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Output to trigger header ship in return order

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Hi All,

Good Morning,

Please share your valuable inputs and solution for the below :

We have a return process and we create the ZCR document and then ZRE document. In our ZCR document we have multiple line items. Each line item having different ship to part line item wise different from ZCR header ship to party.

for e.g. ZCR document having sold to as A and Ship to party as B. We have 3 line items having ship to party as C/D/E. The output conditon record has been set up on ZRE document and SH partner funtion.

As per the standard process once we create ZRE document the output ZD01 gets triggered multiple times as per ship to parties in line items of ZRE document created form ZCR.

Client requirement is output should trigger once only to ZCR header ship to.

please share the best solution with all your inputs how we should tackle this requirement.



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So in sales return we only have return billing ZRE created from ZCR document return credit order.

If no material movement is involved your business should have used ZG2 billing type instead of ZRE.

Do you know why they used ZRE?


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Please explain this:

From credit memo request business is created return cycle. Why?

In RE order there are several SH (one at header, and several at item level) but in RE delivery there can be single SH. With reference to what (RE order / delivery) is RE bill created?

Why from RE bill you need to send output to SH?


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Hello Glenn,

In my ZRE document the output has got triggered on ship to parties which are at item level. In ZRE Return Billing document the record is just set up based on document type and SH partner function.

Client requirement is that output should get trigger for the ZCR ship to part only. I need the way  the best way to achieve the solution for this.

Please go through my thread again I have explain with example and let me know how can we tackle this and this is global requirement.



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In the condition record, in addition to partner function (SH), give the partner number (B). The output created during return order bill will only go to A only.

added: This might not work if for the same combination (as in the record), for a different bill there is someother partner number.


Message was edited by: TW Typewriter - added in blue

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Hi All,

Let me recap again.

In our client business we dont have physical returns process so physical delivery is not there. That is done in a seperate process by MM team in their returns movement.

So in sales return we only have return billing ZRE created from ZCR document return credit order.

In ZRE document header we dont have ship to party

We have issue with the ZRE document output types.

for e.g. ZCR document having sold to as A and Ship to party as B. We have 3 line items having ship to party as C/D/E. The output conditon record has been set up on ZRE document and SH partner funtion.

As per the standard process once we create ZRE document the output ZD01 gets triggered multiple times as per ship to parties in line items of ZRE document created form ZCR

Please concentrate only on the issue of ZRE document.

Please go through and dont get confused please.

We need the solution how to rectify the problem and it is global requirement.



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Your business flow is - ZCR > ZRE (bill)

In ZCR, SH B (for example) is at header level. Why don't you have SH partner function at ZRE, bill level too?

Is ZD01 output type in the procedure which is assigned to billing type?


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Hi All,

With respect to the reply I have added partner funciton SH in the Partner determination procedure FP we are using in the ZRE Billing document header.

I have created ZCR document with header ship to party different from the item level ship to party. Please refer the screen shots below showing the ZCR header ship to and line item ship to.

Now when  have created the ZG2 document after my configuration it should have copied the ZCR header ship to party but insted it copied the ZCR item ship to  part to ZG2 header ship to. Please refer the screen shot below.

Please advise here on a very high priority in case I have miss any other configuration. I want ZCR header ship to be copied to ZG2 header ship to.



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Hello Farhan

I  am not going to SAP but trying to understand your business requirment .Since you have diffreent partner's at item level , I  assume single Invoice(ZRE/ZG2) has to be created . For Single Invoice below are two examples.Kindly let us know which one suits you well?

Example -1

ZG2/ZRE- Header - A- Sold to

                 Header - B - Ship To

Item Level -

              Item   Shi to Party Partner -   Output

              10                        C          -     ZD01

              20                        D          -     ZD02

Trriger ZD01/ZD02  only if billing document type is  ZG2/ZRE and WE= B.( Standard and existing set up)

Or the Requirment is like as below

Example -2

ZG2/ZRE- Header - A- Sold To

                 Header - B - Ship To

Item Level -

              Item   Shi to Party Partner -   Output

              10                        C          -     ZD01

              20                        D          -     ZD01

Trriger ZD01 only if billing document type is  ZG2/ZRE and WE= C or D.



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Hi Farhan,

Can you guide us whether your output type triggered is header or item related output type? This thing which is very critical to your requirement and indeed that is missing.

B'coz, what I understand is if the output is triggered based on item partner, then it should be Item Output Type. If it is not item output type, it is not standard that the same output type will trigger multiple times for same partner type with a different partner no in header automatically for header output type.

