at 0000000010EEB430

DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before amc_rec_adm_fi with len 512 at 0000000010F15770

DpShMCreate: allocated amc_rec_adm (fi) at 0000000010F15970

DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before amc_rec_adm_head with len 512 at 0000000010F2E760

DpShMCreate: allocated amc_rec_adm (head) at 0000000010F2E960

DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before websocket_adm_ft with len 512 at 0000000010F2E9A0

DpShMCreate: allocated websocket_adm (ft) at 0000000010F2EBA0

DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before websocket_adm_head with len 512 at 0000000010F35C60

DpShMCreate: allocated websocket_adm (head) at 0000000010F35E60

DpShMCreate: Initialized eye after websocket_adm_head with len 512 at 0000000010F35EA0

DpShMCreate: initialized 21 eyes


SEM_STAT_KEY SemInit o.k.

ShmProtect( 52, 3 )

DpMBufCreate allocated 138384 bytes for 500 entries

DpSBufCreate allocated 41200 bytes for 100 entries

SEM_MSBUF SemInit o.k.

DpSysAdmIntInit: initialize sys_adm

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

DpSysAdmIntInit: initialized sys_adm

DpSysAdmIntInit: SemInMgt o.k.

DpSysAdmIntInit: SEM_TM_ADM_KEY SemInit o.k.

shutdown/max_time: 3600 sec

RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (10000) with normal priority

RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0

DpSysAdmIntInit: created queue 0 (DispatcherQueue)

RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <GatewayQueue> in slot 1 (10001) with normal priority

RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <GatewayQueue> in slot 1

DpSysAdmIntInit: created queue 1 (GatewayQueue)

RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <IcmanQueue> in slot 2 (10002) with normal priority

RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <IcmanQueue> in slot 2

DpSysAdmIntInit: created queue 2 (IcmanQueue)

RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <StartServiceQueue> in slot 3 (10003) with normal priority

RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <StartServiceQueue> in slot 3

DpSysAdmIntInit: created queue 3 (StartServiceQueue)

RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <DpMonQueue> in slot 4 (10004) with normal priority

RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <DpMonQueue> in slot 4

DpSysAdmIntInit: created queue 4 (DpMonQueue)

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_SUB_TYPE_UNDEF) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_SYNC_RFC) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_ASYNC_RFC) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_RFC_UI) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_HTTP_NORMAL) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_HTTP_UI) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_HTTP_ITS) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_SMTP) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_BATCH) = high priority


DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_BGRFC_UNIT) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_APC_NORMAL) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_APC_UI) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_AMC_STREAMING) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_SERVER_STARTUP) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_ENQ) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_UPDATE) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_SUB_TYPE_UNDEF) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_SYNC_RFC) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_ASYNC_RFC) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_RFC_UI) = high priority

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_HTTP_NORMAL) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_HTTP_UI) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_HTTP_ITS) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_SMTP) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_BATCH) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_BGRFC_SCHEDULER) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_BGRFC_UNIT) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_APC_NORMAL) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_APC_UI) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_AMC_STREAMING) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_SERVER_STARTUP) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_ENQ) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_UPDATE) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_SUB_TYPE_UNDEF) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_SYNC_RFC) = normal priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_ASYNC_RFC) = normal priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_RFC_UI) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_HTTP_NORMAL) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_HTTP_UI) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_HTTP_ITS) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_SMTP) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_BATCH) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_BGRFC_SCHEDULER) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_BGRFC_UNIT) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_APC_NORMAL) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_APC_UI) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_AMC_STREAMING) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_SERVER_STARTUP) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_ENQ) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_UPDATE) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_SUB_TYPE_UNDEF) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_SYNC_RFC) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_ASYNC_RFC) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_RFC_UI) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_HTTP_NORMAL) = normal priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_HTTP_UI) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_HTTP_ITS) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_SMTP) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_BATCH) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_BGRFC_SCHEDULER) = high priority

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_BGRFC_UNIT) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_APC_NORMAL) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_APC_UI) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_AMC_STREAMING) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_SERVER_STARTUP) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_ENQ) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_UPDATE) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_SUB_TYPE_UNDEF) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_SYNC_RFC) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_ASYNC_RFC) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_RFC_UI) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_HTTP_NORMAL) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_HTTP_UI) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_HTTP_ITS) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_SMTP) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_BATCH) = low priority


DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_BGRFC_UNIT) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_APC_NORMAL) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_APC_UI) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_AMC_STREAMING) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_SERVER_STARTUP) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_ENQ) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_UPDATE) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_SUB_TYPE_UNDEF) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_SYNC_RFC) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_ASYNC_RFC) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_RFC_UI) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_HTTP_NORMAL) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_HTTP_UI) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_HTTP_ITS) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_SMTP) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_BATCH) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_BGRFC_SCHEDULER) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_BGRFC_UNIT) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_APC_NORMAL) = normal priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_APC_UI) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_AMC_STREAMING) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_SERVER_STARTUP) = high priority

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_ENQ) = high priority

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_UPDATE) = high priority

DpSetSchedulerParam: set rdisp/scheduler/timeslice_millis

DpMaxWpRuntimeExplicitelySet: return -1

DpMaxQuotaExplicitlySet: return -1

DpSetSchedulerParam: set rdisp/scheduler/prio_low/max_runtime

DpMaxWpRuntimeExplicitelySet: return -1

DpMaxQuotaExplicitlySet: return -1

DpSetSchedulerParam: set rdisp/scheduler/prio_low/max_quota

DpMaxQuotaExplicitlySet: return -1

DpMaxWpRuntimeExplicitelySet: return -1

DpMaxQuotaExplicitlySet: return -1

DpSetSchedulerParam: set rdisp/scheduler/prio_normal/max_runtime

DpMaxWpRuntimeExplicitelySet: return -1

DpMaxQuotaExplicitlySet: return -1

DpSetSchedulerParam: set rdisp/scheduler/prio_normal/max_quota

DpMaxQuotaExplicitlySet: return -1

DpMaxWpRuntimeExplicitelySet: return -1

DpMaxQuotaExplicitlySet: return -1

DpSetSchedulerParam: set rdisp/scheduler/prio_high/max_runtime

DpMaxWpRuntimeExplicitelySet: return -1

DpMaxQuotaExplicitlySet: return -1

DpSetSchedulerParam: set rdisp/scheduler/test/reschedule_always

DpMaxWpRuntimeExplicitelySet: return -1

DpMaxQuotaExplicitlySet: return -1

gui_auto_logout: 0 sec

plugin_auto_logout: 1800 sec

rejectSoftcancelInPrivMode: 1

DpSetCpicStreaming: cpicStreamingActive is 1

DpVmcReadBasicStateFromProfile: vmc state is DP_VMC_NOT_ACTIVE

task_limit: 1000

websocket_deletion_timeout: 0

websocket_open_message_limit: 500

websocket_receive_threshold: 10

resource_limit: 95 %

DpMaxWpRuntimeExplicitelySet: return -1

DpMaxQuotaExplicitlySet: return -1

Scheduler info


WP info

  #dia    = 10

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

  #btc    = 0

  #standby = 0

  #max    = 21

General Scheduler info

  preemptionInfo.isActive          = true

  preemptionInfo.timeslice          = 500

  preemptionInfo.checkLoad          = true

Prio Class High

  maxRuntime[RQ_Q_PRIO_HIGH]    = 600 sec

  maxRuntimeHalf[RQ_Q_PRIO_HIGH] = 300 sec

Prio Class Normal

  maxRuntime[RQ_Q_PRIO_NORMAL]          = 3600 sec

  maxRuntimeHalf[RQ_Q_PRIO_NORMAL]      = 1800 sec

  maxTicketsForPrio[RQ_Q_PRIO_NORMAL]    = 8

  withPrioTickets[RQ_Q_PRIO_NORMAL]      = true

Prio Class Low

  maxRuntime[RQ_Q_PRIO_LOW]          = infinite

  maxRuntimeHalf[RQ_Q_PRIO_LOW]      = infinite

  maxTicketsForPrio[RQ_Q_PRIO_LOW]    = 8

  withPrioTickets[RQ_Q_PRIO_LOW]      = true

Running requests[RQ_Q_PRIO_NORMAL] = 0

Running requests[RQ_Q_PRIO_LOW] = 0

DpCommAttachTable: attached comm table (header=0000000010A1FE70/ft=0000000010A1FE80/fi=0000000010D9E740)

DpSockAttachTable: attached sock table (header=0000000010DD0A50/ft=0000000010DD0A60)

DpAmcRecTabInit: initialized table for 400 entries

DpWebSocketTabInit: initialized table for 100 entries

DpBasicEyesCheck: eyes of group DP-MEM-SEGMENTS o.k. (21 eyes checked)

DpShMInit: initialize tm_adm

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T0_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T1_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T2_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T3_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T4_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T5_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T6_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T7_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T8_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T9_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T10_U65535

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T11_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T12_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T13_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T14_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T15_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T16_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T17_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T18_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T19_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T20_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T21_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T22_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T23_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T24_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T25_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T26_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T27_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T28_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T29_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T30_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T31_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T32_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T33_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T34_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T35_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T36_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T37_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T38_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T39_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T40_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T41_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T42_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T43_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T44_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T45_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T46_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T47_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T48_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T49_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T50_U65535

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T51_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T52_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T53_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T54_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T55_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T56_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T57_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T58_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T59_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T60_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T61_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T62_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T63_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T64_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T65_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T66_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T67_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T68_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T69_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T70_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T71_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T72_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T73_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T74_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T75_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T76_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T77_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T78_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T79_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T80_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T81_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T82_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T83_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T84_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T85_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T86_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T87_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T88_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T89_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T90_U65535

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T91_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T92_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T93_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T94_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T95_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T96_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T97_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T98_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T99_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T100_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T101_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T102_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T103_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T104_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T105_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T106_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T107_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T108_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T109_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T110_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T111_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T112_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T113_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T114_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T115_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T116_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T117_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T118_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T119_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T120_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T121_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T122_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T123_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T124_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T125_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T126_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T127_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T128_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T129_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T130_U65535

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T131_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T132_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T133_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T134_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T135_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T136_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T137_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T138_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T139_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T140_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T141_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T142_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T143_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T144_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T145_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T146_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T147_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T148_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T149_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T150_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T151_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T152_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T153_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T154_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T155_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T156_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T157_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T158_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T159_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T160_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T161_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T162_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T163_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T164_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T165_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T166_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T167_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T168_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T169_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T170_U65535

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T171_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T172_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T173_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T174_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T175_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T176_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T177_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T178_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T179_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T180_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T181_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T182_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T183_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T184_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T185_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T186_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T187_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T188_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T189_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T190_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T191_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T192_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T193_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T194_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T195_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T196_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T197_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T198_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T199_U65535

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T200_U65535

DpShMInit: 200 elems in tmadm_free_list

DpShMInit: initialize wp_adm

RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W0> in slot 5 (10005) with normal priority

RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W0> in slot 5

RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W1> in slot 6 (10006) with normal priority

RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W1> in slot 6

RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W2> in slot 7 (10007) with normal priority

RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W2> in slot 7

RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W3> in slot 8 (10008) with normal priority

RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W3> in slot 8

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W4> in slot 9 (10009) with normal priority

RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W4> in slot 9

RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W5> in slot 10 (10010) with normal priority

RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W5> in slot 10

RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W6> in slot 11 (10011) with normal priority

RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W6> in slot 11

RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W7> in slot 12 (10012) with normal priority

RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W7> in slot 12

RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W8> in slot 13 (10013) with normal priority

RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W8> in slot 13

RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W9> in slot 14 (10014) with normal priority

RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W9> in slot 14

RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W10> in slot 15 (10015) with normal priority

RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W10> in slot 15

RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W11> in slot 16 (10016) with normal priority

RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W11> in slot 16

RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W12> in slot 17 (10017) with normal priority

RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W12> in slot 17

RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W13> in slot 18 (10018) with normal priority

RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W13> in slot 18

RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W14> in slot 19 (10019) with normal priority

RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W14> in slot 19

RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W15> in slot 20 (10020) with normal priority

RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W15> in slot 20

RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W16> in slot 21 (10021) with normal priority

RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W16> in slot 21

RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W17> in slot 22 (10022) with normal priority

RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W17> in slot 22

RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W18> in slot 23 (10023) with normal priority

RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W18> in slot 23

RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W19> in slot 24 (10024) with normal priority

RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W19> in slot 24

RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W20> in slot 25 (10025) with normal priority

RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W20> in slot 25

MBUF state OFF

MBUF opmode USE

DpMBufClearGlobalHighLoadCounter: reset global load flags

DpMBufInit o.k.

DpCommInitTable: init table for 1000 entries

DpSockInitTable: init table for 1000 entries

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

dp-shmem init o.k.

disp+work.EXE 7420.101.23.59699 loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.

ntdll.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\.

kernel32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

KERNELBASE.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

dw_gui.dll 7420.101.23.59699 loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.

librender.dll 7420.101.23.59699 loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.

dw_stl.dll 7420.101.23.59699 loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.

MSVCP100.dll 10.0.40219.325 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

MSVCR100.dll 10.0.40219.325 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

USER32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

GDI32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

LPK.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

USP10.dll 1.626.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

msvcrt.dll 7.0.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

dw_xml.dll 7420.101.23.59699 loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.

dw_xtc.dll 7420.101.23.59699 loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.

dw_rndrt.dll 7420.101.23.59699 loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.

dw_abp.dll 7420.101.23.59699 loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.

libregex.dll 7420.101.23.59699 loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.

ADVAPI32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

sechost.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\.

RPCRT4.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

ole32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

OLEAUT32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

WINSPOOL.DRV 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

WS2_32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\. SAP minimum version is 4.0.1381.6.

NSI.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

IPHLPAPI.DLL 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

WINNSI.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

NETAPI32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

netutils.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

srvcli.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

wkscli.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

SAMCLI.DLL 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

SHELL32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

SHLWAPI.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

dbghelp.dll 6.2.9200.20512 loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.

VERSION.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

MPR.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

SETUPAPI.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

CFGMGR32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

DEVOBJ.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

icule51.dll loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.

icuuc51.dll loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.

icudt51.dll loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.

IMM32.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

MSCTF.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

icuuc50.dll loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.

icudt50.dll loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.

icuin50.dll loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.

NLAapi.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

napinsp.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

pnrpnsp.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

mswsock.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\System32\.

DNSAPI.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

winrnr.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\System32\.

cscapi.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

wshtcpip.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\System32\.

wship6.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\System32\.

rasadhlp.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

fwpuclnt.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\System32\.

ntmarta.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

WLDAP32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

SspiCli.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

psapi.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.

disp service: sapdp00

sapinit ()

EM: em/proc_max_size_MB = 0

MmxRegisterRscAdm 17 000000014130F8B0 000000014130FCD0

EmIAllocMmResourcePROC: size=1048576 total=-1 ptr=0000000008C20040

MmxInit( 0000000008C20050 1048576 17 0000000000000000 0 ) 16 32 64 64

MmxRegisterRscAdm 18 000000014130F850 000000014130F890

EM: Initializing PROC storage: quota=0 use_stdheap=0

sapinit: allocated ZCSA at 0000000008C22D70, len=1992, RSTG_CL_PERM

sapinit: allocated ZTTA and RSTG at 0000000008C235C0, len=1608, RSTG_CL_PERM

sapinit: allocated temporary DYNPRO at 0000000000000000, len=3200000, RSTG_CL_PERM

sapinit: allocated CUA at 0000000008C23C90, len=8, RSTG_CL_PERM

sapinit o.k.


Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

EmGetMaxGlobalSizeMB: tbiSize = 693

EmGetMaxGlobalSizeMB: maxSize = 1095

EmInit () Lock method = 2

EmInit: MmSetImplementation( 2 ).

