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What is other modules involved in Banking

0 Kudos

Dear Exports,

One of my client wants to implement the SAP Banking....

I want the clarification for below:

  1. What is SAP Banking
  2. Basic information about banking module
  3. For which sectors its suits
  4. What are the integration modules

Appreciate for your quick knowledge sharing

Best Regards



Former Member
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SAP Banking is a software solution developed by SAP targeting Banking Industry.

It is suffice to say that it is similar to any other module released by SAP. Hope you can relate to with whichever module your expertise lies in.

To have complete (SAP)Banking solutions might use CRM, Banking Services, Bank Analyzer & FI-CAx

Again some might use non SAP system for any of the above function and use SAP for the rest, it entirely business decision arrived at looking at company's need and solution offering from respective software manufacturer.

0 Kudos

Dear Denil Kumar,

Appreciate your quick response....

Give me more knowledge on this...... 