Thanks, JP

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Hello All,

The requirement is very straight forward. Output ZD01 is at the header level.

Have you gone through my screen shots.

I want to know why the ZCR header ship to party is not getting copied to the ZRE as Header Ship to Part?

The Ship to Party of line item of ZCR is getting copied to the ZRE document as the header ship to party? even though I have done the configuration in Partner determination procedure FP of Billing Header by assigning SH partner function.

Please let me know how do I need to resolve this asap.

I want ZCR header ship to in ZRE header.



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Hi Santosh,

your example 1 is correct. the ZCR header ship to B should get copied to ZRE as Header Ship to and output should get triggered for B Ship to in ZRE at header level.



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Hello Farhan

This is I could understand from your requirment(given in screen shot) . Please re-confirm if my understanding is corrent .


Credit Note Hreader

ZCR-Sold To- 12021052

ZCR Ship To- 42007607

Item Level - 12021052

Item Level-   42011009


ZRE/ZG2 Sold to 12021052

ZRE/ZG2 Ship to 42011009

You want Header output should determine as


ZRE/ZG2 Sold to 12021052

ZRE/ZG2 Ship to 42007607

Hope I  am corect .



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Hi Santosh,

Yes ur understanding is correct as per my screen shot and new requirement.

Any idea how can i crack this.


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Hello Farhan,

Please explain for the case if system get this data .

This is another test scenario and let me know who is your system behaviour .

Credit Note Header.

ZCR-Sold To- 12021052

ZCR Ship To- 42007607

ZCR 10 Item Level  Sold To - 12021052

ZCR 10 Item Level-  Ship To  42011009

ZCR 20 Item Level - Sold To12021052

ZCR 20 Item Level-   Ship To 42011010


1. How many Invoice will be generated ? ( 1 single invoice or invoice split)?

2. What should be the WE in ZRE/ZG2? since we have 2 WE now ?

ZRE/ZG2 Sold to 12021052

ZRE/ZG2 Ship to ***** (what is the SP should pick up 42011009 or 42011010)

You want Header output should determine as


1.My understading as of now is for the above scenario a single invoice will be generated .

2. This is how ZRE/ZG2 will look like after chnages .


ZRE/ZG2 Sold to 12021052

ZRE/ZG2 Ship to 42007607

Item as below .

ZRE/ZG2 10 Item Level  Sold To - 12021052

ZRE/ZG2 10 Item Level-  Ship To  42011009

ZRE/ZG2 20 Item Level - Sold To12021052

ZRE/ZG2 20 Item Level-   Ship To 42011010

3. You want to maintain ZD01 for ZRE/ZG2/WE in our case (ZRE/ZG2-42007607).

This completes your required ?


Santosh Verma

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Hi Santosh,

I have already mentioned your understand in correct.

Credit Note Header.

ZCR-Sold To- 12021052

ZCR Ship To- 42007607

ZCR 10 Item Level  Sold To - 12021052

ZCR 10 Item Level-  Ship To  42011009

ZCR 20 Item Level - Sold To12021052

ZCR 20 Item Level-   Ship To 42011010

There will be two ZRE/ZG2 documents generated but I am not gettign the Header Ship to Party 42007607 in my ZRE/ZG2  document. Please can you let me know how can we tackle this even though I have done configuration as explained above.

This is quiet Urgent and we need to update the Business with solution.



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Hello Farhan

I am getting confused since requirment is not coming up clearly .


Now you said u will have two billing documents. I am not yet discussing SAP , I  am still trying to find and confirm the requirment .

"There will be two ZRE/ZG2 documents generated" but I am not gettign the Header Ship to Party 42007607 in my ZRE/ZG2  document.

This means requirment is like this .

Credit Note Header

ZCR-Sold To- 12021052

ZCR Ship To- 42007607

ZCR 10 Item Level  Sold To - 12021052

ZCR 10 Item Level-  Ship To  42011009

ZCR 20 Item Level - Sold To12021052

ZCR 20 Item Level-   Ship To 42011010

Credit note Billing  Document - A - (One output here )

ZRE/ZG2 Sold to 12021052

ZRE/ZG2 Ship to 42007607

Item as below .

ZRE/ZG2 10 Item Level  Sold To - 12021052

ZRE/ZG2 10 Item Level-  Ship To  42011009

Credit note Billing  Document - B (another One output here )

ZRE/ZG2 Sold to 12021052

ZRE/ZG2 Ship to 42007607

Item as below .