MM global diagnostic options set: 0

EsGetAdmSize( 22 )

EsGetAdmSize( 42 ) = 26425536

ShmProtect( 51, 3 )

EmInit: initializing process shared data.

EmInit: initializing process private data.

EmILckRecover: checking for Mutex to recover ...

<ES> client 21 initializing ....

EsInit(000000001D71A8B0, 26444192, 21, 4096KB, 5734MB, 12287MB, 5734MB, 0, ECC)

<ES> EsILock: use Semphore 33 for locking

<ES> initializing shared memory....

<ES> block size is 4096 kByte.

<ES> Info: em/initial_size_MB( 5734MB) not multiple of em/blocksize_KB( 4096KB)

<ES> Info: em/initial_size_MB rounded up to 5736MB

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F047ED0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F047F30

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F047F90

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F047FF0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048050

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0480B0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048110

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048170

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0481D0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048230

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048290

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0482F0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048350

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0483B0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048410

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048470

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0484D0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048530

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048590

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0485F0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048650

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0486B0

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048710

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048770

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0487D0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048830

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048890

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0488F0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048950

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0489B0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048A10

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048A70

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048AD0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048B30

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048B90

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048BF0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048C50

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048CB0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048D10

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048D70

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048DD0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048E30

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048E90

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048EF0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048F50

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048FB0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049010

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049070

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0490D0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049130

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049190

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0491F0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049250

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0492B0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049310

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049370

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0493D0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049430

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049490

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0494F0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049550

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0495B0

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049610

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049670

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0496D0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049730

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049790

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0497F0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049850

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0498B0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049910

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049970

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0499D0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049A30

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049A90

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049AF0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049B50

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049BB0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049C10

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049C70

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049CD0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049D30

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049D90

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049DF0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049E50

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049EB0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049F10

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049F70

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049FD0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A030

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A090

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A0F0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A150

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A1B0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A210

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A270

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A2D0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A330

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A390

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A3F0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A450

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A4B0

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A510

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A570

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A5D0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A630

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A690

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A6F0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A750

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A7B0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A810

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A870

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A8D0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A930

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A990

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A9F0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AA50

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AAB0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AB10

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AB70

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04ABD0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AC30

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AC90

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04ACF0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AD50

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04ADB0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AE10

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AE70

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AED0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AF30

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AF90

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AFF0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B050

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B0B0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B110

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B170

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B1D0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B230

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B290

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B2F0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B350

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B3B0

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B410

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B470

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B4D0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B530

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B590

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B5F0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B650

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B6B0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B710

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B770

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B7D0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B830

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B890

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B8F0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B950

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B9B0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BA10

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BA70

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BAD0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BB30

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BB90

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BBF0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BC50

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BCB0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BD10

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BD70

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BDD0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BE30

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BE90

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BEF0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BF50

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BFB0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C010

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C070

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C0D0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C130

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C190

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C1F0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C250

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C2B0

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C310

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C370

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C3D0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C430

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C490

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C4F0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C550

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C5B0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C610

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C670

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C6D0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C730

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C790

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C7F0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C850

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C8B0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C910

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C970

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C9D0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CA30

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CA90

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CAF0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CB50

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CBB0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CC10

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CC70

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CCD0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CD30

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CD90

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CDF0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CE50

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CEB0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CF10

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CF70

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CFD0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D030

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D090

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D0F0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D150

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D1B0

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D210

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D270

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D2D0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D330

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D390

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D3F0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D450

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D4B0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D510

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D570

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D5D0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D630

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D690

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D6F0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D750

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D7B0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D810

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D870

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D8D0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D930

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D990

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D9F0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04DA50

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04DAB0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04DB10

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04DB70

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04DBD0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04DC30

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04DC90

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04DCF0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04DD50

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04DDB0

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04DE10

Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04DE70

STD_EsInit: FreelistCompactor active

<ES> Info: disclaim threshold = 0 MB

<ES> Info: disclaim coasting/alloc = 300 s

<ES> Info: disclaim coasting/free = 0 s

<ES> Info: blockdisclaimsize_KB = 0 KB

Found implementation view

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

Using implementation view

<EsNT> EsIOsInit

<EsNT> ExecuteProtection is supported

<EsNT> Using memory model view.

<EsNT> EsIOsInit: em/initial_size_MB=5736MB

<EsNT> EsIOsInit: em/address_space_MB=5734MB

<EsNT> Memory Reset disabled as NT default

<EsNT> Address Space set to 5734

<EsNT> EsILocMthSlotsAttach

<EsNT> CreateFileMapping name=Global\ES_SEG_00_000 ,size=2044 MB

<EsNT> CreateFileMapping name=Global\ES_SEG_00_001 ,size=2044 MB

<EsNT> CreateFileMapping name=Global\ES_SEG_00_002 ,size=1648 MB

<EsNT> MemoryTotalPhys      8388144 KB

<EsNT> MemoryTotalVirtual  8589934464 KB

<EsNT> MemoryAvailVirtual  8588333064 KB

<EsNT> Static              00000001417896C0

<EsNT> Start Map Area      000007DE99A00000

<ES> 1433 blocks reserved for free list.

ES initialized.

EmInit2: egSegSizeEsBlocks number = 274

EgInit: esBlkSz = 4194304, maxEsBlocks = 274, segSz = (1149239296 EG_MAX_SEGSIZE = 68719476735

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 0 LockCount 0

<EsNT> EsISearchAlloc Blocks = 274

<EsNT> EsIViewInitSlots Blocks = 274, FromTop = 1

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 1

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 2

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 3

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 4

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 5

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 6

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 7

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 8

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 9

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 10

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 11

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 12

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 13

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 14

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 15

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 16

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 17

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 18

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 19

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 20

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 21

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 22

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 23

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 24

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 25

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 26

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 27

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 28

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 29

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 30

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 31

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 32

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 33

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 34

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 35

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 36

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 37

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 38

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 39

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 40

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 41

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 42

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 43

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 44

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 45

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 46

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 47

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 48

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 49

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 50

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 51

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 52

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 53

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 54

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 55

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 56

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 57

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 58

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 59

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 60

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 61

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 62

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 63

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 64

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 65

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 66

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 67

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 68

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 69

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 70

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 71

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 72

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 73

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 74

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 75

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 76

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 77

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 78

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 79

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 80

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 81

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 82

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 83

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 84

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 85

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 86

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 87

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 88

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 89

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 90

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 91

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 92

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 93

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 94

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 95

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 96

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 97

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 98

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 99

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 100

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 101

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 102

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 103

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 104

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 105

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 106

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 107

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 108

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 109

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 110

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 111

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 112

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 113

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 114

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 115

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 116

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 117

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 118

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 119

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 120

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 121

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 122

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 123

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 124

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 125

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 126

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 127

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 128

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 129

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 130

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 131

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 132

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 133

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 134

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 135

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 136

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 137

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 138

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 139

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 140

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 141

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 142

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 143

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 144

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 145

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 146

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 147

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 148

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 149

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 150

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 151

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 152

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 153

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 154

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 155

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 156

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 157

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 158

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 159

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 160

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 161

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 162

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 163

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 164

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 165

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 166

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 167

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 168

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 169

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 170

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 171

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 172

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 173

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 174

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 175

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 176

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 177

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 178

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 179

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 180

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 181

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 182

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 183

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 184

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 185

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 186

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 187

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 188

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 189

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 190

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 191

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 192

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 193

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 194

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 195

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 196

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 197

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 198

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 199

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 200

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 201

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 202

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 203

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 204

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 205

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 206

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 207

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 208

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 209

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 210

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 211

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 212

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 213

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 214

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 215

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 216

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 217

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 218

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 219

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 220

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 221

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 222

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 223

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 224

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 225

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 226

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 227

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 228

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 229

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 230

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 231

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 232

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 233

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 234

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 235

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 236

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 237

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 238

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 239

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 240

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 241

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 242

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 243

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 244

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 245

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 246

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 247

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 248

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 249

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 250

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 251

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 252

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 253

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 254

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 255

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 256

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 257

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 258

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 259

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 260

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 261

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 262

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 263

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 264

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 265

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 266

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 267

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 268

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 269

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 270

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 271

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 272

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 273

EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 274

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 1

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 2

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 3

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 4

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 5

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 6

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 7

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 8

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 9

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 10

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 11

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 12

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 13

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 14

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 15

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 16

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 17

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 18

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 19

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 20

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 21

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 22

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 23

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 24

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 25

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 26

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 27

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 28

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 29

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 30

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 31

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 32

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 33

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 34

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 35

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 36

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 37

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 38

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 39

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 40

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 41

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 42

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 43

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 44

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 45

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 46

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 47

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 48

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 49

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 50

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 51

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 52

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 53

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 54

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 55

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 56

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 57

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 58

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 59

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 60

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 61

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 62

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 63

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 64

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 65

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 66

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 67

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 68

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 69

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 70

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 71

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 72

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 73

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 74

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 75

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 76

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 77

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 78

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 79

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 80

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 81

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 82

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 83

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 84

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 85

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 86

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 87

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 88

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 89

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 90

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 91

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 92

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 93

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 94

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 95

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 96

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 97

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 98

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 99

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 100

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 101

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 102

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 103

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 104

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 105

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 106

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 107

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 108

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 109

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 110

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 111

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 112

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 113

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 114

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 115

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 116

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 117

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 118

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 119

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 120

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 121

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 122

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 123

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 124

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 125

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 126

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 127

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 128

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 129

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 130

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 131

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 132

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 133

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 134

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 135

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 136

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 137

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 138

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 139

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 140

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 141

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 142

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 143

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 144

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 145

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 146

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 147

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 148

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 149

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 150

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 151

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 152

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 153

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 154

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 155

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 156

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 157

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 158

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 159

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 160

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 161

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 162

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 163

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 164

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 165

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 166

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 167

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 168

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 169

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 170

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 171

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 172

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 173

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 174

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 175

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 176

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 177

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 178

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 179

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 180

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 181

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 182

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 183

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 184

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 185

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 186

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 187

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 188

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 189

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 190

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 191

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 192

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 193

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 194

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 195

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 196

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 197

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 198

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 199

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 200

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 201

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 202

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 203

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 204

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 205

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 206

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 207

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 208

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 209

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 210

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 211

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 212

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 213

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 214

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 215

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 216

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 217

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 218

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 219

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 220

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 221

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 222

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 223

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 224

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 225

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 226

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 227

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 228

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 229

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 230

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 231

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 232

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 233

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 234

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 235

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 236

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 237

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 238

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 239

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 240

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 241

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 242

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 243

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 244

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 245

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 246

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 247

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 248

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 249

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 250

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 251

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 252

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 253

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 254

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 255

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 256

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 257

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 258

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 259

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 260

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 261

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 262

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 263

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 264

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 265

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 266

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 267

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 268

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 269

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 270

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 271

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 272

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 273

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 274

<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

MmxInit( 000007DFBB600000 1149239296 0 0000000000000000 0 ) 16 32 64 64

EgInit: firstSegment, size = 1149239296, address = 000007DFBB600000

#0 EG-Memory created. client 21, size 1096 MB, base 000007DFBB600000, admBase 000000001F052A50

MmxRegisterRscAdm 4 000000014130F030 000000014130F100

MmxRegisterRscAdm 7 000000014130ED90 000000014130EEF0

mm.dump: set global maximum dump mem to 192 MB

EsRegisterEmCheck: Register EmGetEsHandles at 0000000141310320

DpEmInit: EmInit o.k.

set stat of gateway to AS_NOT_STARTED

executable name: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE

rdisp/calculateLoadAverage : 1

DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us

DpUpdateStatusFileWith: update status file C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\work\disp+work.status, unique number = 1, state=YELLOW, reason=Server startup procedure running

DpUpdateStatusFileWith: updated status file

DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us

DpLoadCheck: initialize time slices

DpLoadCheck: o.k.

DpInitWall o.k.

NiICreateHandle: hdl 1 state NI_INITIAL_CON

NiIInitSocket: set default settings for new hdl 1/sock 872 (I4; DG)

NiDgHdlCreateForProto: state of hdl 1 NI_DG_UNCONNECTED

NiISetSockOpt: set option SOL_SOCKET-SO_REUSEADDR of hdl 1 to FALSE

NiITraceByteOrder: CPU byte order: little endian, reverse network, low val .. high val

NiIBind: hdl 1 bound to

NiIBlockMode: set blockmode for hdl 1 FALSE

RqQQueueGetSelectableHandle: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 has selectable hdl 1 (port=54405) and W-1

DpAddSocketInfo: add info for nihdl 1 (pos/type/idx=0/2/0)

NiSrvLGetServNo: found service name 'sapdp00' in cache

NiIGetServNo: servicename 'sapdp00' = port 3200

NiICreateHandle: hdl 9 state NI_INITIAL_LIS

NiIInitSocket: set default settings for new hdl 9/sock 876 (I4; ST)

NiIBind: hdl 9 bound to 3200 (IP only)

NiIBlockMode: set blockmode for hdl 9 FALSE

NiIListen: state of hdl 9 NI_LISTEN

DpAddSocketInfo: add info for nihdl 9 (pos/type/idx=1/1/0)

softservices: 80

DpTriggerMsAttach: attach to message server

NiHLGetNodeAddr: found hostname 'SAPIDESECC' in cache

NiIGetNodeAddr: hostname 'SAPIDESECC' = addr

NiIGetServNo: servicename '3901' = port 3901

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

DpMsAttach: try msg server attach (silentAttach=0)

MsIAttachEx: attach state MS_AS_DETACHED (async=0)

MsIAttachEx: connect to SAPIDESECC / 3901

NiHLGetNodeAddr: found hostname 'SAPIDESECC' in cache

NiIGetNodeAddr: hostname 'SAPIDESECC' = addr

NiIGetServNo: servicename '3901' = port 3901

NiICreateHandle: hdl 17 state NI_INITIAL_CON

NiIInitSocket: set default settings for new hdl 17/sock 880 (I4; ST)

NiIBlockMode: set blockmode for hdl 17 FALSE

NiICheckPendConnection: connection of hdl 17 to established

NiIConnect: hdl 17 took local address

NiIConnect: state of hdl 17 NI_CONNECTED

NiBufISetHdlParam: set alloc function for hdl 17 to 00000001410CEDC0

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=180,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 180 bytes

MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/70 bytes) to name          MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -


Send 70 bytes to MSG_SERVER

NiIRead: hdl 17 recv would block (errno=EAGAIN)

NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiRead: received 114 bytes

MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -

Received 4 bytes from MSG_SERVER                        

Received opcode MS_SET_PROPERTY from msg_server, reply MSOP_OK

MsOpReceive: ok

MsSetRelInfoForClient : release information set succesfully

NiSrvLGetServNo: found service name 'sapdp00' in cache

NiIGetServNo: servicename 'sapdp00' = port 3200

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=110,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 110 bytes

NiIRead: hdl 17 recv would block (errno=EAGAIN)

NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=110,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiRead: received 110 bytes

MsIAttachEx: login to msg_server (version=4) SAPIDESECC 3901 o.k.

MsIAttachEx: myname=SAPIDESECC_ECC_00, myserv=sapdp00, mytype=DIA UPD BTC SPO UP2 ICM

MsIParam: set ms_timeS to 0

MsIParam: set ms_timeR to -1

MsPrvGetHdl2: set exit function

DpAddSocketInfo: add info for nihdl 17 (pos/type/idx=2/4/0)

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

***LOG Q0K=> DpMsAttach, mscon ( SAPIDESECC) [dpMessageSer 1663]

NiMyHostName: hostname = 'SAPIDESECC'

NiHLGetNodeAddr: found hostname 'SAPIDESECC' in cache

NiIGetNodeAddr: hostname 'SAPIDESECC' = addr

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=110,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 110 bytes

MsIModState: change state to STARTING

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=134,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 134 bytes

MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/24 bytes) to name          MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -

MsSndName: MS_CHANGE_IP ok

Send 24 bytes to MSG_SERVER

MS_CHANGE_IP : asynchronous call

send opcode MS_CHANGE_IP to msgserver ok

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 114 bytes

MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes) to name          MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -


Send 4 bytes to MSG_SERVER

MS_SERVER_LONG_LIST : asynchronous call

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 114 bytes

MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes) to name          MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -


Send 4 bytes to MSG_SERVER

MS_SERVER_CHG : asynchronous call

send opcode MS_SERVER_CHG to msgserver ok

NiMyHostName: hostname = 'SAPIDESECC'

NiHLGetNodeAddr: found hostname 'SAPIDESECC' in cache

NiIGetNodeAddr: hostname 'SAPIDESECC' = addr

NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache

NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC' (fq)

DpMsUpdateLogon: dp_service: sapdp00

NiSrvLGetServNo: found service name 'sapdp00' in cache

NiIGetServNo: servicename 'sapdp00' = port 3200

DpMsUpdateLogon: set LB=0

MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_DIAG (2)

MsIBuildLogonData: port = 3200 (4)

MsIBuildLogonData: addr (IPv4) = (8)

MsIBuildLogonData: host = SAPIDESECC (24)

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

MsIBuildLogonData: misc = LB=0 (30)

MsIBuildLogonData: addr (IPv6) = (48)

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=164,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 164 bytes

MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/54 bytes) to name          MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -

MsSndName: MS_SET_LOGON ok

Send 54 bytes to MSG_SERVER

MS_SET_LOGON : asynchronous call

DpMsUpdateLogon: gw_service: sapgw00

NiSrvLGetServNo: found service name 'sapgw00' in cache

NiIGetServNo: servicename 'sapgw00' = port 3300

MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_RFC (2)

MsIBuildLogonData: port = 3300 (4)

MsIBuildLogonData: addr (IPv4) = (8)

MsIBuildLogonData: host = SAPIDESECC (24)

MsIBuildLogonData: addr (IPv6) = (44)

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=160,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 160 bytes

MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/50 bytes) to name          MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -

MsSndName: MS_SET_LOGON ok

Send 50 bytes to MSG_SERVER

MS_SET_LOGON : asynchronous call

DpIcmUpdateServices: send request to icman

DpRqCreate: creating REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE_RESP request (rq_id 3418, slot 0)

DpCaLockBlk: my ca_blk start index is 0

DpCaLockBlk: locked ca_blk 0

DpRqSendRequest: REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE_RESP (rq_id 3418) from DISP to local ICMAN

DpCaGiveUpOwnerOfBlk: give up ownership of ca_blk 0

rq_id 3418

-OUT- ca_blk    0            len      5180  


-OUT- sender address:

-OUT- type      LOCAL

-OUT- agentType DISP    

-OUT- receiver address:

-OUT- type      LOCAL

-OUT- agentType ICMAN  

RqQAddRequest: Add request rq_id 3418 (NOWP) to queue <IcmanQueue> in slot 2 at the end

Dump of queue <IcmanQueue> in slot 2 (1 requests, in use, port=0):

  -1 <-    0 (rq_id 3418, NOWP,  REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE_RESP) ->  -1

RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <IcmanQueue> in slot 2 contains 1 requests of type NOWP

DpRqPutIntoQueue: put request into ICMAN queue (workerType 0, prio LOW, rq_id 3418), queue has 1 requests

DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE_RESP request (rq_id 3418, slot 0)

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=118,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 118 bytes

MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/8 bytes) to name          MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -

MsSndName: MS_GET_HWID ok

Send 8 bytes to MSG_SERVER

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

MS_GET_HWID : asynchronous call

send opcode MS_GET_HWID to msgserver ok

MBUF set hwid_state to HWID_PENDING

DpStartStopMsg: send start message (myname is >SAPIDESECC_ECC_00                      <)

DpStartStopMsg: Write AD_STARTSTOP message with type=  1, name=SAPIDESECC_ECC_00  , sapsysnr= 0, hostname=SAPIDESECC                                                

AdGetSelfIdentRecord: >                                                                          <

AdCvtRecToExt: opcode 60 (AD_SELFIDENT), ser 0, ex 0, errno 0

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 0(AD_GENERAL), 00000001411AD7C0,00000001411AD8B0)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 17(AD_GENERAL2), 00000001411AD9A0,00000001411ADAD0)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 1(AD_PROFILE), 00000001411ADC00,00000001411ADC20)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 2(AD_WPSTAT), 00000001411ADC40,00000001411ADDC0)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 18(AD_SET_LIST_PARAM), 00000001411ADF40,00000001411ADFA0)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 3(AD_QUEUE), 00000001411AE000,00000001411AE0C0)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 4(AD_STARTSTOP), 00000001411AE180,00000001411AE210)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 5(AD_WPCONF), 00000001411AE2A0,00000001411AE360)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 16(AD_WPCONF2), 00000001411AE420,00000001411AE4F0)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 6(AD_USRLST), 00000001411AE5C0,00000001411AE6E0)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 7(AD_WPKILL), 00000001411AE800,00000001411AE890)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 8(AD_TIMEINFO), 00000001411AFD60,00000001411AFDF0)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 9(AD_TM_RECONNECT), 00000001411AFE80,00000001411AFF10)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 13(AD_DB_RECONNECT), 00000001411AFFA0,00000001411B0000)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 14(AD_ECHO), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 15(AD_MSGSERVER), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 19(AD_DUMP_STATUS), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 21(AD_RZL_STRG), 00000001411AE920,00000001411AF310)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 22(AD_COUNT_WPS), 00000001411AFC40,00000001411AFC60)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 23(AD_QUEUE2), 00000001411AFC80,00000001411AFCA0)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 25(AD_EM), 00000001411B07A0,00000001411B0AC0)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 26(AD_ES), 00000001411B07A0,00000001411B0AC0)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 27(AD_SHUTDOWN_STATE), 00000001411B0060,00000001411B0070)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 28(AD_SHUTDOWN_INFO), 00000001411B0080,00000001411B00A0)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 29(AD_SHUTDOWN_ERROR), 00000001411B00C0,00000001411B00E0)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 31(AD_DISPLACE), 00000001411B0100,00000001411B0160)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 32(AD_GET_TIMETAB), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 33(AD_SET_TIMETAB), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 40(AD_MSBUF), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 41(AD_ARFC_NOREQ), 00000001411B01C0,00000001411B02C0)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 42(AD_ENQID_INFO), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 43(AD_DEL_USER), 00000001411B03C0,00000001411B0440)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 44(AD_SPO_ADM), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 45(AD_NTAB_SYNC), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 46(AD_SHARED_PARAMETER), 00000001411B0580,00000001411B05C0)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 47(AD_RESET_TRACE), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 48(AD_RESET_USR02), 00000001411B04C0,00000001411B0520)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 49(AD_WALL_CREATE), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 50(AD_WALL_DELETE), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 51(AD_WALL_MODIFY), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 52(AD_SERVER_STATE), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 53(AD_OPCODE_53), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 60(AD_SELFIDENT), 00000001411B0600,00000001411B0620)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 61(AD_DP_TRACE_CHANGE), 00000001411B0640,00000001411B0680)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 62(AD_DP_DUMP_NIHDL), 00000001411B0720,00000001411B0760)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 63(AD_DP_CALL_DELAYED), 00000001411B06C0,00000001411B06F0)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 64(AD_GW_ADM), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 65(AD_DP_WAKEUP_MODE), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 66(AD_VMC_SYS_EVENT), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 67(AD_SHARED_PARAM_ALL_WPS), 00000001411B0580,00000001411B05C0)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 68(AD_SECSESSION_UPDATE), 00000001411B0DF0,00000001411B0E70)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 69(AD_SECSESSION_TERMINATE), 00000001411B0EF0,00000001411B0F70)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 71(AD_GET_NILIST), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 74(AD_HANDLE_ACL), 00000001411B1090,00000001411B10A0)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 75(AD_ENQ_LOG_RESET), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 76(AD_OAUTHBUFFRESET), 00000001411B0FF0,00000001411B1040)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 72(AD_LOAD_INFO), 00000001411AFCC0,00000001411AFCE0)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 73(AD_TEST), 00000001411AFD00,00000001411AFD10)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 77(AD_RESET_BUFFERED_TABLE), 00000001411B10B0,00000001411B10E0)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 79(AD_PROFILE2), 00000001411ADC00,00000001411ADC20)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 82(AD_SOFT_CANCEL), 00000001411B1110,00000001411B1190)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 78(AD_SESSION_REQUEST), 00000001411B1210,00000001411B1250)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 83(AD_CREATE_SNAPSHOT), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 84(AD_KERNEL_UPDATE_INFO), 00000001411B12A0,00000001411B12B0)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 85(AD_SYNC_LOAD_FMT), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 86(AD_GET_NILIST_PORT), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 87(AD_CHECK_SERVICE), 00000001411AFD20,00000001411AFD40)

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 88(AD_KRB_UPDATE_KEYTAB), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 89(AD_RSAU_CHECK_FILE), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))

AdCvtRecToExt: opcode 4 (AD_STARTSTOP), ser 0, ex 0, errno 0

DpRqCreate: creating REQ_HANDLER_ADM request (rq_id 3419, slot 1)

DpRqConvertToNetForm: converted from intern to net (164 bytes, reqRc 0), rq_id 3419

DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_ADM request (rq_id 3419, slot 1)

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=866,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 866 bytes

MsISndTypeOnce: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/756 bytes) to MSG_SERVER, type 1

DpStartStopMsg: start msg sent to message server o.k.

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 114 bytes

MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes) to name          MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -


Send 4 bytes to MSG_SERVER

MS_SERVER_LST : asynchronous call



NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 114 bytes

MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes) to name          MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -


Send 4 bytes to MSG_SERVER

MS_SERVER_LST : asynchronous call

MBUF set dp hook func

DpListInsert: insert elem 0 into wpadm_list (at end)

DpListInsert: 1 elems in wpadm_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 0 into wpadm_dia_list (at end)

DpListInsert: 1 elems in wpadm_dia_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 1 into wpadm_list (at end)

DpListInsert: 2 elems in wpadm_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 1 into wpadm_dia_list (at end)

DpListInsert: 2 elems in wpadm_dia_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 2 into wpadm_list (at end)

DpListInsert: 3 elems in wpadm_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 2 into wpadm_dia_list (at end)

DpListInsert: 3 elems in wpadm_dia_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 3 into wpadm_list (at end)

DpListInsert: 4 elems in wpadm_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 3 into wpadm_dia_list (at end)

DpListInsert: 4 elems in wpadm_dia_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 4 into wpadm_list (at end)

DpListInsert: 5 elems in wpadm_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 4 into wpadm_dia_list (at end)

DpListInsert: 5 elems in wpadm_dia_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 5 into wpadm_list (at end)

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

DpListInsert: 6 elems in wpadm_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 5 into wpadm_dia_list (at end)

DpListInsert: 6 elems in wpadm_dia_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 6 into wpadm_list (at end)

DpListInsert: 7 elems in wpadm_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 6 into wpadm_dia_list (at end)

DpListInsert: 7 elems in wpadm_dia_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 7 into wpadm_list (at end)

DpListInsert: 8 elems in wpadm_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 7 into wpadm_dia_list (at end)

DpListInsert: 8 elems in wpadm_dia_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 8 into wpadm_list (at end)

DpListInsert: 9 elems in wpadm_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 8 into wpadm_dia_list (at end)

DpListInsert: 9 elems in wpadm_dia_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 9 into wpadm_list (at end)

DpListInsert: 10 elems in wpadm_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 9 into wpadm_dia_list (at end)

DpListInsert: 10 elems in wpadm_dia_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 10 into wpadm_list (at end)

DpListInsert: 11 elems in wpadm_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 10 into wpadm_vb_list (at end)

DpListInsert: 1 elems in wpadm_vb_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 11 into wpadm_list (at end)

DpListInsert: 12 elems in wpadm_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 11 into wpadm_btc_list (at end)

DpListInsert: 1 elems in wpadm_btc_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 12 into wpadm_list (at end)

DpListInsert: 13 elems in wpadm_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 12 into wpadm_btc_list (at end)

DpListInsert: 2 elems in wpadm_btc_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 13 into wpadm_list (at end)

DpListInsert: 14 elems in wpadm_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 13 into wpadm_btc_list (at end)

DpListInsert: 3 elems in wpadm_btc_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 14 into wpadm_list (at end)

DpListInsert: 15 elems in wpadm_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 14 into wpadm_spo_list (at end)

DpListInsert: 1 elems in wpadm_spo_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 15 into wpadm_list (at end)

Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040

DpListInsert: 16 elems in wpadm_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 15 into wpadm_vb2_list (at end)

DpListInsert: 1 elems in wpadm_vb2_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 16 into wpadm_dynamic_list (at end)

DpListInsert: 1 elems in wpadm_dynamic_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 17 into wpadm_dynamic_list (at end)

DpListInsert: 2 elems in wpadm_dynamic_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 18 into wpadm_dynamic_list (at end)

DpListInsert: 3 elems in wpadm_dynamic_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 19 into wpadm_dynamic_list (at end)

DpListInsert: 4 elems in wpadm_dynamic_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 20 into wpadm_dynamic_list (at end)

DpListInsert: 5 elems in wpadm_dynamic_list

Wed May 02 19:15:01 2040

DpWpAdmInit: #dia wp: 10

DpWpAdmInit: #vb wp: 1

DpWpAdmInit: #enq wp: 0

DpWpAdmInit: #btc wp: 3

DpWpAdmInit: #spo wp: 1

DpWpAdmInit: #vb2 wp: 1

DpWpAdmInit: #restricted/dynamic wp: 0/5

RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <EmbryoQueue_DIA> in slot 26 (10027) with high priority

RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <EmbryoQueue_UPD> in slot 27 (10028) with high priority

RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <EmbryoQueue_BTC> in slot 28 (10029) with high priority

RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <EmbryoQueue_SPO> in slot 29 (10030) with high priority

RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <EmbryoQueue_UP2> in slot 30 (10031) with high priority

DpInitMpi: mpi totalSz / bufferSz = 419430400 / 65536

MPI: max. number of pipes = 4000 (4000 with evt)

MPI: max. pipe size = 102400 KB

MPI: dynamic quotas disabled.