ZRE/ZG2 20 Item Level - Sold To12021052

ZRE/ZG2 20 Item Level-   Ship To 42011010



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Yes What you have wrote is correct. But now how to get Ship to 42007607 in the Header of ZG2/ZRE and Header Output should get triggered to the Ship to 42007607 only.

Any confusions let me know.



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Hello Farhan ,

If you look at "Partner Determination for Billing Header” FK, There is not ship to party at the header level. You only have BP, SP, PY. If you wish to  add SH at header level your invoice will split because of different Customer Number (SH) and Address number . I feel this is how you have configured your system as of now and you are able to get 42011009 and 42011010 at the Header billing document as SH.This does not suffice your requirement.

Focusing at your requirement you have shared, this is what you can do .

  1. Maintain ZG2/ZRE output condition record for billing type and SH.In your case its ZG2/ZRE- SH(42007607)
  2. Against ZD01 , develop a routine to check communication structure KOMKBV3 at the run time. Billing type and Sales Order number can be tracked at run time from KOMKBV3. Upon getting the Sales Order number pass the value to get VBPA  SH= (42007607).If system met up the above criterial then trigger the output.

Hope this helps .


Santosh Verma

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Hi Santosh,

Please read my previous posts. I have already done the configuration by assigning SH partner to FK partner determination procedure used for Billing. After that I have created the ZG2 document. Please see the Ship to Party is getting reflected in the Header but it is the line item ship to party which we want to crack. Please refer screen shot attached below again.

Please let me know if we have the solution for this.



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Hi Farhan

Try working with requirment as I suggested in point number 2 in previous post. Customize Routine can help to full fill the requirment .



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Hi Santosh,

Thanks for your reply.

First of all clarify my doubt whenever we create the order related invoice in standard for e.g. ZG2 from RE document does the item ship to party from the RE document becomes the Header Ship to in my G2 document. Please confirm on this.

In my copy control routine in copying requirements I have 0001 routine assigned. Enclosing the snap shot.

can we do something in copy control so that we can achieve this requirement. Please share your inputs on this.

How does the partner from Order Item becomes Ship to Header in RE ?. How it is control?.



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Hi All,

Please can anybody share their inputs. This is a bit urgent.



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Hi All,

We are triggering the output at the header level of the ZRE/ZG2 document and as per our requirement it should be triggered to SH partner function i.e Ship to Party of ZCR document. I have assigned partner function SH to my ZRE/ZRE. But when I am creating the ZRE/ZG2 from ZCR the ship to party at item level of ZCR document is getting copied as Header Ship to in ZRE/ZG2 which I dont want.

I want to copy Header ship to from ZCR to ZRE/ZG2. Please guide how can I achieve this.

This is really Urgent and we need to provide the solution to client.

Please help.



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Hi Santosh,

Please provide some inputs how to tackle this requirement. We need to provide the solution to the client. The technical solution is not feasible I checked with technical team.

Can we do something at copy control level so I can copy ZCR header ship to part.

We are triggering the output at the header level of the ZRE/ZG2 document and as per our requirement it should be triggered to SH partner function i.e Ship to Party of ZCR document. I have assigned partner function SH to my ZRE/ZRE. But when I am creating the ZRE/ZG2 from ZCR the ship to party at item level of ZCR document is getting copied as Header Ship to in ZRE/ZG2 which I dont want.

I want to copy Header ship to from ZCR to ZRE/ZG2. Please guide how can I achieve this.



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Hello Farhan ,

Did you check with technical team for their input on point number two suggested before .why Technical team cant develop a routine to check check sales Oder header SH at the time of output trigger. I feel  this is the easiest way .

Please relook at the below suggestion i suggested before .

A. Focusing at your requirement you have shared, this is what you can do .

  1. Maintain ZG2/ZRE output condition record for billing type and SH.In your case its ZG2/ZRE- SH(42007607)
  2. Against ZD01 , develop a routine to check communication structure KOMKBV3 at the run time. Billing type and Sales Order number can be tracked at run time from KOMKBV3. Upon getting the Sales Order number pass the value to get VBPA  SH= (42007607).If system met up the above criteria then trigger the output.

B. I can see there is an invoice split happening and Item level Ship to from Order Document getting copied to Header level billing document as SH.

I will update you back if I  am able to find some input for you .



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Have the output condition trigger on sold-to rather than ship-to, and display the header ship-to in the output.