MPI: reserved quota (percent total space) = 30% (1918 buffers)

MPI init: pipes=4000 buffers=6395 reserved=1918 quota=10%

ShmProtect( 62, 3 )

MPI: create admin. at 0000000021110050

DpAddVirtHost: add virt host 0 (*/*) for prot 1

DpAddVirtHost: add virt host 0 (*/*) for prot 2

DpAddVirtHost: add virt host 0 (*/*) for prot 4

SetEnvironmentVariable PPID=1724

gwpath: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\gwrd.EXE

CreateProcess gwrd (PID:4744  HANDLE:920)

set stat of gwrd to AS_STARTED

SetEnvironmentVariable PPID=1724

path: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\icman.EXE

CreateProcess ICM (PID:3580  HANDLE:928)

rdisp/j2ee_start = 0


rdisp/j2ee_start_lazy = 0

rdisp/j2ee_start_control = 1 (SAP J2EE startup framework)

rdisp/j2ee_timeout = 60 sec

rdisp/j2ee_error = 10

DpJ2eeInit: rdisp/j2ee_timeout = 60

DpJ2eeInit: rdisp/j2ee_error  = 10

dwpath: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE

create new work process W0 (PID:4852 HANDLE:940)

Wed May 02 19:15:01 2040

dwpath: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE

create new work process W1 (PID:3316 HANDLE:944)

dwpath: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE

create new work process W2 (PID:2416 HANDLE:948)

dwpath: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE

create new work process W3 (PID:5048 HANDLE:952)

dwpath: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE

create new work process W4 (PID:5088 HANDLE:956)

dwpath: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE

create new work process W5 (PID:2852 HANDLE:960)

dwpath: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE

create new work process W6 (PID:5100 HANDLE:964)

dwpath: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE

create new work process W7 (PID:3176 HANDLE:968)

dwpath: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE

create new work process W8 (PID:1132 HANDLE:972)

dwpath: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE

create new work process W9 (PID:4948 HANDLE:976)

dwpath: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE

create new work process W10 (PID:3664 HANDLE:980)

dwpath: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE

create new work process W11 (PID:2272 HANDLE:984)

dwpath: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE

create new work process W12 (PID:4016 HANDLE:988)

dwpath: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE

create new work process W13 (PID:892 HANDLE:992)

dwpath: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE

create new work process W14 (PID:4004 HANDLE:1000)

dwpath: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE

create new work process W15 (PID:4012 HANDLE:1004)

DpAmcRegisterSessionCleanupHandler: register handler

DpAmcRegisterUiCleanupHandler: register handler

DpInitTimeTab: init time table for 200 slots

DpAllDynamicWps: 5 dynamic wps available

DpCalcNextSchedule: next_schedule: 2219617041/194000

DpInsertSchedule: inserted slot 0 (type BUFREF; delay 140/0 sec/usec; next schedule of slot 2219617041/194000 sec/usec)

DpInsertSchedule: next schedule at 2219617041/194000 sec/usec (1 timetab entries in total)

DpInsertRollSchedule: set static BUFREF schedule (hdl 0)

DpCalcNextSchedule: next_schedule: 2219617041/194000

DpInsertSchedule: inserted slot 1 (type DDLOG; delay 140/0 sec/usec; next schedule of slot 2219617041/194000 sec/usec)

Wed May 02 19:15:01 2040

DpInsertSchedule: next schedule at 2219617041/194000 sec/usec (2 timetab entries in total)

DpInsertRollSchedule: set static DDLOG schedule (hdl 1)

DpCalcNextSchedule: next_schedule: 2219617041/194000

DpInsertSchedule: inserted slot 2 (type RESTART_ALL; delay 320/0 sec/usec; next schedule of slot 2219617221/194000 sec/usec)

DpInsertSchedule: next schedule at 2219617041/194000 sec/usec (3 timetab entries in total)

DpInsertRollSchedule: set static RESTART_ALL schedule (hdl 2)

DpCalcNextSchedule: next_schedule: 2219616941/194000

DpInsertSchedule: inserted slot 3 (type ENVCHECK; delay 40/0 sec/usec; next schedule of slot 2219616941/194000 sec/usec)

DpInsertSchedule: next schedule at 2219616941/194000 sec/usec (4 timetab entries in total)

DpInsertRollSchedule: set static ENVCHECK schedule (hdl 3)

DpCalcNextSchedule: next_schedule: 2219616921/194000

DpInsertSchedule: inserted slot 4 (type BGRFC_WATCHDOG; delay 20/0 sec/usec; next schedule of slot 2219616921/194000 sec/usec)

DpInsertSchedule: next schedule at 2219616921/194000 sec/usec (5 timetab entries in total)

DpInsertRollSchedule: set static BGRFC_WATCHDOG schedule (hdl 4)

DpCalcNextSchedule: next_schedule: 2219616901/194000

DpInsertSchedule: inserted slot 5 (type AUTOTH; delay 0/0 sec/usec; next schedule of slot 2219616901/194000 sec/usec)

DpInsertSchedule: next schedule at 2219616901/194000 sec/usec (6 timetab entries in total)

DpInsertRollSchedule: set static AUTOTH schedule (hdl 5)

DpCalcNextSchedule: next_schedule: 2219616901/194000

DpInsertSchedule: inserted slot 6 (type AUTOCCMS; delay 80/0 sec/usec; next schedule of slot 2219616981/194000 sec/usec)

DpInsertSchedule: next schedule at 2219616901/194000 sec/usec (7 timetab entries in total)

DpInsertRollSchedule: set static AUTOCCMS schedule (hdl 6)

DpCalcNextSchedule: next_schedule: 2219616901/194000

DpInsertSchedule: inserted slot 7 (type AUTOSECURITY; delay 80/0 sec/usec; next schedule of slot 2219616981/194000 sec/usec)

DpInsertSchedule: next schedule at 2219616901/194000 sec/usec (8 timetab entries in total)

DpInsertRollSchedule: set static AUTOSECURITY schedule (hdl 7)

DpCalcNextSchedule: next_schedule: 2219616901/194000

DpInsertSchedule: inserted slot 8 (type LOAD_CALCULATION; delay 21/0 sec/usec; next schedule of slot 2219616922/194000 sec/usec)

DpInsertSchedule: next schedule at 2219616901/194000 sec/usec (9 timetab entries in total)

DpInsertRollSchedule: set static LOAD_CALCULATION schedule (hdl 😎

DpCalcNextSchedule: next_schedule: 2219616901/194000

DpInsertSchedule: inserted slot 9 (type SPOOLALRM; delay 80/0 sec/usec; next schedule of slot 2219616981/194000 sec/usec)

DpInsertSchedule: next schedule at 2219616901/194000 sec/usec (10 timetab entries in total)

DpInsertRollSchedule: set static SPOOLALRM schedule (hdl 9)

Statistic Level: 0

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/max_hold_time ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

Wed May 02 19:15:01 2040

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/max_sleep ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/max_priv_time ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/max_debug_attach_wait_time ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/max_debug_lazy_time ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/max_vm_debug_attach_time ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/max_vm_sgc_lazy_time ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/max_vm_forced_sgc_time ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/max_snc_hold_time ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/btctime ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/bufreftime ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/keepalive ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/keepalive_timeout ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/ms_keepalive ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/ms_keepalive_timeout ok

Wed May 02 19:15:01 2040

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: can't find Parameter (rdisp/keepalive_old)

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/keepalive_old failed (ENOENT)

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/autoabaptime ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/bgrfc_watchdog_time ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/signal_handler_timeout ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/autothtime ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/autoccmstime ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/security_check_time ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/delayed_call_interval ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/gui_auto_logout ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/plugin_auto_logout ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: can't find Parameter (rdisp/spooltime)

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/spooltime failed (ENOENT)

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/noptime ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

Wed May 02 19:15:01 2040

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/startup_time ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/addump_period ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/wppriv_max_no ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/configurable_wp_no ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/autojavatime ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/softcancel_timeout ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/softcancel_sequence ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/wp_restart_interval ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/max_dynamic_wp_alive_time ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/max_wprun_time ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/scheduler/* ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/http_min_wait_dia_wp ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/TRACE ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/TRACE_LOGGING ok

Wed May 02 19:15:01 2040

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/TRACE_RESOLUTION ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/avoidTraceInSigHandler ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/rfc_use_quotas ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/rfc_max_queue ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/rfc_max_login ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/rfc_max_own_login ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/rfc_min_wait_dia_wp ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/rfc_max_own_used_wp ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/rfc_max_comm_entries ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/rfc_max_open_tasks ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/mshost ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/start_icman ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/reverse_name_lookup ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

Wed May 02 19:15:01 2040

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/j2ee_start ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/j2ee_start_lazy ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/j2ee_start_control ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/j2ee_op ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/j2ee_timeout ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/j2ee_error ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/j2ee_libpath ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/j2ee_profile ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/icm_startup_args ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: is/HTTP/show_detailed_errors ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: is/HTTP/virt_host_* ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: is/SMTP/virt_host_* ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: exe/j2ee ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

Wed May 02 19:15:01 2040

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/calculateLoadAverage ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/ext_timer_stop_delay ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/shutdown/load_balance_wait_time ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/shutdown/disable_login ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/shutdown/auto_logout ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/shutdown/j2ee_timeout ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/shutdown/trigger_timeout ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/shutdown/idle_wp_timeout ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/shutdown/longrunner_timeout ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/shutdown/max_time ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/cpicStreaming ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/acl_file ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/traffic_control ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: zdate/DSTswitch_contloctime ok

Wed May 02 19:15:01 2040

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/check_load ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/prevent_deadlock ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/high_load_quota ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/resource_limit ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/task_limit ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/websocket/deletion_timeout ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/reject_softcancel_in_priv_mode ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/websocket/open_message_limit ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/websocket/receive_threshold ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/snapshot ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/loop_after_fork ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/core_file_size ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/queue/mtx_statistic ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

Wed May 02 19:15:01 2040

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/queue/mtx_statistic_limit ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/queue/handle_wakeups_outside_cs ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/queue/use_sem_for_disp_queues ok

ShmProtect( 57, 3 )

ShmProtect( 57, 1 )

DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/session_pooling ok

CCMS: shmnt.c:2384: ShmAlCreate (SapSysNr = 0, Key = 73, Size = 0, SHM_ATTACH): in

  LocShmAdm.Slot[SlotIdx].Ptr = 0x0000000000000000

CCMS: shmnt.c:2393: ShmAlCreate: ShmCreate() returned 3

  LocShmAdm.Slot[SlotIdx].Ptr = 0x0000000000000000

CCMS: shmnt.c:2407: ShmAlCreate: *ShmAdmPtr updated, out

  LocShmAdm.Slot[SlotIdx].Ptr = 0x0000000000000000,

CCMS: shmnt.c:2384: ShmAlCreate (SapSysNr = 0, Key = 73, Size = 60211232, SHM_ATTACH): in

  LocShmAdm.Slot[SlotIdx].Ptr = 0x0000000000000000

ShmProtect( 73, 3 )

CCMS: shmnt.c:2393: ShmAlCreate: ShmCreate() returned 0

  LocShmAdm.Slot[SlotIdx].Ptr = 0x000000003A3E0050

CCMS: shmnt.c:2407: ShmAlCreate: *ShmAdmPtr updated, out

  LocShmAdm.Slot[SlotIdx].Ptr = 0x000000003A3E0050,

CCMS: Initialized monitoring segment of size 60000000.

CCMS: Initialized CCMS Headers in the shared monitoring segment.

CCMS: Checking Downtime Configuration of Monitoring Segment.

Wed May 02 19:15:02 2040

CCMS: AlMsUpload called by wp 1024.

CCMS: AlMsUpload successful for C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\log\ALMTTREE.DAT (313 MTEs).

PfRegisterHook: add hook >hook for normal statistical records< for event WRITE_ANY_REC

CCMS: start to initalize 3.X shared alert area (first segment).

AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 20(AD_RZL), 000000014107F800,000000014107F6C0)

DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us

DpLoadCheck: o.k.

DpCheckPreemptionTicker: created thread for DpPremptionTicker

START of dispatcher main loop

: time skipped, enable schedules

DpCalcNextSchedule: next_schedule: 2219616901/194000

DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616901/194000 (in the past)

DpGetSchedule: actTime=2219616902/941000

DpGetSchedule: found slot 5 (type/tid/mode AUTOTH/-1/255, time=2219616901/194000)

DpTimeCheck: next 2219616901/194000, autoth is inactive, autothtime 60

DpSetNextSchedule: next schedule for slot 5: 2219616962/941000 (60/0 sec/msec)

DpCalcNextSchedule: next_schedule: 2219616921/194000

DpTimeCheck: activate auto th

DpRqCreate: creating REQ_HANDLER_AUTOTH request (rq_id 3420, slot 2)

DpRqSendRequest: REQ_HANDLER_AUTOTH (rq_id 3420) from DISP to local WORKER

rq_id 3420

-OUT- ca_blk    -1          len      0      


-OUT- sender address:

-OUT- type      LOCAL

-OUT- agentType DISP    

-OUT- respId    3421  

-OUT- receiver address:

-OUT- type      LOCAL

-OUT- agentType WORKER      workerTyp DIA    

RqQAddRequest: Add request rq_id 3420 (DIA) to queue <EmbryoQueue_DIA> in slot 26 at the end

Dump of queue <EmbryoQueue_DIA> in slot 26 (1 requests, port=0):

  -1 <-    1 (rq_id 3420,  DIA,            REQ_HANDLER_AUTOTH) ->  -1

RqQQueueAddToSessionQueue: Added queue <EmbryoQueue_DIA> in slot 26 to high priority session queue at the end (1 entries, peak 1)

Session queue dump (high priority, 1 elements, peak 1):

  -1 <-  26 <                EmbryoQueue_DIA> ->  -1

RqQNotifySessionQueue: notify high priority session queue of queue <EmbryoQueue_DIA> (DIA) (id=1)

RqQNotifyWaitingWorker: 1 high priority requests pending for DP_WORKER_DIAWP, no waiting worker found

RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <EmbryoQueue_DIA> in slot 26 contains 1 requests of type DIA

DpRqPutIntoQueue: put request into EMBRYO queue (workerType 1, prio LOW, rq_id 3420), queue has 1 requests

DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_AUTOTH request (rq_id 3420, slot 2)

DpGetSchedule: actTime=2219616902/941000

DpGetSchedule: next schedule 2219616921/194000

DpGetSchedule: no schedule found

DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 18/253000 sec/usec

DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 18253 msec

*********** DP LOOP ***********

DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request

CA Blocks

Wed May 02 19:15:02 2040

... skip next entries

1 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 1 currently unowned (in request queues)

NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)

NiSelISelectInt: 2 handles selected (1 buffered)

DpTmLogin: login request received

NiICreateHandle: hdl 25 state NI_INITIAL_CON

NiIInitSocket: set default settings for hdl 25/sock 1012 (I4; ST)

NiIBlockMode: set blockmode for hdl 25 FALSE

NiIAccept: state of hdl 25 NI_ACCEPTED

NiIAccept: hdl 9 accepted hdl 25 from

NiIAccept: hdl 25 took local address

NiIHdlSetMaxValidPacketLen: new len 34816 for hdl 25

DpLogon: new normal logon with type/subType/workerType/prio DP_LOGON_GUI/DP_LOGON_SUB_TYPE_UNDEF/DIA/-

DpListRemove: remove elem 0 from tmadm_free_list

DpListRemove: 199 elems in tmadm_free_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 0 into tmadm_inuse_list (at begin)

DpListInsert: 1 elems in tmadm_inuse_list

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T0_U1

DpTmSlotAllocate: allocated T0_U1

RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <T0_U1_M0> in slot 31 (10032) with high priority

DpLogonInit: new logon T0_U1, type=DP_LOGON_GUI, state=DP_LOGON_STATE_LOGGED_ON, priority=high priority, workerType=DIA

DpAllocDpTmAdm: allocated slot for T0_U1

NiBufISetHdlParam: set alloc function for hdl 25 to 000000013F799420

DpAddSocketInfo: add info for nihdl 25 (pos/type/idx=3/3/0)

dp_tm_adm[0].stat = DP_CONNECTED

DpTmLogin: expect data from T0_U1_M0

MsINiRead: received 114 bytes

MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -

opcode  : MS_CHANGE_IP

retcode : MSOP_OK

version : 2

charset : 3

DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_CHANGE_IP

DpMsInfo: ignore opcode MS_CHANGE_IP ok

NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiRead: received 114 bytes

MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -


retcode : MSOP_OK

version : 1

charset : 3

DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_SERVER_LONG_LIST

DpMsInfo: ignore opcode MS_SERVER_LONG_LIST ok

NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiRead: received 114 bytes

MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -

opcode  : MS_SERVER_CHG

retcode : MSOP_OK

version : 4

charset : 3

DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_SERVER_CHG

NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)

Wed May 02 19:15:02 2040

MsINiRead: received 114 bytes

MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -

opcode  : MS_SET_LOGON

retcode : MSOP_OK

version : 1

charset : 3

DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_SET_LOGON

DpMsInfo: ignore opcode MS_SET_LOGON ok

NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiRead: received 114 bytes

MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -

opcode  : MS_SET_LOGON

retcode : MSOP_OK

version : 1

charset : 3

DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_SET_LOGON

DpMsInfo: ignore opcode MS_SET_LOGON ok

NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=214,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiRead: received 214 bytes

MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/104 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -

opcode  : MS_GET_HWID

retcode : MSOP_OK

version : 1

charset : 3

DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_GET_HWID

DpMBufHwIdSet: set Hardware-ID

***LOG Q1C=> DpMBufHwIdSet [dpxxmbuf.c  1179]

MBUF set hwid_state to SAP_O_K (L1316909553                            )

NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=434,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiRead: received 434 bytes

MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/324 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -

opcode  : MS_SERVER_LST

retcode : MSOP_OK

version : 4

charset : 3

DpMsgProcess: update server list (324 bytes)

DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_SERVER_LST

DpMsInfo: found 2 server (160 bytes per server)

MsConvMsxxlist: client_version=4, server_version=4

client name          : SAPIDESECC_ECC_00

client host          : SAPIDESECC    

client address (IPv6) :

client address (IPv4) :

client services      : sapdp00        

client port          : 3200

status                : STARTING

message types        : DIA UPD BTC SPO UP2 ICM

system services      :

DpMBufClearLoadInfo: reset load info for name [SAPIDESECC_ECC_00                      ]

DpMBufClearLoadDetailInfo: reset load info for name [SAPIDESECC_ECC_00                      ]

MBUF SET name [SAPIDESECC_ECC_00                      ], types 187, entry=1

MsConvMsxxlist: client_version=4, server_version=4

client name          : -              

client host          :      

client address (IPv6) :

client address (IPv4) :

client services      : -              

client port          : 0

status                : STARTING

message types        : -

system services      :

MBUF ignore name [-                                      ], types 0


AdGetSelfIdentRecord: >                                                                          <

AdCvtRecToExt: opcode 60 (AD_SELFIDENT), ser 0, ex 0, errno 0

AdCvtRecToExt: opcode 40 (AD_MSBUF), ser 0, ex 0, errno 0

AdCvtRecToExt: opcode 40 (AD_MSBUF), ser 0, ex 0, errno 0

DpRqCreate: creating REQ_HANDLER_MSADM request (rq_id 3439, slot 3)

DpCaLockBlk: locked ca_blk 1

DpRqSendRequest: REQ_HANDLER_MSADM (rq_id 3439) from DISP to local DISP

DpCaGiveUpOwnerOfBlk: give up ownership of ca_blk 1

rq_id 3439

-OUT- ca_blk    1            len      348    


-OUT- sender address:

-OUT- type      LOCAL

-OUT- agentType DISP    

-OUT- receiver address:

-OUT- type      LOCAL

-OUT- agentType DISP    

Wed May 02 19:15:02 2040

RqQAddRequest: Add request rq_id 3439 (NOWP) to queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 at the end

Dump of queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (1 requests, in use, port=54405):

  -1 <-    2 (rq_id 3439, NOWP,              REQ_HANDLER_MSADM) ->  -1

NiICreateHandle: hdl 33 state NI_INITIAL_CON

NiIInitSocket: set default settings for new hdl 33/sock 1016 (I4; DG)

NiDgHdlCreateForProto: state of hdl 33 NI_DG_UNCONNECTED

NiISetSockOpt: set option SOL_SOCKET-SO_REUSEADDR of hdl 33 to FALSE

NiIConnectSocket: connection of hdl 33 established to

NiDgHdlConnect: state of hdl 33 NI_DG_CONNECTED

RqQQueueNotifySelectableHandleAsync: Created new NI connection for queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 on port 54405 (54408)

RqQQueueNotifySelectableHandleAsync: Signal selectable handle for queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 on port 54405 (id=0)

NiDgHdlSend: hdl 33 sent 1 of 1 bytes to

RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP

DpRqPutIntoQueue: put request into DISP queue (workerType 0, prio LOW, rq_id 3439), queue has 1 requests

DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_MSADM request (rq_id 3439, slot 3)

DpMBufTypeMod: MBUF component UP (event=MBUF_DPEVT_UP)

DpMsgProcess: 1 server in MBUF


NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=434,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiRead: received 434 bytes

MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/324 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -

opcode  : MS_SERVER_LST

retcode : MSOP_OK

version : 4

charset : 3

DpMsgProcess: MBUF state is MBUF_ACTIVE

DpMBufClearGlobalHighLoadCounter: reset global load flags

DpMBufReset: state = MBUF_PREPARED

NiIRead: hdl 17 recv would block (errno=EAGAIN)

NiIRead: read for hdl 17 timed out (0ms)

DpLoopExec: 8 MS message(s) processed

RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP

NiDgHdlRecvFrom: hdl 1 received 1 bytes from

RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat one selectable handle wakeup  (id=0), 1. receive

RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat selectable handle wakeup for queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (before cs)

RqQQueueGetRequest: Get request of queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (timeout=0)

RqQRequestFree: Free request in slot 2 (rq_id 3439)

RqQQueueGetRequest: Request rq_id 3439 found in queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0

rq_id 3439

-IN-- ca_blk    1            len      348    


-IN-- sender address:

-IN-- type      LOCAL

-IN-- agentType DISP    

-IN-- receiver address:

-IN-- type      LOCAL

-IN-- agentType DISP    

DpCaBecomeOwnerOfBlk: become owner of ca_blk 1

DpRqCopyAndMoveData: copying REQ_HANDLER_MSADM request (rq_id 3439, slot 4)

DpRqServiceQueue: Handle NOWP request queue (rq_id 3439)

DpRqNoWpHandle: handle req (rq_id 3439) with new addressing (LOCAL)

DpRqSendRequest: REQ_HANDLER_MSADM (rq_id 3439) from DISP to local WORKER

Wed May 02 19:15:02 2040

DpCaGiveUpOwnerOfBlk: give up ownership of ca_blk 1

rq_id 3439

-OUT- ca_blk    1            len      348    


-OUT- sender address:

-OUT- type      LOCAL

-OUT- agentType DISP    

-OUT- respId    3440  

-OUT- receiver address:

-OUT- type      LOCAL

-OUT- agentType WORKER      workerTyp DIA    

RqQAddRequest: Add request rq_id 3439 (DIA) to queue <EmbryoQueue_DIA> in slot 26 at the end

Dump of queue <EmbryoQueue_DIA> in slot 26 (2 requests, port=0):

  -1 <-    1 (rq_id 3420,  DIA,            REQ_HANDLER_AUTOTH) ->    2

  1 <-    2 (rq_id 3439,  DIA,              REQ_HANDLER_MSADM) ->  -1

RqQQueueIsInSessionQueue: queue <EmbryoQueue_DIA> in slot 26 is in high priority session queue

RqQQueueAddToSessionQueue: queue <EmbryoQueue_DIA> in slot 26 is already in high priority session queue

Session queue dump (high priority, 1 elements, peak 1):

  -1 <-  26 <                EmbryoQueue_DIA> ->  -1

RqQNotifySessionQueue: notify high priority session queue of queue <EmbryoQueue_DIA> (DIA) (id=2)

RqQNotifyWaitingWorker: 2 high priority requests pending for DP_WORKER_DIAWP, no waiting worker found

RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <EmbryoQueue_DIA> in slot 26 contains 2 requests of type DIA

DpRqPutIntoQueue: put request into EMBRYO queue (workerType 1, prio LOW, rq_id 3439), queue has 2 requests

DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_MSADM request (rq_id 3439, slot 4)

DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us

DpCalcTimeSlice: calculate load, interval size is 2099306 us

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[DIA][0] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[UPD][0] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[ENQ][0] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[BTC][0] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[SPO][0] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[UP2][0] = 0.000000

DpSendLoadInfo: server in state STARTING, skip sending load infos

DpLoadCheck: o.k.

DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 18/206000 sec/usec

DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 18206 msec

*********** DP LOOP ***********

Request Handling Dump:

REQ_HANDLER_MSADM (rq_id 3439) from queue <DispatcherQueue> was handled by <Dispatcher>

DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request

CA Blocks

... skip next entries

2 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 2 currently unowned (in request queues)

DpCaLockBlk: locked ca_blk 2

NiIRead: hdl 25 received data (rcd=8,pac=1,MESG_IO)

NiBufIProcMsg: hdl 25 received NI_PING, reply NI_PONG

NiIWrite: hdl 25 sent data (wrt=8,pac=1,MESG_IO)

NiICheck: hdl 25 sent NI_PONG to partner

DpCaRelBlk: released ca_blk 2

Wed May 02 19:15:02 2040

NiIRead: SiRecv failed for hdl 25/sock 1012

    (SI_ECONN_BROKEN/0; I4; ST; P=; L=

NiSelISelectInt: 1 handles selected (1 buffered)

DpRTmPrepareReq: network error of not logged in client T0_U1, NiBufReceive (-6: NIECONN_BROKEN), dp_tm_status=DP_CONNECTED

Wed May 02 19:15:03 2040

NiHLGetHostName: got address from operating system

NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'

DpRTmPrepareReq: client address of T0_U1 is

DpTmDisconnect: disconnect T0_U1 (state=DP_CONNECTED)

DpTmDisintegrate: clean T0_U1, state=DP_CONN_BROKEN

DpDelSocketInfo: del info for nihdl 25 (pos/type=3/3)

NiICloseHandle: shutdown and close hdl 25/sock 1012

DpGetSchedule: next schedule 2219616921/194000

DpGetSchedule: no schedule found

DpITmSlotRelease: release T0_U1

DpListRemove: remove elem 0 from tmadm_inuse_list

DpListRemove: 0 elems in tmadm_inuse_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 0 into tmadm_free_list (at begin)

DpListInsert: 200 elems in tmadm_free_list

DpLoopExec: DpRTmPrepReq failed

RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 0 requests of type NOWP

DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us

DpCalcTimeSlice: calculate load, interval size is 425371 us

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[DIA][1] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[UPD][1] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[ENQ][1] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[BTC][1] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[SPO][1] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[UP2][1] = 0.000000

DpSendLoadInfo: server in state STARTING, skip sending load infos

DpLoadCheck: o.k.

DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 17/800000 sec/usec

DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 17800 msec

*********** DP LOOP ***********

DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request

CA Blocks

... skip next entries

2 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 2 currently unowned (in request queues)

Wed May 02 19:15:07 2040

NiSelISelectInt: 1 handles selected (0 buffered)

DpLoopExec: Request queue notification received

RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP

RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP

NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache

NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'

NiDgHdlRecvFrom: hdl 1 received 1 bytes from SAPIDESECC:54412

RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat one selectable handle wakeup  (id=1), 1. receive

RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat selectable handle wakeup for queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (before cs)

RqQQueueGetRequest: Get request of queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (timeout=0)

RqQRequestFree: Free request in slot 3 (rq_id 3441)

RqQQueueGetRequest: Request rq_id 3441 found in queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0

rq_id 3441

-IN-- ca_blk    -1          len      0      

-IN-- sDataLen  4            sData    FC0D0000


-IN-- sender address:

-IN-- type      LOCAL

-IN-- agentType ICMAN  

-IN-- receiver address:

-IN-- type      LOCAL

-IN-- agentType DISP    

DpRqCopyAndMoveData: copying REQ_HANDLER_REGISTER_PROCESS request (rq_id 3441, slot 5)

DpRqServiceQueue: Handle NOWP request queue (rq_id 3441)

DpRqNoWpHandle: handle req (rq_id 3441) with new addressing (LOCAL)

DpIcmConnect: connect to ICM

DpDeleteRq: delete rq_id 3441

DpMsDeleteRq: handle rq_id 3441

DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_REGISTER_PROCESS request (rq_id 3441, slot 5)

DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us

DpLoadCheck: o.k.

DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 13/666000 sec/usec

DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 13666 msec

*********** DP LOOP ***********

Request Handling Dump:

REQ_HANDLER_REGISTER_PROCESS (rq_id 3441) from queue <DispatcherQueue> was handled by <Dispatcher>

DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request

CA Blocks

... skip next entries

2 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 2 currently unowned (in request queues)

Wed May 02 19:15:09 2040

NiSelISelectInt: 1 handles selected (0 buffered)

DpLoopExec: Request queue notification received

RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP

RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP

NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache

NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'

NiDgHdlRecvFrom: hdl 1 received 1 bytes from SAPIDESECC:54412

RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat one selectable handle wakeup  (id=2), 1. receive

RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat selectable handle wakeup for queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (before cs)

RqQQueueGetRequest: Get request of queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (timeout=0)

RqQRequestFree: Free request in slot 0 (rq_id 3442)

RqQQueueGetRequest: Request rq_id 3442 found in queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0

rq_id 3442

-IN-- ca_blk    -1          len      0      



-IN-- sender address:

-IN-- type      LOCAL

-IN-- agentType ICMAN  

-IN-- receiver address:

-IN-- type      LOCAL

-IN-- agentType DISP    

DpRqCopyAndMoveData: copying REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE request (rq_id 3442, slot 6)

DpRqServiceQueue: Handle NOWP request queue (rq_id 3442)

DpRqNoWpHandle: handle req (rq_id 3442) with new addressing (LOCAL)

DpIcmHandleAdminRequest: handle opcode DP_ICM_OC_SERV_CHANGED

DpIcmUpdateServices: send request to icman

DpRqCreate: creating REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE_RESP request (rq_id 3443, slot 7)

DpCaLockBlk: locked ca_blk 2

DpRqSendRequest: REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE_RESP (rq_id 3443) from DISP to local ICMAN

DpCaGiveUpOwnerOfBlk: give up ownership of ca_blk 2

rq_id 3443

-OUT- ca_blk    2            len      5180  


-OUT- sender address:

-OUT- type      LOCAL

-OUT- agentType DISP    

-OUT- receiver address:

-OUT- type      LOCAL

-OUT- agentType ICMAN  

RqQAddRequest: Add request rq_id 3443 (NOWP) to queue <IcmanQueue> in slot 2 at the end

Dump of queue <IcmanQueue> in slot 2 (1 requests, in use, port=54410):

  -1 <-    0 (rq_id 3443, NOWP,  REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE_RESP) ->  -1

NiICreateHandle: hdl 26 state NI_INITIAL_CON

NiIInitSocket: set default settings for new hdl 26/sock 1012 (I4; DG)

NiDgHdlCreateForProto: state of hdl 26 NI_DG_UNCONNECTED

NiISetSockOpt: set option SOL_SOCKET-SO_REUSEADDR of hdl 26 to FALSE

NiIConnectSocket: connection of hdl 26 established to

NiDgHdlConnect: state of hdl 26 NI_DG_CONNECTED

RqQQueueNotifySelectableHandleAsync: Created new NI connection for queue <IcmanQueue> in slot 2 on port 54410 (54416)

RqQQueueNotifySelectableHandleAsync: Signal selectable handle for queue <IcmanQueue> in slot 2 on port 54410 (id=1)

NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache

NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'

NiDgHdlSend: hdl 26 sent 1 of 1 bytes to SAPIDESECC:54410

RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <IcmanQueue> in slot 2 contains 1 requests of type NOWP

DpRqPutIntoQueue: put request into ICMAN queue (workerType 0, prio LOW, rq_id 3443), queue has 1 requests

DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE_RESP request (rq_id 3443, slot 7)

Wed May 02 19:15:09 2040

DpDeleteRq: delete rq_id 3442

DpMsDeleteRq: handle rq_id 3442

DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE request (rq_id 3442, slot 6)

DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us

DpCalcTimeSlice: calculate load, interval size is 5760545 us

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[DIA][2] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[UPD][2] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[ENQ][2] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[BTC][2] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[SPO][2] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[UP2][2] = 0.000000

DpSendLoadInfo: server in state STARTING, skip sending load infos

DpLoadCheck: o.k.

DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 12/44000 sec/usec

DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 12044 msec

*********** DP LOOP ***********

Request Handling Dump:

REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE_RESP (rq_id 3418) from queue <IcmanQueue> was handled by <Icman>

REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE (rq_id 3442) from queue <DispatcherQueue> was handled by <Dispatcher>

DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request

CA Blocks

    0 ICMAN                    3580

... skip next entries

3 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 2 currently unowned (in request queues)

NiSelISelectInt: 1 handles selected (0 buffered)

DpLoopExec: Request queue notification received

RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP

RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP

NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache

NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'

NiDgHdlRecvFrom: hdl 1 received 1 bytes from SAPIDESECC:54412

RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat one selectable handle wakeup  (id=3), 1. receive

RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat selectable handle wakeup for queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (before cs)

RqQQueueGetRequest: Get request of queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (timeout=0)

RqQRequestFree: Free request in slot 3 (rq_id 3444)

RqQQueueGetRequest: Request rq_id 3444 found in queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0

rq_id 3444

-IN-- ca_blk    3            len      928    

-IN-- icm_opc  DP_ICM_OC_SERV_INFO


-IN-- sender address:

-IN-- type      LOCAL

-IN-- agentType ICMAN  

-IN-- receiver address:

-IN-- type      LOCAL

-IN-- agentType DISP    

DpCaBecomeOwnerOfBlk: become owner of ca_blk 3

DpRqCopyAndMoveData: copying REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE request (rq_id 3444, slot 😎

DpRqServiceQueue: Handle NOWP request queue (rq_id 3444)

Wed May 02 19:15:09 2040

DpRqNoWpHandle: handle req (rq_id 3444) with new addressing (LOCAL)

DpIcmHandleAdminRequest: handle opcode DP_ICM_OC_SERV_INFO

DpPlgGetVirtHost: search virt host for 1/SAPIDESECC/0

DpPlgGetVirtHost: no server defined, use default

NiIGetServNo: servicename '0' = port 0

NiHLGetNodeAddr: found hostname 'SAPIDESECC' in cache

NiIGetNodeAddr: hostname 'SAPIDESECC' = addr

DpMsUpdateICMData: Service Info: 0. active=0, host=SAPIDESECC, extbind=0, protocol=1, kato: 60, vhidx: 0, sname: 0


MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_HTTP (2)

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes

MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name          MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -

MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok

Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER

MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call


MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_HTTP_E (2)

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes

MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name          MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -

MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok

Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER

MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call


MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_HTTPRI (2)

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes

MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name          MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -

MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok

Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER

MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call


MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_HTTPS (2)

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes

MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name          MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -

MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok

Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER

MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call

Wed May 02 19:15:09 2040


MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_HTTPS_E (2)

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes

MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name          MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -

MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok

Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER

MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call


MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_HTTPSRI (2)

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes

MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name          MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -

MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok

Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER

MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call


MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_SMTP (2)

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes

MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name          MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -

MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok

Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER

MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call


MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_SMTP_E (2)

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes

MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name          MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -

MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok

Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER

MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call


MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_FTP (2)

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes

MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name          MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -

MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok

Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER

MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call

Wed May 02 19:15:09 2040


MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_FTP_E (2)

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes

MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name          MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -

MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok

Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER

MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call


MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_NNTP (2)

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes

MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name          MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -

MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok

Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER

MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call


MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_NNTP_E (2)

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes

MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name          MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -

MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok

Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER

MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call

DpDeleteRq: delete rq_id 3444

DpMsDeleteRq: handle rq_id 3444

DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE request (rq_id 3444, slot 😎

DpRqFreeResources: releasing ca_blk 3 with request rq_id 3444

DpCaRelBlk: released ca_blk 3

DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us

DpCalcTimeSlice: calculate load, interval size is 20102 us

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[DIA][3] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[UPD][3] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[ENQ][3] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[BTC][3] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[SPO][3] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[UP2][3] = 0.000000

DpSendLoadInfo: server in state STARTING, skip sending load infos

DpLoadCheck: o.k.

DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 12/28000 sec/usec

Wed May 02 19:15:09 2040

DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 12028 msec

*********** DP LOOP ***********

Request Handling Dump:

REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE (rq_id 3444) from queue <DispatcherQueue> was handled by <Dispatcher>

REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE_RESP (rq_id 3443) from queue <IcmanQueue> was handled by <Icman>

DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request

CA Blocks

... skip next entries

2 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 2 currently unowned (in request queues)

NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)

NiSelISelectInt: 2 handles selected (1 buffered)

DpLoopExec: Request queue notification received

RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 2 requests of type NOWP

MsINiRead: received 114 bytes

MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -

opcode  : MS_DEL_LOGON

retcode : MSOP_NOTSET

version : 1

charset : 3

DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON

DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET

NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiRead: received 114 bytes

MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -

opcode  : MS_DEL_LOGON

retcode : MSOP_NOTSET

version : 1

charset : 3

DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON

DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET

NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiRead: received 114 bytes

MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -

opcode  : MS_DEL_LOGON

retcode : MSOP_NOTSET

version : 1

charset : 3

DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON

DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET

NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiRead: received 114 bytes

MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -

opcode  : MS_DEL_LOGON

retcode : MSOP_NOTSET

version : 1

charset : 3

DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON

DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET

NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiRead: received 114 bytes

MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -

opcode  : MS_DEL_LOGON

retcode : MSOP_NOTSET

version : 1

charset : 3

DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON

DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET

NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiRead: received 114 bytes

MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -

opcode  : MS_DEL_LOGON

retcode : MSOP_NOTSET

version : 1

charset : 3

Wed May 02 19:15:09 2040

DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON

DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET

NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiRead: received 114 bytes

MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -

opcode  : MS_DEL_LOGON

retcode : MSOP_NOTSET

version : 1

charset : 3

DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON

DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET

NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiRead: received 114 bytes

MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -

opcode  : MS_DEL_LOGON

retcode : MSOP_NOTSET

version : 1

charset : 3

DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON

DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET

NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiRead: received 114 bytes

MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -

opcode  : MS_DEL_LOGON

retcode : MSOP_NOTSET

version : 1

charset : 3

DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON

DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET

NiIRead: hdl 17 recv would block (errno=EAGAIN)

NiIRead: read for hdl 17 timed out (0ms)

DpLoopExec: 9 MS message(s) processed

RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 2 requests of type NOWP

NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache

NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'

NiDgHdlRecvFrom: hdl 1 received 1 bytes from SAPIDESECC:54412

RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat one selectable handle wakeup  (id=4), 1. receive

RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat selectable handle wakeup for queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (before cs)

RqQQueueGetRequest: Get request of queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (timeout=0)

RqQRequestFree: Free request in slot 3 (rq_id 3445)

Dump of queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (1 requests, in use, port=54405):

  -1 <-    0 (rq_id 3446, NOWP,      REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE) ->  -1

RqQQueueGetRequest: Request rq_id 3445 found in queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0

rq_id 3445

-IN-- ca_blk    -1          len      0      



-IN-- sender address:

-IN-- type      LOCAL

-IN-- agentType ICMAN  

-IN-- receiver address:

-IN-- type      LOCAL

-IN-- agentType DISP    

DpRqCopyAndMoveData: copying REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE request (rq_id 3445, slot 9)

DpRqServiceQueue: Handle NOWP request queue (rq_id 3445)

DpRqNoWpHandle: handle req (rq_id 3445) with new addressing (LOCAL)

DpIcmHandleAdminRequest: handle opcode DP_ICM_OC_OPERATIONAL

DpIcmHandleAdminRequest: icm up and operational

DpDeleteRq: delete rq_id 3445

DpMsDeleteRq: handle rq_id 3445

DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE request (rq_id 3445, slot 9)

Wed May 02 19:15:09 2040

NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache

NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'

NiDgHdlRecvFrom: hdl 1 received 1 bytes from SAPIDESECC:54412

RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat one selectable handle wakeup  (id=5), 1. receive

RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat selectable handle wakeup for queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (before cs)

RqQQueueGetRequest: Get request of queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (timeout=0)

RqQRequestFree: Free request in slot 0 (rq_id 3446)

RqQQueueGetRequest: Request rq_id 3446 found in queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0

rq_id 3446

-IN-- ca_blk    0            len      1342  

-IN-- icm_opc  DP_ICM_OC_SERV_INFO


-IN-- sender address:

-IN-- type      LOCAL

-IN-- agentType ICMAN  

-IN-- receiver address:

-IN-- type      LOCAL

-IN-- agentType DISP    

DpCaBecomeOwnerOfBlk: become owner of ca_blk 0

DpRqCopyAndMoveData: copying REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE request (rq_id 3446, slot 10)

DpRqServiceQueue: Handle NOWP request queue (rq_id 3446)

DpRqNoWpHandle: handle req (rq_id 3446) with new addressing (LOCAL)

DpIcmHandleAdminRequest: handle opcode DP_ICM_OC_SERV_INFO

DpPlgGetVirtHost: search virt host for 1/SAPIDESECC/0

DpPlgGetVirtHost: no server defined, use default

DpPlgGetVirtHost: search virt host for 4/SAPIDESECC/0

DpPlgGetVirtHost: no server defined, use default

NiIGetServNo: servicename '0' = port 0

NiIGetServNo: servicename '0' = port 0

MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_HTTP (2)

MsIBuildLogonData: misc = VHOST=0 (23)

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=183,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 183 bytes

MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/73 bytes) to name          MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -


Send 73 bytes to MSG_SERVER

MS_DEL_PROPERTY : asynchronous call

NiIGetServNo: servicename '0' = port 0

NiHLGetNodeAddr: found hostname 'SAPIDESECC' in cache

NiIGetNodeAddr: hostname 'SAPIDESECC' = addr

DpMsUpdateICMData: Service Info: 0. active=1, host=SAPIDESECC, extbind=0, protocol=1, kato: 60, vhidx: 0, sname: 0

NiIGetServNo: servicename '0' = port 0

NiHLGetNodeAddr: found hostname 'SAPIDESECC' in cache

NiIGetNodeAddr: hostname 'SAPIDESECC' = addr

DpMsUpdateICMData: Service Info: 1. active=1, host=SAPIDESECC, extbind=0, protocol=4, kato: 120, vhidx: 0, sname: 0


MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_HTTP (2)

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes

Wed May 02 19:15:09 2040

MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name          MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -

MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok

Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER

MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call


MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_HTTP_E (2)

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes

MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name          MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -

MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok

Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER

MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call


MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_HTTPRI (2)

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes

MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name          MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -

MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok

Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER

MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call


MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_HTTPS (2)

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes

MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name          MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -

MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok

Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER

MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call


MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_HTTPS_E (2)

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes

MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name          MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -

MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok

Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER

MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call


MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_HTTPSRI (2)

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes

Wed May 02 19:15:09 2040

MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name          MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -

MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok

Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER

MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call


MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_SMTP (2)

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes

MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name          MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -

MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok

Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER

MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call


MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_SMTP_E (2)

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes

MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name          MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -

MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok

Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER

MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call


MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_FTP (2)

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes

MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name          MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -

MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok

Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER

MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call


MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_FTP_E (2)

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes

MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name          MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -

MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok

Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER

MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call


MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_NNTP (2)

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes

Wed May 02 19:15:09 2040

MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name          MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -

MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok

Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER

MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call


MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_NNTP_E (2)

NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes

MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name          MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -

MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok

Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER

MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call

DpDeleteRq: delete rq_id 3446

DpMsDeleteRq: handle rq_id 3446

DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE request (rq_id 3446, slot 10)

DpRqFreeResources: releasing ca_blk 0 with request rq_id 3446

DpCaRelBlk: released ca_blk 0

DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us

DpLoadCheck: o.k.

DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 12/28000 sec/usec

DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 12028 msec

*********** DP LOOP ***********

Request Handling Dump:

REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE (rq_id 3445) from queue <DispatcherQueue> was handled by <Dispatcher>

REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE (rq_id 3446) from queue <DispatcherQueue> was handled by <Dispatcher>

DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request

CA Blocks

... skip next entries

1 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 1 currently unowned (in request queues)

NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)

NiSelISelectInt: 1 handles selected (1 buffered)

MsINiRead: received 114 bytes

MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -

opcode  : MS_DEL_LOGON

retcode : MSOP_NOTSET

version : 1

charset : 3

DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON

DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET

NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiRead: received 114 bytes

MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -

opcode  : MS_DEL_LOGON

retcode : MSOP_NOTSET

version : 1

charset : 3

DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON

DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET

Wed May 02 19:15:09 2040

NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiRead: received 114 bytes

MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -

opcode  : MS_DEL_LOGON

retcode : MSOP_NOTSET

version : 1

charset : 3

DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON

DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET

NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiRead: received 114 bytes

MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -


retcode : MSOP_NOTSET

version : 1

charset : 3

DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_PROPERTY


NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiRead: received 114 bytes

MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -

opcode  : MS_DEL_LOGON

retcode : MSOP_NOTSET

version : 1

charset : 3

DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON

DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET

NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiRead: received 114 bytes

MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -

opcode  : MS_DEL_LOGON

retcode : MSOP_NOTSET

version : 1

charset : 3

DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON

DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET

NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiRead: received 114 bytes

MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -

opcode  : MS_DEL_LOGON

retcode : MSOP_NOTSET

version : 1

charset : 3

DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON

DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET

NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiRead: received 114 bytes

MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -

opcode  : MS_DEL_LOGON

retcode : MSOP_NOTSET

version : 1

charset : 3

DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON

DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET

NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiRead: received 114 bytes

MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -

opcode  : MS_DEL_LOGON

retcode : MSOP_NOTSET

version : 1

charset : 3

DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON

DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET

NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiRead: received 114 bytes

MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -

opcode  : MS_DEL_LOGON

retcode : MSOP_NOTSET

version : 1

charset : 3

DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON

DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET

Wed May 02 19:15:09 2040

DpLoopExec: 10 MS message(s) processed (maxLoop reached)

RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 0 requests of type NOWP

DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us

DpLoadCheck: o.k.

DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 12/28000 sec/usec

DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 12028 msec

*********** DP LOOP ***********

DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request

CA Blocks

... skip next entries

1 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 1 currently unowned (in request queues)

NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)

NiSelISelectInt: 1 handles selected (1 buffered)

MsINiRead: received 114 bytes

MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -

opcode  : MS_DEL_LOGON

retcode : MSOP_NOTSET

version : 1

charset : 3

DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON

DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET

NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiRead: received 114 bytes

MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -

opcode  : MS_DEL_LOGON

retcode : MSOP_NOTSET

version : 1

charset : 3

DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON

DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET

NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiRead: received 114 bytes

MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -

opcode  : MS_DEL_LOGON

retcode : MSOP_NOTSET

version : 1

charset : 3

DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON

DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET

NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)

MsINiRead: received 114 bytes

MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -

opcode  : MS_DEL_LOGON

retcode : MSOP_NOTSET

version : 1

charset : 3

DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON

DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET

NiIRead: hdl 17 recv would block (errno=EAGAIN)

NiIRead: read for hdl 17 timed out (0ms)

DpLoopExec: 4 MS message(s) processed

RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 0 requests of type NOWP

DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us

DpLoadCheck: o.k.

DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 12/28000 sec/usec

DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 12028 msec

Wed May 02 19:15:09 2040

*********** DP LOOP ***********

DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request

CA Blocks

... skip next entries

1 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 1 currently unowned (in request queues)

NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)

NiSelISelectInt: 1 handles selected (1 buffered)

MsINiRead: received 114 bytes

MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -

opcode  : MS_DEL_LOGON

retcode : MSOP_NOTSET

version : 1

charset : 3

DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON

DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET

NiIRead: hdl 17 recv would block (errno=EAGAIN)

NiIRead: read for hdl 17 timed out (0ms)

DpLoopExec: 1 MS message(s) processed

RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 0 requests of type NOWP

DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us

DpLoadCheck: o.k.

DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 12/28000 sec/usec

DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 12028 msec

*********** DP LOOP ***********

DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request

CA Blocks

... skip next entries

1 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 1 currently unowned (in request queues)

NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)

NiSelISelectInt: 1 handles selected (1 buffered)

MsINiRead: received 114 bytes

MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -

opcode  : MS_DEL_LOGON

retcode : MSOP_NOTSET

version : 1

charset : 3

DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON

DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET

NiIRead: hdl 17 recv would block (errno=EAGAIN)

NiIRead: read for hdl 17 timed out (0ms)

DpLoopExec: 1 MS message(s) processed

RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 0 requests of type NOWP

DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us

DpLoadCheck: o.k.

DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 12/28000 sec/usec

DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 12028 msec

*********** DP LOOP ***********

DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request

Wed May 02 19:15:09 2040

CA Blocks

... skip next entries

1 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 1 currently unowned (in request queues)

NiSelISelectInt: 1 handles selected (0 buffered)

DpLoopExec: Request queue notification received

RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP

RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP

NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache

NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'

NiDgHdlRecvFrom: hdl 1 received 1 bytes from SAPIDESECC:54417

RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat one selectable handle wakeup  (id=6), 1. receive

RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat selectable handle wakeup for queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (before cs)

RqQQueueGetRequest: Get request of queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (timeout=0)

RqQRequestFree: Free request in slot 0 (rq_id 3447)

RqQQueueGetRequest: Request rq_id 3447 found in queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0

rq_id 3447

-IN-- ca_blk    -1          len      0      

-IN-- sDataLen  4            sData    04000000


-IN-- sender address:

-IN-- type      LOCAL

-IN-- agentType WORKER      workerTyp BTC          workerNum 12

-IN-- receiver address:

-IN-- type      LOCAL

-IN-- agentType DISP    

DpRqCopyAndMoveData: copying REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM request (rq_id 3447, slot 11)

DpRqServiceQueue: Handle NOWP request queue (rq_id 3447)

DpRqNoWpHandle: handle req (rq_id 3447) with new addressing (LOCAL)

ShmProtect( 4, 3 )

DpRqNoWpHandle: attached to shm segment 4

DpDeleteRq: delete rq_id 3447

DpMsDeleteRq: handle rq_id 3447

DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM request (rq_id 3447, slot 11)

DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us

DpLoadCheck: o.k.

DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 11/498000 sec/usec

DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 11498 msec

*********** DP LOOP ***********

Request Handling Dump:

REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM (rq_id 3447) from queue <DispatcherQueue> was handled by <Dispatcher>

DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request

CA Blocks

... skip next entries

1 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 1 currently unowned (in request queues)

NiSelISelectInt: 1 handles selected (0 buffered)

DpLoopExec: Request queue notification received

RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP

RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP

NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache

Wed May 02 19:15:09 2040

NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'

NiDgHdlRecvFrom: hdl 1 received 1 bytes from SAPIDESECC:54417

RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat one selectable handle wakeup  (id=7), 1. receive

RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat selectable handle wakeup for queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (before cs)

RqQQueueGetRequest: Get request of queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (timeout=0)

RqQRequestFree: Free request in slot 0 (rq_id 3448)

RqQQueueGetRequest: Request rq_id 3448 found in queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0

rq_id 3448

-IN-- ca_blk    -1          len      0      

-IN-- sDataLen  4            sData    2B000000


-IN-- sender address:

-IN-- type      LOCAL

-IN-- agentType WORKER      workerTyp BTC          workerNum 12

-IN-- receiver address:

-IN-- type      LOCAL

-IN-- agentType DISP    

DpRqCopyAndMoveData: copying REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM request (rq_id 3448, slot 12)

DpRqServiceQueue: Handle NOWP request queue (rq_id 3448)

DpRqNoWpHandle: handle req (rq_id 3448) with new addressing (LOCAL)

ShmProtect( 43, 3 )

DpRqNoWpHandle: attached to shm segment 43

DpDeleteRq: delete rq_id 3448

DpMsDeleteRq: handle rq_id 3448

DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM request (rq_id 3448, slot 12)

DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us

DpLoadCheck: o.k.

DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 11/217000 sec/usec

DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 11217 msec

*********** DP LOOP ***********

Request Handling Dump:

REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM (rq_id 3448) from queue <DispatcherQueue> was handled by <Dispatcher>

DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request

CA Blocks

... skip next entries

1 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 1 currently unowned (in request queues)

NiSelISelectInt: 1 handles selected (0 buffered)

DpLoopExec: Request queue notification received

RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP

RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 3 requests of type NOWP

NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache

NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'

NiDgHdlRecvFrom: hdl 1 received 1 bytes from SAPIDESECC:54417

RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat one selectable handle wakeup  (id=8), 1. receive

RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat selectable handle wakeup for queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (before cs)

RqQQueueGetRequest: Get request of queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (timeout=0)

RqQRequestFree: Free request in slot 0 (rq_id 3449)

Dump of queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (2 requests, in use, port=54405):

  -1 <-    3 (rq_id 3450, NOWP,        REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM) ->    4

Wed May 02 19:15:09 2040

  3 <-    4 (rq_id 3451, NOWP,        REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM) ->  -1

RqQQueueGetRequest: Request rq_id 3449 found in queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0

rq_id 3449

-IN-- ca_blk    -1          len      0      

-IN-- sDataLen  4            sData    2C000000


-IN-- sender address:

-IN-- type      LOCAL

-IN-- agentType WORKER      workerTyp BTC          workerNum 12

-IN-- receiver address:

-IN-- type      LOCAL

-IN-- agentType DISP    

DpRqCopyAndMoveData: copying REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM request (rq_id 3449, slot 13)

DpRqServiceQueue: Handle NOWP request queue (rq_id 3449)

DpRqNoWpHandle: handle req (rq_id 3449) with new addressing (LOCAL)

ShmProtect( 44, 3 )

DpRqNoWpHandle: attached to shm segment 44

DpDeleteRq: delete rq_id 3449

DpMsDeleteRq: handle rq_id 3449

DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM request (rq_id 3449, slot 13)

NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache

NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'

NiDgHdlRecvFrom: hdl 1 received 1 bytes from SAPIDESECC:54417

RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat one selectable handle wakeup  (id=9), 1. receive

RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat selectable handle wakeup for queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (before cs)

RqQQueueGetRequest: Get request of queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (timeout=0)

RqQRequestFree: Free request in slot 3 (rq_id 3450)

Dump of queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (1 requests, in use, port=54405):

  -1 <-    4 (rq_id 3451, NOWP,        REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM) ->  -1

RqQQueueGetRequest: Request rq_id 3450 found in queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0

rq_id 3450

-IN-- ca_blk    -1          len      0      

-IN-- sDataLen  4            sData    2D000000


-IN-- sender address:

-IN-- type      LOCAL

-IN-- agentType WORKER      workerTyp BTC          workerNum 12

-IN-- receiver address:

-IN-- type      LOCAL

-IN-- agentType DISP    

DpRqCopyAndMoveData: copying REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM request (rq_id 3450, slot 14)

DpRqServiceQueue: Handle NOWP request queue (rq_id 3450)

DpRqNoWpHandle: handle req (rq_id 3450) with new addressing (LOCAL)

Wed May 02 19:15:10 2040

ShmProtect( 45, 3 )

DpRqNoWpHandle: attached to shm segment 45

DpDeleteRq: delete rq_id 3450

DpMsDeleteRq: handle rq_id 3450

DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM request (rq_id 3450, slot 14)

NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache

NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'

NiDgHdlRecvFrom: hdl 1 received 1 bytes from SAPIDESECC:54417

RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat one selectable handle wakeup  (id=10), 1. receive

RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat selectable handle wakeup for queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (before cs)

RqQQueueGetRequest: Get request of queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (timeout=0)

RqQRequestFree: Free request in slot 4 (rq_id 3451)

RqQQueueGetRequest: Request rq_id 3451 found in queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0

rq_id 3451

-IN-- ca_blk    -1          len      0      

-IN-- sDataLen  4            sData    2A000000


-IN-- sender address:

-IN-- type      LOCAL

-IN-- agentType WORKER      workerTyp BTC          workerNum 12

-IN-- receiver address:

-IN-- type      LOCAL

-IN-- agentType DISP    

DpRqCopyAndMoveData: copying REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM request (rq_id 3451, slot 15)

DpRqServiceQueue: Handle NOWP request queue (rq_id 3451)

DpRqNoWpHandle: handle req (rq_id 3451) with new addressing (LOCAL)

ShmProtect( 42, 3 )

DpRqNoWpHandle: attached to shm segment 42

DpDeleteRq: delete rq_id 3451

DpMsDeleteRq: handle rq_id 3451

DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM request (rq_id 3451, slot 15)

DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us

DpLoadCheck: o.k.

DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 11/186000 sec/usec

DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 11186 msec

*********** DP LOOP ***********

Request Handling Dump:

REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM (rq_id 3449) from queue <DispatcherQueue> was handled by <Dispatcher>

REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM (rq_id 3450) from queue <DispatcherQueue> was handled by <Dispatcher>

REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM (rq_id 3451) from queue <DispatcherQueue> was handled by <Dispatcher>

DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request

CA Blocks

... skip next entries

1 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 1 currently unowned (in request queues)

Wed May 02 19:15:13 2040

NiSelISelectInt: 1 handles selected (0 buffered)

DpTmLogin: login request received

NiICreateHandle: hdl 41 state NI_INITIAL_CON

NiIInitSocket: set default settings for hdl 41/sock 1020 (I4; ST)

NiIBlockMode: set blockmode for hdl 41 FALSE

NiIAccept: state of hdl 41 NI_ACCEPTED

NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache

NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'

NiIAccept: hdl 9 accepted hdl 41 from SAPIDESECC:49191

NiIAccept: hdl 41 took local address

NiIHdlSetMaxValidPacketLen: new len 34816 for hdl 41

DpLogon: new normal logon with type/subType/workerType/prio DP_LOGON_GUI/DP_LOGON_SUB_TYPE_UNDEF/DIA/-

DpListRemove: remove elem 0 from tmadm_free_list

DpListRemove: 199 elems in tmadm_free_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 0 into tmadm_inuse_list (at begin)

DpListInsert: 1 elems in tmadm_inuse_list

RqQQueueDestroy: Destroy queue <T0_U1_M0> in slot 31 (10032)

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T0_U2

DpTmSlotAllocate: allocated T0_U2

RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <T0_U2_M0> in slot 31 (10034) with high priority

DpLogonInit: new logon T0_U2, type=DP_LOGON_GUI, state=DP_LOGON_STATE_LOGGED_ON, priority=high priority, workerType=DIA

DpAllocDpTmAdm: allocated slot for T0_U2

NiBufISetHdlParam: set alloc function for hdl 41 to 000000013F799420

DpAddSocketInfo: add info for nihdl 41 (pos/type/idx=5/3/0)

dp_tm_adm[0].stat = DP_CONNECTED

DpTmLogin: expect data from T0_U2_M0

RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 0 requests of type NOWP

DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us

DpCalcTimeSlice: calculate load, interval size is 3833312 us

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[DIA][4] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[UPD][4] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[ENQ][4] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[BTC][4] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[SPO][4] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[UP2][4] = 0.000000

DpSendLoadInfo: server in state STARTING, skip sending load infos

DpLoadCheck: o.k.

DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 8/191000 sec/usec

DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 8191 msec

*********** DP LOOP ***********

Wed May 02 19:15:13 2040

DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request

CA Blocks

... skip next entries

1 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 1 currently unowned (in request queues)

DpCaLockBlk: locked ca_blk 0

NiIRead: hdl 41 received data (rcd=8,pac=1,MESG_IO)

NiBufIProcMsg: hdl 41 received NI_PING, reply NI_PONG

NiIWrite: hdl 41 sent data (wrt=8,pac=1,MESG_IO)

NiICheck: hdl 41 sent NI_PONG to partner

DpCaRelBlk: released ca_blk 0

NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache

NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'

NiIRead: SiRecv failed for hdl 41/sock 1020

    (SI_ECONN_BROKEN/0; I4; ST; P=; L=

NiSelISelectInt: 1 handles selected (1 buffered)

DpRTmPrepareReq: network error of not logged in client T0_U2, NiBufReceive (-6: NIECONN_BROKEN), dp_tm_status=DP_CONNECTED

NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache

NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'

DpRTmPrepareReq: client address of T0_U2 is

DpTmDisconnect: disconnect T0_U2 (state=DP_CONNECTED)

DpTmDisintegrate: clean T0_U2, state=DP_CONN_BROKEN

DpDelSocketInfo: del info for nihdl 41 (pos/type=5/3)

NiICloseHandle: shutdown and close hdl 41/sock 1020

DpGetSchedule: next schedule 2219616921/194000

DpGetSchedule: no schedule found

DpITmSlotRelease: release T0_U2

DpListRemove: remove elem 0 from tmadm_inuse_list

DpListRemove: 0 elems in tmadm_inuse_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 0 into tmadm_free_list (at begin)

DpListInsert: 200 elems in tmadm_free_list

DpLoopExec: DpRTmPrepReq failed

RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 0 requests of type NOWP

DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us

DpCalcTimeSlice: calculate load, interval size is 402 us

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[DIA][5] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[UPD][5] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[ENQ][5] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[BTC][5] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[SPO][5] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[UP2][5] = 0.000000

DpSendLoadInfo: server in state STARTING, skip sending load infos

Wed May 02 19:15:13 2040

DpLoadCheck: o.k.

DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 8/191000 sec/usec

DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 8191 msec

*********** DP LOOP ***********

DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request

CA Blocks

... skip next entries

1 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 1 currently unowned (in request queues)

Wed May 02 19:15:17 2040

NiSelISelectInt: 1 handles selected (0 buffered)

DpTmLogin: login request received

NiICreateHandle: hdl 42 state NI_INITIAL_CON

NiIInitSocket: set default settings for hdl 42/sock 292 (I4; ST)

NiIBlockMode: set blockmode for hdl 42 FALSE

NiIAccept: state of hdl 42 NI_ACCEPTED

NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache

NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'

NiIAccept: hdl 9 accepted hdl 42 from SAPIDESECC:49194

NiIAccept: hdl 42 took local address

NiIHdlSetMaxValidPacketLen: new len 34816 for hdl 42

DpLogon: new normal logon with type/subType/workerType/prio DP_LOGON_GUI/DP_LOGON_SUB_TYPE_UNDEF/DIA/-

DpListRemove: remove elem 0 from tmadm_free_list

DpListRemove: 199 elems in tmadm_free_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 0 into tmadm_inuse_list (at begin)

DpListInsert: 1 elems in tmadm_inuse_list

RqQQueueDestroy: Destroy queue <T0_U2_M0> in slot 31 (10034)

DpITmSlotClear: cleared T0_U3

DpTmSlotAllocate: allocated T0_U3

RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <T0_U3_M0> in slot 31 (10035) with high priority

DpLogonInit: new logon T0_U3, type=DP_LOGON_GUI, state=DP_LOGON_STATE_LOGGED_ON, priority=high priority, workerType=DIA

DpAllocDpTmAdm: allocated slot for T0_U3

NiBufISetHdlParam: set alloc function for hdl 42 to 000000013F799420

DpAddSocketInfo: add info for nihdl 42 (pos/type/idx=5/3/0)

dp_tm_adm[0].stat = DP_CONNECTED

DpTmLogin: expect data from T0_U3_M0

RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 0 requests of type NOWP

DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us

DpLoadCheck: o.k.

DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 3/901000 sec/usec

DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 3901 msec

*********** DP LOOP ***********

DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request

CA Blocks

... skip next entries

1 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 1 currently unowned (in request queues)

DpCaLockBlk: locked ca_blk 0

NiIRead: hdl 42 received data (rcd=8,pac=1,MESG_IO)

NiBufIProcMsg: hdl 42 received NI_PING, reply NI_PONG

NiIWrite: hdl 42 sent data (wrt=8,pac=1,MESG_IO)

Wed May 02 19:15:17 2040

NiICheck: hdl 42 sent NI_PONG to partner

DpCaRelBlk: released ca_blk 0

NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache

NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'

NiIRead: SiRecv failed for hdl 42/sock 292

    (SI_ECONN_BROKEN/0; I4; ST; P=; L=

NiSelISelectInt: 1 handles selected (1 buffered)

DpRTmPrepareReq: network error of not logged in client T0_U3, NiBufReceive (-6: NIECONN_BROKEN), dp_tm_status=DP_CONNECTED

NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache

NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'

DpRTmPrepareReq: client address of T0_U3 is

DpTmDisconnect: disconnect T0_U3 (state=DP_CONNECTED)

DpTmDisintegrate: clean T0_U3, state=DP_CONN_BROKEN

DpDelSocketInfo: del info for nihdl 42 (pos/type=5/3)

NiICloseHandle: shutdown and close hdl 42/sock 292

DpGetSchedule: next schedule 2219616921/194000

DpGetSchedule: no schedule found

DpITmSlotRelease: release T0_U3

DpListRemove: remove elem 0 from tmadm_inuse_list

DpListRemove: 0 elems in tmadm_inuse_list

DpListInsert: insert elem 0 into tmadm_free_list (at begin)

DpListInsert: 200 elems in tmadm_free_list

DpLoopExec: DpRTmPrepReq failed

RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 0 requests of type NOWP

DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us

DpCalcTimeSlice: calculate load, interval size is 4293379 us

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[DIA][6] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[UPD][6] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[ENQ][6] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[BTC][6] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[SPO][6] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[UP2][6] = 0.000000

DpSendLoadInfo: server in state STARTING, skip sending load infos

DpLoadCheck: o.k.

DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 3/901000 sec/usec

DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 3901 msec

*********** DP LOOP ***********

DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request

CA Blocks

... skip next entries

1 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 1 currently unowned (in request queues)

Wed May 02 19:15:20 2040

NiSelISelectInt: 1 handles selected (0 buffered)

DpLoopExec: Request queue notification received

RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP

RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP

NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache

NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'

NiDgHdlRecvFrom: hdl 1 received 1 bytes from SAPIDESECC:54417

RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat one selectable handle wakeup  (id=11), 1. receive

RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat selectable handle wakeup for queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (before cs)

RqQQueueGetRequest: Get request of queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (timeout=0)

RqQRequestFree: Free request in slot 4 (rq_id 3486)

RqQQueueGetRequest: Request rq_id 3486 found in queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0

rq_id 3486

-IN-- ca_blk    -1          len      0      

-IN-- sDataLen  4            sData    29000000


-IN-- sender address:

-IN-- type      LOCAL

-IN-- agentType WORKER      workerTyp BTC          workerNum 12

-IN-- receiver address:

-IN-- type      LOCAL

-IN-- agentType DISP    

DpRqCopyAndMoveData: copying REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM request (rq_id 3486, slot 16)

DpRqServiceQueue: Handle NOWP request queue (rq_id 3486)

DpRqNoWpHandle: handle req (rq_id 3486) with new addressing (LOCAL)

ShmProtect( 41, 3 )

DpRqNoWpHandle: attached to shm segment 41

DpDeleteRq: delete rq_id 3486

DpMsDeleteRq: handle rq_id 3486

DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM request (rq_id 3486, slot 16)

DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us

DpLoadCheck: o.k.

DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 0/656000 sec/usec

DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 656 msec

*********** DP LOOP ***********

Request Handling Dump:

REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM (rq_id 3486) from queue <DispatcherQueue> was handled by <Dispatcher>

DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request

CA Blocks

... skip next entries

1 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 1 currently unowned (in request queues)

Wed May 02 19:15:21 2040

NiSelISelectInt: 1 handles selected (0 buffered)

DpLoopExec: Request queue notification received

RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP

RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP

NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache

NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'

NiDgHdlRecvFrom: hdl 1 received 1 bytes from SAPIDESECC:54417

RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat one selectable handle wakeup  (id=12), 1. receive

RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat selectable handle wakeup for queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (before cs)

RqQQueueGetRequest: Get request of queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (timeout=0)

RqQRequestFree: Free request in slot 4 (rq_id 3487)

RqQQueueGetRequest: Request rq_id 3487 found in queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0

rq_id 3487

-IN-- ca_blk    -1          len      0      

-IN-- sDataLen  4            sData    14000000


-IN-- sender address:

-IN-- type      LOCAL

-IN-- agentType WORKER      workerTyp BTC          workerNum 12

-IN-- receiver address:

-IN-- type      LOCAL

-IN-- agentType DISP    

DpRqCopyAndMoveData: copying REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM request (rq_id 3487, slot 17)

DpRqServiceQueue: Handle NOWP request queue (rq_id 3487)

DpRqNoWpHandle: handle req (rq_id 3487) with new addressing (LOCAL)

ShmProtect( 20, 3 )

DpRqNoWpHandle: attached to shm segment 20

DpDeleteRq: delete rq_id 3487

DpMsDeleteRq: handle rq_id 3487

DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM request (rq_id 3487, slot 17)

DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us

DpCalcTimeSlice: calculate load, interval size is 3829694 us

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[DIA][7] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[UPD][7] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[ENQ][7] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[BTC][7] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[SPO][7] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[UP2][7] = 0.000000

DpSendLoadInfo: server in state STARTING, skip sending load infos

DpLoadCheck: o.k.

DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 0/79000 sec/usec

DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 79 msec

*********** DP LOOP ***********

Request Handling Dump:

REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM (rq_id 3487) from queue <DispatcherQueue> was handled by <Dispatcher>

DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request

CA Blocks

... skip next entries

1 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 1 currently unowned (in request queues)

Wed May 02 19:15:21 2040

NiSelISelectInt: 0 handles selected (0 buffered)

RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 0 requests of type NOWP

DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us

DpCalcTimeSlice: calculate load, interval size is 85148 us

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[DIA][8] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[UPD][8] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[ENQ][8] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[BTC][8] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[SPO][8] = 0.000000

DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[UP2][8] = 0.000000

DpSendLoadInfo: server in state STARTING, skip sending load infos

DpLoadCheck: o.k.

DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 (in the past)

DpGetSchedule: actTime=2219616921/209000

DpGetSchedule: found slot 4 (type/tid/mode BGRFC_WATCHDOG/-1/255, time=2219616921/194000)

DpTimeCheck: next 2219616921/194000, bgRfc watchdog is inactive, bgrfc watchdog time 300

DpSetNextSchedule: next schedule for slot 4: 2219617221/209000 (300/0 sec/msec)

DpCalcNextSchedule: next_schedule: 2219616922/194000

DpTimeCheck: activate bgrfc watchdog

DpRqCreate: creating REQ_HANDLER_BGRFC_WATCHDOG request (rq_id 3488, slot 18)

DpRqSendRequest: REQ_HANDLER_BGRFC_WATCHDOG (rq_id 3488) from DISP to local WORKER

rq_id 3488

-OUT- ca_blk    -1          len      0      


-OUT- sender address:

-OUT- type      LOCAL

-OUT- agentType DISP    

-OUT- respId    3489  

-OUT- receiver address:

-OUT- type      LOCAL

-OUT- agentType WORKER      workerTyp DIA    

RqQAddRequest: Add request rq_id 3488 (DIA) to queue <EmbryoQueue_DIA> in slot 26 at the end

Dump of queue <EmbryoQueue_DIA> in slot 26 (3 requests, port=0):

  -1 <-    1 (rq_id 3420,  DIA,            REQ_HANDLER_AUTOTH) ->    2

  1 <-    2 (rq_id 3439,  DIA,              REQ_HANDLER_MSADM) ->    4

  2 <-    4 (rq_id 3488,  DIA,    REQ_HANDLER_BGRFC_WATCHDOG) ->  -1

RqQQueueIsInSessionQueue: queue <EmbryoQueue_DIA> in slot 26 is in high priority session queue

RqQQueueAddToSessionQueue: queue <EmbryoQueue_DIA> in slot 26 is already in high priority session queue

Session queue dump (high priority, 1 elements, peak 1):

  -1 <-  26 <                EmbryoQueue_DIA> ->  -1

RqQNotifySessionQueue: notify high priority session queue of queue <EmbryoQueue_DIA> (DIA) (id=3)

RqQNotifyWaitingWorker: 5 high priority requests pending for DP_WORKER_DIAWP, no waiting worker found

RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <EmbryoQueue_DIA> in slot 26 contains 3 requests of type DIA

DpRqPutIntoQueue: put request into EMBRYO queue (workerType 1, prio LOW, rq_id 3488), queue has 3 requests

DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_BGRFC_WATCHDOG request (rq_id 3488, slot 18)

DpGetSchedule: actTime=2219616921/209000

DpGetSchedule: next schedule 2219616922/194000

DpGetSchedule: no schedule found

DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616922/194000 in 0/985000 sec/usec

Wed May 02 19:15:21 2040

DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 985 msec

*********** DP LOOP ***********

DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request

CA Blocks

... skip next entries

1 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 1 currently unowned (in request queues)

NiSelISelectInt: 1 handles selected (0 buffered)

DpLoopExec: Request queue notification received

RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP

RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP

NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache

NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'

NiDgHdlRecvFrom: hdl 1 received 1 bytes from SAPIDESECC:54417

RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat one selectable handle wakeup  (id=13), 1. receive

RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat selectable handle wakeup for queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (before cs)

RqQQueueGetRequest: Get request of queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (timeout=0)

RqQRequestFree: Free request in slot 3 (rq_id 3490)

RqQQueueGetRequest: Request rq_id 3490 found in queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0

rq_id 3490

-IN-- ca_blk    -1          len      0      

-IN-- sDataLen  4            sData    2E000000


-IN-- sender address:

-IN-- type      LOCAL

-IN-- agentType WORKER      workerTyp BTC          workerNum 12

-IN-- receiver address:

-IN-- type      LOCAL

-IN-- agentType DISP    

DpRqCopyAndMoveData: copying REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM request (rq_id 3490, slot 19)

DpRqServiceQueue: Handle NOWP request queue (rq_id 3490)

DpRqNoWpHandle: handle req (rq_id 3490) with new addressing (LOCAL)

ShmProtect( 46, 3 )

DpRqNoWpHandle: attached to shm segment 46

DpDeleteRq: delete rq_id 3490

DpMsDeleteRq: handle rq_id 3490

DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM request (rq_id 3490, slot 19)

DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us

DpLoadCheck: o.k.

DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616922/194000 in 0/720000 sec/usec

DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 720 msec

*********** DP LOOP ***********


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Dear David,

To resolve your issue , you have to increase the virtual memory of your system.

- Open System by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, right-clicking Computer, and then clicking Properties.

- In the left pane, click Advanced system settings.  Administrator permission required If you're prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

- On the Advanced tab, under Performance, click Settings.

- Click the Advanced tab, and then, under Virtual memory, click Change.

- Clear the Automatically manage paging file size for all drives check box.

- Under Drive [Volume Label], click the drive that contains the paging file you want to change.

- Click Custom size, type a new size in megabytes in the Initial size (MB) or Maximum size (MB) box, click Set, and then click OK.

With Regards

Ashutosh Chaturvedi

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Ashutosh,

Thank you for all your help. I did all steps for increasing virtual memory and restart windows.

Initial size: 92286

Maximum size: 99999

Unfortunately the problem persist. I also increase ram memory to 10 Gb but no luck. I am going to try downgrade Kernel to 7.41 and see what happen. Any other ideas??

Best regards

David Cortes

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi David

After upgraded the kernel have you restart the full system?



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Sriram,

Yes I did.... Upgrade Kernel to 7.42 patch 101, Windows, MSS..

Best Regards

David Cortes

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi David,

The problem is that your dispatcher is going into a endless loop.

When the dispatcher is going into a endless loop , can you check the memory and cpu utilization on the server.

Also do paste the log of dev_w0

Kindly paste the result

With Regards

Ashutosh Chaturvedi

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Ashuntosh,

Yes, it seems like is going into an endless loop for some reason or waiting for something. I am attaching full log dev_w1, which is the latest log written. Memory and cpu performance is very normal. I could not paste de info.

Best regard and thank you for all the help

David Cortes

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Experts,

I spent all weekend installing again IDES and the result was the same. I could find one possible error:

DpSetAvoidTraceInSignalHandler: 0 -> 1

DpCommonParamInit: rdisp/core_file_size = default --> no change

NiSrvLGetServNo: got service name 'sapdp00' from operating system

NiIGetServNo: servicename 'sapdp00' = port 3200

NiSrvLGetServNo: got service name 'sapgw00' from operating system

NiIGetServNo: servicename 'sapgw00' = port 3300

NiMyHostName: hostname = 'SAPIDESECC'

NiHLGetNodeAddr: got hostname 'SAPIDESECC' from operating system

NiIGetNodeAddr: hostname 'SAPIDESECC' = addr

NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache

NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC' (fq)

Fri May 04 02:36:50 2040

NiHLGetNodeAddr: hostname 'www.doesnotexist0196.qqq.nxst' not found by operating system

*** WARNING => DpNetCheck: NiHostToAddr(www.doesnotexist0196.qqq.nxst) took 24 seconds

Fri May 04 02:37:11 2040

NiHLGetHostName: address not found by operating system

*** WARNING => DpNetCheck: NiAddrToHost( took 21 seconds

NiSrvLGetServNo: got service name 'http' from operating system

NiIGetServNo: servicename 'http' = port 80

NiSrvLGetServName: port 8080 not found by operating system

NiSrvLGetServName: port 64555 not found by operating system

NiSrvLGetServNo: service name 'sapdp9988' not found by operating system

***LOG GZZ=> 2 possible network problems detected - check tracefile and adjust the DNS settings [dpxxtool2.c  5079]

SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal 16 installed (DpTrcOnOff, flag 0)

SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal 17 installed (DpTrcOnOff, flag 0)

SigIRegisterRoutine: alarm handler installed (DpSigAlrm)

SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal SIGINT installed (DpSigInt, flag 0)

SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal SIGTERM installed (DpSigInt, flag 0)

SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal 3 installed (DpSigQuit, flag 0)

MtxInit: 30000 0 0

Do you think this may be the main problem??

Best Regards.

David Cortes

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Experts,

I finally got solution. The problem is: I was setting the date in my system in the year 2040. I was hopping getting IDES forever jijijijijiji...... Learning leason. Do not be so greedy like me and install IDES without changing anything. You realise that there are so many beatiful things to do during weekend. Go outside!!!!

Best regards my friends.

David Cortes

Answers (0)